morrissey frink thread!

Believe me or not, but the way someone looks, the body, etc. is not the thing that makes someone attractive to me in the first row.
When I´m asked what makes someone attractive to me or sexy for me the first two things which comes to my mind are "intelligence" and "humour". (Well, I have a strange sense of humour that just a few people share with me. :rolleyes: )
So what´s the deal with someone who´s good-looking but is not intelligent, without any sense of humour, without any aura at all? No, thanks, not for me...

Actually useless babbling, I just felt the need to tell that I´m not only lusting over bodies. ;)
I´m also lusting over great minds. :D
At the time, my world was small and he was saving my life... so you understand.
I can understand what you mean. I felt the same for somebody for a long long time. He was also like God for me, and I´m not sure if I would still be alive without him. He was holding me up. Kept me alive.
And I never had any lustful thoughts at all.

Actually I wanted to write this already yesterday, but I felt horribly stupid for that...
Zis is lovely and all but... let's post some pics, shall we?





Young Moz love....
That's probably true for many... and I definitely see that, but for me it really was a worship thing. I knew he was gorgeous, I just couldn't allow myself to feel lustful. I used to get tears in my eyes just looking at him. I know! I was a nut. I've since come to realize that he's just a human being. A freakishly talented human being. It took growing up to get a little perspective. At the time, my world was small and he was saving my life... so you understand.


I understand where you are coming from. I am new to Morrissey and have a different perspective than those who were young kids when they discovered him. He was older when I first connected to his music as was I. I can relate to his younger struggles very well since I went through many of them myself. I was stuck in Podunk Hell before the internet and didn't hear his music back then. I would have connected then had I had the opportunity and would have had that same reverence too.

I also understand how going through life and growing up through those rough younger years makes you a stronger and different person. That is attractive to me. Aging isn't nearly as bad as some would have you believe. :)
Believe me or not, but the way someone looks, the body, etc. is not the thing that makes someone attractive to me in the first row.
When I´m asked what makes someone attractive to me or sexy for me the first two things which comes to my mind are "intelligence" and "humour". (Well, I have a strange sense of humour that just a few people share with me. :rolleyes: )
So what´s the deal with someone who´s good-looking but is not intelligent, without any sense of humour, without any aura at all? No, thanks, not for me...

Actually useless babbling, I just felt the need to tell that I´m not only lusting over bodies. ;)
I´m also lusting over great minds. :D

Girlfriend you said it! Mozzy baby just has both brains and brawn. :D

How I hate watermarks....


This is not too frinky, but touching....





Awww, bless his heart, how beautiful is he?







Believe me or not, but the way someone looks, the body, etc. is not the thing that makes someone attractive to me in the first row.
When I´m asked what makes someone attractive to me or sexy for me the first two things which comes to my mind are "intelligence" and "humour". (Well, I have a strange sense of humour that just a few people share with me. )
Annie, I am totally on the same page as you!!! I didn't fall hard for Morrissey's looks when I was first introduced to him. He's obviously an attractive person, but I didn't get hugely attracted to him until I started reading/watching his interviews and got exposed to his sharp wit and obvious intelligence. I've never been head-over-heels for the attractive guys that have no substance. There's always got to be a brain or some kind of talent under the good looking exterior.

Girlfriend you said it! Mozzy baby just has both brains and brawn.

haha yep, brains and brawn...what a TURN-ON!!!
His cat here looks just like my cat Frida so whenever I see this pic I can't help but imagine he's sitting there petting my pussy (cat). ;)

a little more young Moz...





I do have a suggestion for you. You could do a study on the effects on the human psyche from frinky over-exposure!!:D

Thanks =)
Bahahaha. I'll get on that XD

Oh and Westendgirl, why did you graduate in January (congrats, btw =D)? I have to wait until late June...pfft. Sorry if you've already said, I haven't been able to thoroughly read the boards lately...finals ugh.
Hey Mindless Ruffian, Congratulations!!!!! :D Sorry I'm so late, but Solo kept kicking me off!

I have decided I can't quite function without my daily Solo-ing (or frinking). So glad it's back up!!!! :D

Thanks! =)

That picture is oh so lovely. I think it's the action shot. I like me the action shots...

Hey, we're in the same boat. I reply to posts about a week after because my Sidekick's interwebz doesn't like to load the site. Oh well.
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