Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I hate that song. Besides, it's George singing on it, not John.

Just whip out the Two Virgins sleeve when you need your Lennon frink fix. Of course, you'll also get an Ono frink fix, whether you like it or not.

Really? I always thought it was John, now I listen to it, it's f***ing obvious...
I always think John looks a bit..emancipated on that sleeve :p

The poor guy was worn out after a night of doing Yoko in every possible way and position.

You looked at his face? :p

Of course! Where were you looking!? And did you manage to disguise part of this post? Because something 'popped up' when I quoted you...that sounds rude, I cannot use that expression when I'm looking at a penis.
That's true. But I always thought he was a bit of a coward for hiding behind that ridiculous necklace thing he's wearing (same one he wore for the White Album pics, isn't it?). At least Yoko's not cheating.

That's debatable. John's hair is much shorter. ;)
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