Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

No, out of the packet! Huge king ones! I had to fight the cat for them.
gorrilla biscuits = 2nd wave hardcore a.k.a youth crew or what not.
next to bands like black flag, minor threat, bad brains, circle jerks and the such they seem very week.
Youth Crew bands were infamous for just being jocks who played watered down punk rock. With Their sportswear and apeing (see what i did there?) of nike trainers and coca-cola.
What happened to the Fun Lovin' Criminals? They played at one of my old university's and it's like, what happened?

Why really did Johnny join Modest Mouse?

Finally, what WILL become of our bands when they really, really do get too physically & mentally old to play & tour anymore?
Do I want to see Motley Crue enough to pay £35 for a seated ticket?
Excuse me while I have a rant : The Stupid Fannies in the office at work, have lost the Night shift rota that I made up and put in the office this morning. So now one of the bosses has made up a rota, changing everything and putting one of the staff on 3 in a row when she won't work 3 in a row, and another who can not do weekends on weekends. Yay! the fecking joys... Suppose I will be fixing it when I am in on wed.

thanks all.

i love central heating

or rather, i would love some central f***in' heating

i love renting it's great. really
looks like she'll need to. :mad: mondays are great!
I know. It'll get better soon. Do you still feel a bit off? I can come and nurse you better?
Excuse me while I have a rant : The Stupid Fannies in the office at work, have lost the Night shift rota that I made up and put in the office this morning. So now one of the bosses has made up a rota, changing everything and putting one of the staff on 3 in a row when she won't work 3 in a row, and another who can not do weekends on weekends. Yay! the fecking joys... Suppose I will be fixing it when I am in on wed.

thanks all.


Oh dear...Karin, you should make a photocopy of nightshift rota next time just in case if someone sabotages it again. :o
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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