I'm upset with England right now.

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Most of your pre-conceived notions of British people are stereotypes based on books and films that have little if anything to do with real life. Society often has a hostile attitude to people who are different, fat people are often included in that category. Its wrong, but it happens in EVERY country, including your own, so please take your self-righteous prattle back to the US and stop taking everything so seriously. :rolleyes:

I thought an English person would just say "oh dear" and change the subject. are you sure you aren't from America? ;)
The fatties would run out of breath soon enough

What you've ironically done is listed the Americanisation of Britain. Terrible isn't it?
We've taught you how to be dicks. Embrace it.

No, they learned that from the French. We taught them how to be proud of it.
I have come to find out a big portion of society is stupid and stupidity breeds contempt. So dumbasses are jerks. Everywhere. And it sucks.

Its funny because i had the opposite experience whilst in England (like that whilst?:p) Granted it was 2003; but people seemed very friendly to me, and I really enjoyed that most people in London were average size. No anorexics, everyone looked healthy. I felt more confident about myself because of that. Also, I had a very easy time finding healthy foods; I love the yogurt in London. Its better than the crap we have!

I guess it just depends where you go and when. Im sorry people were buttheads to you. Hopefully next time will go better.
I f***ing love England!

I do too. I'm just feeling rather upset about the hypocrisy. It's much as I thought it would be, only WAY harsher. I really thought they'd have it all over us Americans from the way so many of them go on about how awful we are.

I am now adapting to my new outlook.
I do too. I'm just feeling rather upset about the hypocrisy. It's much as I thought it would be, only WAY harsher. I really thought they'd have it all over us Americans from the way so many of them go on about how awful we are.

I am now adapting to my new outlook.

I'm not saying you're wrong, i don't know if i can even really say in all seriousness that i love England. I think i love the idea of our country. I've lived here my whole life, only been to the USA as a kid, so i couldn't tell you of the people i met, or how their lifestyles do or don't meet certain sterotypes. This isn't to say however that all of your preconceptions are common to me.
Some of what you posted made me chuckle. I laughed when you wrote about someone being on the phone and saying "f***ing this, and f***ing that". So true! I for one swear like a trooper. Oh, and f*** me, can i drink!
Buuut, this isn't to say that you cannot find a quaint little cottage with Grandma making autuminal preserves..Jesus, there might even be a bring and buy sale at the local parrish church..

I must stop, National Front Disco has really just started playing. What next, The Queen is Dead?
I've traveled all over the UK, on my own and have never had any problems. Have come across rude people but they are everywhere. I love the UK, have so much fun over there and hopefully I'll be back there next summer.
I do too. I'm just feeling rather upset about the hypocrisy. It's much as I thought it would be, only WAY harsher. I really thought they'd have it all over us Americans from the way so many of them go on about how awful we are.

I am now adapting to my new outlook.

Seriously... you need to toughen up. You mentioned once how I upset you. Develop a thicker skin, cowboy up and deal with it. If you allow every comment to affect you, you may as well pull the covers up over your head and never leave the house.
Could it be that Scarlet Ibis is the new Mozzy1?
yes. I don't want to make that accusation but, yes, the thought occurred.

The paypal thread may interest you BTW.
What you've ironically done is listed the Americanisation of Britain. Terrible isn't it?

Exactly! All we need now is the right to own guns and then we can go round shooting each other up instead of stabbing each other!
Not at all. I've heard that kind of humor. I know what you're speaking of. No. I'm talking about the VENOM I hear on solo regarding Americans. It often happens anonymously on the main page and it's often related to where Morrissey happens to be at the moment.

Because the main page is known as a hotbed of informed and logical debate, particularly when it comes to anonymous posters?

Exactly! All we need now is the right to own guns and then we can go round shooting each other up instead of stabbing each other!

Round my way they're already doing that...
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