Morrissey article/interview in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette

" ... hateful online creche ... " - ? If I wanted to be unpleasant to Morrissey , I'd talk about spotting the projection ( but I don't, so I won't).

But love the talk about being able " ...financially , to avoid seeing people ... " & , hence , being less disgusted with people...

To mention "projection" is simply deluded self-justification. This IS a "hateful online creche" and if you can't see that, then there's something very wrong indeed. The fact that DavidT obviously thinks it's something amusing to boast about (by appending the quote to the site name) is truly pathetic and only confirms that this sorry site exists as a vendetta rather than a celebration. How sad it must be to put in all this work over so many years and to find himself in a situation where his idol despises him and his website, to the extent of having him ejected from concerts. Yet still he persists... how very dignified.
To mention "projection" is simply deluded self-justification. This IS a "hateful online creche" and if you can't see that, then there's something very wrong indeed. The fact that DavidT obviously thinks it's something amusing to boast about (by appending the quote to the site name) is truly pathetic and only confirms that this sorry site exists as a vendetta rather than a celebration. How sad it must be to put in all this work over so many years and to find himself in a situation where his idol despises him and his website, to the extent of having him ejected from concerts. Yet still he persists... how very dignified.

Why not just admit that Morrissey's attempt to make a withering remark about Solo succeeded only in making him even more of a laughing stock?
To mention "projection" is simply deluded self-justification. This IS a "hateful online creche" and if you can't see that, then there's something very wrong indeed. The fact that DavidT obviously thinks it's something amusing to boast about (by appending the quote to the site name) is truly pathetic and only confirms that this sorry site exists as a vendetta rather than a celebration. How sad it must be to put in all this work over so many years and to find himself in a situation where his idol despises him and his website, to the extent of having him ejected from concerts. Yet still he persists... how very dignified.

Ever heard of the phrase "hoist by ones own petard"?

So now we're bastard children mental patients? I'm trying to f***ing help him.

Its nice to be back among my online bastard cre'che friends we have snow in the uk its about 2 " deep and thats enough for the whole country to gridlock
all the shops have sold out of bread n milk n eggs the world is ending here
So now he is NOT a Smith. A few years ago, I believe he said something along the lines of "The Smiths were me." For someone who abhors politics and politicians, he can flip-flop with the best of them. Bless him but he's maddening to read sometimes.
Nice interview. Seems Morrissey and Tseng both agree one should speak one's mind (or lack thereof) without regard to anything but oneself.
To mention "projection" is simply deluded self-justification. This IS a "hateful online creche" and if you can't see that, then there's something very wrong indeed. The fact that DavidT obviously thinks it's something amusing to boast about (by appending the quote to the site name) is truly pathetic and only confirms that this sorry site exists as a vendetta rather than a celebration. How sad it must be to put in all this work over so many years and to find himself in a situation where his idol despises him and his website, to the extent of having him ejected from concerts. Yet still he persists... how very dignified.

I really don't agree. I don't see the "hate" in requesting/posting/downloading various Moz tracks , swapping/selling Moz memoribilia , in asking to meet up with other Moz fans , in having a ( sometimes heated) chat about the virtue of this or that song , in relating one's experience at a Moz concert , in speculating over tour destinations, album releases, etc. ...
In Morrissey's utterly deluded mind the crap, unmusical, f***wittedness that is People Are The Same Everywhere really is up there with the sublime genius of I Know It's Over, This Charming Man and Everyday is Like Sunday.
That this is the only place on the worldwide internet to point out how idiotic and foolish this opinion is, is the reason why he can't stand us.
Unfortunately for Morrissey, the major record companies and the wider music industry, agree with us rather than him.
In Morrissey's utterly deluded mind the crap, unmusical, f***wittedness that is People Are The Same Everywhere really is up there with the sublime genius of I Know It's Over, This Charming Man and Everyday is Like Sunday.
That this is the only place on the worldwide internet to point out how idiotic and foolish this opinion is, is the reason why he can't stand us.
Unfortunately for Morrissey, the major record companies and the wider music industry, agree with us rather than him.

The derivative is spelled 'f***.' This is to save you time. Imagine going through the hassle of constantly annunciating 'f-asterisk-asterisk-asterisk-asterisk.'
I would suggest to Morrissey that since he understandably hates this site so much that, in future, he should just not mention it at all. It only pleases David because he's advertising the site every time he makes any kind of comment at all about it. He should, instead, make a positive comment about TTY so that the public - if any who aren't aware of so-low - will go there before treading over here.
I wouldn't say I was pleased. It would please me if he made an intelligent / constructive criticism or a good suggestion for change on the site. Instead I just see some well-worded insults with no real substance to work off of. As far as supporting TTY, yes he can keep doing that but I think even he knows that site is playing checkers when we are playing chess here.

I would suggest to Morrissey that since he understandably hates this site so much that, in future, he should just not mention it at all. It only pleases David because he's advertising the site every time he makes any kind of comment at all about it. He should, instead, make a positive comment about TTY so that the public - if any who aren't aware of so-low - will go there before treading over here.
I wouldn't say I was pleased. It would please me if he made an intelligent / constructive criticism or a good suggestion for change on the site. Instead I just see some well-worded insults with no real substance to work off of. As far as supporting TTY, yes he can keep doing that but I think even he knows that site is playing checkers when we are playing chess here.

Chess? It's more like Battleship.

I think he would rather you get rid of the anonymous feature - he's mentioned that before. He's also alluded to the site covering stories about the other Smiths - I don't think he likes that (we've talked about that before, you and I), and insults? Come on, David. There are insults a'plenty here, and they're very damaging to the soul. There are hardly ever any well written constructive criticism posted here concerning his music. Only that he's washed up and lost any talent he's ever possessed. Which is NOT true. Some of us actually do like the new songs.
Really? It's taken you this long to come to the conclusion that he's a douche?

I don't understand why this is surprising to anyone who still follows the man's career at this point. If you're going by the persona he's portrayed ever since appearing on the music scene in the early 80's, this is exactly how Mozzer was supposed to turn out. It wouldn't be good press or practice to go into middle age happy and resplendent. Of course he's going to come across as a miserable, bitter sod. That's exactly what the world wants out of Morrissey. Good on him for sticking to his guns all these years and rankling the hides of the jealous masses.
Chess? It's more like Battleship.

I think he would rather you get rid of the anonymous feature - he's mentioned that before. He's also alluded to the site covering stories about the other Smiths - I don't think he likes that (we've talked about that before, you and I), and insults? Come on, David. There are insults a'plenty here, and they're very damaging to the soul. There are hardly ever any well written constructive criticism posted here concerning his music. Only that he's washed up and lost any talent he's ever possessed. Which is NOT true. Some of us actually do like the new songs.

Are you serious? Are you seriously suggesting that the the site only cover Morrissey stories because of the site name? And as for insults - boo hoo. Do you know how many online and indeed real-life situations we have had to deal with? It's not a one-way street you know. And opinions are just that - opinions, no matter how they are worded. But hey, you keep wearing those blinkers, because you seem to be missing all the 'well written constructive criticism' of which there is lots, but since it doesn't fit your argument, why mention it?

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I think deep down inside Morrissey loves this site. He even wrote a song about us all.
all he needs and wants is us.
Are you serious? Are you seriously suggesting that the the site only cover Morrissey stories because of the site name? And as for insults - boo hoo. Do you know how many online and indeed real-life situations we have had to deal with? It's not a one-way street you know. And opinions are just that - opinions, no matter how they are worded. But hey, you keep wearing those blinkers, because you seem to be missing all the 'well written constructive criticism' of which there is lots, but since it doesn't fit your argument, why mention it?


The only ones with the blinkers are davidt and the mods. A vast majority of the comments or stories are written in such a way that even if it's not a direct attack, it has a sneering, mean-spirited undercurrent. Why do you suppose so many people say so, if it's not the truth? And you say you've had a lot of "online and indeed real situations" to deal with? Big wow. Maybe you ought to get the message that the whole tone (and much of the content) of this site is unacceptable. There are so many comparisons with the British tabloids here. This site is increasingly less about Morrissey and more about David & the mods' vendetta against him. Hearing mods say stuff like "this is a fair and balanced site and we are genuine fans" is as ludicrous as it is deluded.
I was talking about how Morrissey had said the site isn't about him - that it covers the other Smiths and stories that has nothing to do with him. So, yeah...I mean, it is MORRISSEY-SOLO. David and I talked about this not too long ago and I think he posted a link to that story. He said if Morrissey would make suggestions - and he has, but not directly to David. I was just pointing that out. But, you didn't see that. It was a good chance for you to come out fighting, and that's exactly what you did.

Why do you have to be such an ass? I don't have blinkers on and I haven't missed some of the constructive criticisms. I did say, "There are HARDLY EVER..." meaning = some, but not many. Maybe if you'd read and think before you come stumbling out to David's rescue like a bull in a china shop, you wouldn't come off as such an arrogant jerk!

Whatever. I'm quite aware of online situations, and I've dealt with a lot of personal real life events that you wouldn't even have a clue how to handle. So, yeah, why bother?

God, you're a hateful man, Peter.

Why do you have to be such an ass?

If people are rude to you it's probably because you make extensive use of this site and then have the temerity to be critical of it. You're davidt's guest here. If you don't like it, f*** off. Nobody owes you (or Morrissey for that matter) anything; quite the reverse.
I was talking about how Morrissey had said the site isn't about him - that it covers the other Smiths and stories that has nothing to do with him. So, yeah...I mean, it is MORRISSEY-SOLO. David and I talked about this not too long ago and I think he posted a link to that story. He said if Morrissey would make suggestions - and he has, but not directly to David. I was just pointing that out. But, you didn't see that. It was a good chance for you to come out fighting, and that's exactly what you did.

Why do you have to be such an ass? I don't have blinkers on and I haven't missed some of the constructive criticisms. I did say, "There are HARDLY EVER..." meaning = some, but not many. Maybe if you'd read and think before you come stumbling out to David's rescue like a bull in a china shop, you wouldn't come off as such an arrogant jerk!

Whatever. I'm quite aware of online situations, and I've dealt with a lot of personal real life events that you wouldn't even have a clue how to handle. So, yeah, why bother?

God, you're a hateful man, Peter.


Good song that. By the way, who am I hateful to? Do you have some posts you could point to?

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