Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I really need to stop crying whenever I get even vaguely angry or frustrated. It's f***ing embarrassing.


I wish I could cry more. I've been conditioned and trained NOT to cry. :o It hurts holding it back.
I have a friend with exactly that problem; crying out of angry or frustration. What made you get angry/cry today?

I want to change my driving instructor because I simply don't get on particularly well with him and think it would benefit me to try someone else, but my parents automatically assumed that the reason I wanted to change was so I'd have an instructor who'd tell me what I wanted to hear and not point out mistakes etc (I've been learning for almost a year). That was not it at all. I wouldn't mind, but they constantly doubt me and assume the worst. With anyone else I might have been able to control myself, but I just got pissed off that of all people, my parents can't even attempt any real understanding of me. "They f*** you up, your mum and dad" etc.

I wish I could cry more. I've been conditioned and trained NOT to cry. :o It hurts holding it back.

See, I'm the exact opposite. I'd give anything to have actual control over how I express my emotions. And not have headaches and a sore throat every time I get pissed off because of the crying.

It must be frustrating if you feel like you absolutely can't though. Also, cute cat pic. That cheered me up a bit actually. :)
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I really need to stop crying whenever I get even vaguely angry or frustrated. It's f***ing embarrassing and I feel like a child.

Me too, and once I start crying I have trouble stopping. It drives me crazy because I know I look and sound like a whiny kid, and it never helps the situation.
I want to change my driving instructor because I simply don't get on particularly well with him and think it would benefit me to try someone else, but my parents automatically assumed that the reason I wanted to change was so I'd have an instructor who'd tell me what I wanted to hear and not point out mistakes etc (I've been learning for almost a year). That was not it at all. I wouldn't mind, but they constantly doubt me and assume the worst. With anyone else I might have been able to control myself, but I just got pissed off that of all people, my parents can't even attempt any real understanding of me. "They f*** you up, your mum and dad" etc.

Can't you just change without telling them?
Can't you just change without telling them?

No, because my dad likes to go out and have a 'chat' with my current instructor after most lessons :)rolleyes:) and in any case they pay for it all by cheque so would have to know which driving school to make it out to. I wish I was more financially independent and more generally trusted to make my own decisions- if that were the case I wouldn't care what they thought, but they don't trust me and I don't have the money to pay for it myself. They have said that I can, but that I'm basically on my own apart from on the money front and I know they completely disapprove.

Sorry, I don't randomly publish my issues and whine this much in real life, I swear. :p
No, because my dad likes to go out and have a 'chat' with my current instructor after most lessons :)rolleyes:) and in any case they pay for it all by cheque so would have to know which driving school to make it out to. I wish I was more financially independent and more generally trusted to make my own decisions- if that were the case I wouldn't care what they thought, but they don't trust me and I don't have the money to pay for it myself. They have said that I can, but that I'm basically on my own apart from on the money front and I know they completely disapprove.

Sorry, I don't randomly publish my issues and whine this much in real life, I swear. :p

You need to man up, dear! :p
But does it happend with you get into an argument with strangers or people your not that close with?

Occasionally. I never argue with strangers, even if they're ridiculously rude, because I'm too neurotically polite in public, but I have cried out of frustration and anger in front of people I'm not close to but have had to work/cooperate with for some reason, especially if they're boneheaded idiots anyway.* Luckily it doesn't happen often with friends because they're pretty much the only people I have a consistently good relationship with.

*That sounds horrible I know, but I have one particular group of people in mind who really were unbearable to be around.
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Occasionally. I never argue with strangers, even if they're ridiculously rude, because I'm too neurotically polite in public, but I have cried out of frustration and anger in front of people I'm not close to but have had to work/cooperate with for some reason, especially if they're boneheaded idiots anyway. Luckily it doesn't happen often with friends because they're pretty much the only people I have a consistently good relationship with.

Well it's kind of a good way to handle arguments, I mean no one can really be angry with someone who cries.
I suppose, but some people take it as a sign of weakness and act like it's something completely inappropriate and irrelevant, which just exacerbates the conflict and of course makes me cry more. :o

Yeah, whenever I for some reason cry the only thing that makes it better is when everyone pretend as I'm not crying and just carry on as normal.
its actually..

Afternoon tea (or 'high' tea)

its a class thing, hence why the afternoon tea got bastardized into replacing dinner, usually by the types who eat 'dinner' before 6pm.

(and i have a real THING about people calling Lunch Dinner.. arrghhh!) :rolleyes:

So,whats for Christmas lunch this year?
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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