I'm upset with England right now.

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Re: I'm not upset with England right now.

After years of watching Monty Python, Blackadder, and whatnot, I already came to the conclusion that British people are mean! :D but I like it.

After I graduate High School my dad and I are going on a trip to Ireland, and then a detour to England (HE SAID WE MAY GO TO CARDIFF!! :D) to see a friend of ours. and after I get back, I get to go straight back to Ireland cause I'll be living there for a year.

I think I'd feel jipped if I didn't find some nasty people. it would be too perfect and I would suspect you all are being drugged or something.
Re: I'm not upset with England right now.

After years of watching Monty Python, Blackadder, and whatnot, I already came to the conclusion that British people are mean! :D but I like it.

After I graduate High School my dad and I are going on a trip to Ireland, and then a detour to England (HE SAID WE MAY GO TO CARDIFF!! :D) to see a friend of ours. and after I get back, I get to go straight back to Ireland cause I'll be living there for a year.

I think I'd feel jipped if I didn't find some nasty people. it would be too perfect and I would suspect you all are being drugged or something.

Why are you so excited about Cardiff? :eek:
Some random English person has once again gone out of his way to insult me because I'm fat. This wouldn't have happened in America.

I know I'll be attacked for this, but I'm fed up right now and I can't WAIT to get back to the U.S. Forget everything you've ever heard about the differences between Americans and the English. It's a load of crap!

I see it all the time on solo. The English often attack Americans on here. Well, you're wrong. No, two weeks in England doesn't make me an expert, but I think I have a pretty good overview.

Myth #1 - Americans are loud and obnoxious while English people are polite and speak in hushed tones.

HA! The English are LOUD! In the grocery stores here there are roaming gaggles of teens who laugh and talk and generally make mayhem. I've been in three grocery stores now (because my husband has a fascination with the strange foods here) and in two of these stores this has been the case.

Also, people talk on their cell phones ("f***in' this" "f***in' that") really loudly in public and they don't care who they annoy.

Myth #2 - Americans are coarse while the English are polite and genteel.

Would an American say "c***" or "f***" while having a loud public conversation? Not likely. Over here it doesn't get a second glance.

I've yet to meet anyone here that seems more polite than the average American. In fact, in America, if you catch someone's eye by accident, you'll usually smile and they'll smile and then you'll look away. Here, they just look away quickly. It seems rude to me.

Myth #3 - Americans have a crappy education system, but the English know what they're doing and turn out intelligent and fully educated people who know multiple languages and can do algebra easily.

I've seen more roving packs of barely intelligible low-class teens in the two weeks that I've been here than in months of being in D.C. And I used to live right in South East D.C!

I shopped in Camden and found myself around a lot of teens who seemed very middle class and average. They were every bit as juvenile and twitty as any random group of American teens. I was also around a lot of teens at the Boosh show. These teens were presumably a bit more intelligent than your average teen since their senses of humor must be fairly developed. Still, they seemed much like American teens.

Myth #4 - Americans are superficial and addicted to tabloid magazines, celebrity lives and the pursuit of physical beauty.

From what I have seen, England is entirely too wrapped up in such things. It doesn't compare. It's totally opposite to the myth. England is all about celebrities and other superficial things. The obsession with weight here is just insane. I thought it was bad in America, but here it's gone from an obsession to a neurosis. They can't stop talking about weight. (Meanwhile they are eating more candy than another other nation on earth while making fun of Americans for their piggishness.) I overheard two conversations while walking on one London block. The first conversation snippet I heard: She must have gained at least twenty since I last saw her! The second snippet from an entirely different conversation: ...been gaining weight and...

Myth #5 - Americans are arrogant.

This one would be funny if I was in any kind of mood to find it humorous at all. What's more arrogant than proclaiming yourselves better than an entire country just based on hearsay and steretypes? English people do this all the time. (I'm sure lots of solo archives could be wrangled up if someone were in the mood to do so.) America is fascinated with the rest of the world. We love nothing more than to encounter someone with a foreign accent. Especially an English accent. We've always loved the English and we've always been good to the English.

Myth #6 - Americans are bullies.

I'm finding the opposite to be true. I'm not having a good time here anymore and it's all because I'm terrified of being insulted once again. In America it's not acceptable to be mean to random people on the street. It doesn't happen that often. Once in a while it will, but not enough that you have to live in fear of it if you're fat (or outside the norm in any other way).

Myth # 7 - Americans are fat because they are lazy and eat huge portions of fast food and sweets.

Oh. My. God. We might be a little fatter than the English, but it has very little to do with these things. Pub food is basically fried dough with sausages thrown in there somewhere. The portions are every bit as large as American portions, by the way. Yes, there are a few chain restaurants who will give you outrageously enormous portions, but this isn't the norm and it's often a gimmick. Also, when served these huge portions we eat a bit of it and then take the rest home with us for lunch the next day. We're not idiots who will eat everything that's put in front of us anymore than you are.

The candy is everywhere. I've found it difficult to get a healthy meal while here. The only way I can eat healthy here is to go to vegetarian/organic restaurants or the grocery store and buy prepackaged sandwiches and salads, which do seem fairly healthy and nutritious.

Don't start with me about my fat. I have horrible medical issues that you know nothing about and that will kill me one day and this (and the treatments for my disorders) are what has made this so. I eat the diet of a near-anorexic, so don't EVEN start with me.

PLUS, on average, you all drink WAYYYYY more than we Americans do. Somehow that kind of gluttony is acceptable since it doesn't always manifest in having extra flesh.

So, yeah. I'm disgusted at the moment. I've felt very unwelcome here. There are some wonderful things about England, but not enough to make up for the unpleasantness I've had to deal with here. This has been an eye-opener.

I apologize to my English friends. I don't include you in this at all. I'm just very upset right now and I needed to type this up while I'm still feeling angry. There is a nasty segment of every population, I've found. All my life I have assumed that English people are partly right for criticizing America. I'm not at all happy with America at the moment and I was likely to join in with the anger-fest, but not anymore. America is the world's scapegoat at the moment. I'm really tired of it.

Bit late here, but I feel obliged to comment. You're coming off a bit... whiney.
Firstly; England doesn't give a shit that you're upset with it. It's not England's fault you're fat, even if you do have a 'medical problem'. You've admitted your fat, and some horrible child pointed it out. You should have told him to go f*** himself. I'm fat and no one has ever called me it on the street. Were you talking really loudly? Wearing a bum bag? This might have contributed to the problem. Living in fear of the next insult is ridiculous, live in fear of getting stabbed instead. It's probably just as likely here.
Second; just because you had a hard time in the uk doesn't mean what english people say about americans is wrong, just that we shouldn't make sweeping generalisations, as you have.
I have NEVER heard an English person talk on the tube as loud as I have an American. Ever. And there are a lot more English people in London than American, so you do the maths.
Yeah we are not scared of swear words. We are not brow-beaten by our government either, thank (the entirely non-existent) god. Yes we have worse customer service than Americans, thats not a myth. That's a fact. Where do you think the Little Britain 'computer says no' sketch comes from?
Chavs are everywhere, it's true. Stupid teenagers, oh yes. If you judge a whole nation based on people under 16, then you're the idiot, not them (or us).
We ARE obsessed with celebrity culture. It's a welcome diversion from living in grotty London. We like CHOCOLATE too and that's because we have the best chocolate on earth. And the best crisps. Just look at all those flavours. Mmm. This is why I'm fat. At least I'm honest.
Honestly, I don't know what people expect London to be. It's a greasy, filthy, chicken-shop strewn, expensive unpleasant place to live. It's one bonus is being highly multi-cultural and forward-thinking (for the most part). It has an amazing nightlife, if you can afford it. It has amazing things to do, if you can afford it. The rest of us just try not to get stabbed on the number 29 bus.
ps. what nugz said was true, you're like one of those people who go to glastonbury and make a thousand posts on the glastonbury messageboard going 'how much spending money do I need? where shall I camp?' Just go, do a bunch of drugs, and see where the mood takes you!
That's good advice for life in general, I find.
Bit late here, but I feel obliged to comment. You're coming off a bit... whiney.
Firstly; England doesn't give a shit that you're upset with it. It's not England's fault you're fat, even if you do have a 'medical problem'. You've admitted your fat, and some horrible child pointed it out. You should have told him to go f*** himself. I'm fat and no one has ever called me it on the street. Were you talking really loudly? Wearing a bum bag? This might have contributed to the problem. Living in fear of the next insult is ridiculous, live in fear of getting stabbed instead. It's probably just as likely here.
Second; just because you had a hard time in the uk doesn't mean what english people say about americans is wrong, just that we shouldn't make sweeping generalisations, as you have.
I have NEVER heard an English person talk on the tube as loud as I have an American. Ever. And there are a lot more English people in London than American, so you do the maths.
Yeah we are not scared of swear words. We are not brow-beaten by our government either, thank (the entirely non-existent) god. Yes we have worse customer service than Americans, thats not a myth. That's a fact. Where do you think the Little Britain 'computer says no' sketch comes from?
Chavs are everywhere, it's true. Stupid teenagers, oh yes. If you judge a whole nation based on people under 16, then you're the idiot, not them (or us).
We ARE obsessed with celebrity culture. It's a welcome diversion from living in grotty London. We like CHOCOLATE too and that's because we have the best chocolate on earth. And the best crisps. Just look at all those flavours. Mmm. This is why I'm fat. At least I'm honest.
Honestly, I don't know what people expect London to be. It's a greasy, filthy, chicken-shop strewn, expensive unpleasant place to live. It's one bonus is being highly multi-cultural and forward-thinking (for the most part). It has an amazing nightlife, if you can afford it. It has amazing things to do, if you can afford it. The rest of us just try not to get stabbed on the number 29 bus.
ps. what nugz said was true, you're like one of those people who go to glastonbury and make a thousand posts on the glastonbury messageboard going 'how much spending money do I need? where shall I camp?' Just go, do a bunch of drugs, and see where the mood takes you!
That's good advice for life in general, I find.

what she said^^
Bit late here, but I feel obliged to comment. You're coming off a bit... whiney.
Firstly; England doesn't give a shit that you're upset with it. It's not England's fault you're fat, even if you do have a 'medical problem'. You've admitted your fat, and some horrible child pointed it out. You should have told him to go f*** himself. I'm fat and no one has ever called me it on the street. Were you talking really loudly? Wearing a bum bag? This might have contributed to the problem. Living in fear of the next insult is ridiculous, live in fear of getting stabbed instead. It's probably just as likely here.
Second; just because you had a hard time in the uk doesn't mean what english people say about americans is wrong, just that we shouldn't make sweeping generalisations, as you have.
I have NEVER heard an English person talk on the tube as loud as I have an American. Ever. And there are a lot more English people in London than American, so you do the maths.
Yeah we are not scared of swear words. We are not brow-beaten by our government either, thank (the entirely non-existent) god. Yes we have worse customer service than Americans, thats not a myth. That's a fact. Where do you think the Little Britain 'computer says no' sketch comes from?
Chavs are everywhere, it's true. Stupid teenagers, oh yes. If you judge a whole nation based on people under 16, then you're the idiot, not them (or us).
We ARE obsessed with celebrity culture. It's a welcome diversion from living in grotty London. We like CHOCOLATE too and that's because we have the best chocolate on earth. And the best crisps. Just look at all those flavours. Mmm. This is why I'm fat. At least I'm honest.
Honestly, I don't know what people expect London to be. It's a greasy, filthy, chicken-shop strewn, expensive unpleasant place to live. It's one bonus is being highly multi-cultural and forward-thinking (for the most part). It has an amazing nightlife, if you can afford it. It has amazing things to do, if you can afford it. The rest of us just try not to get stabbed on the number 29 bus.
ps. what nugz said was true, you're like one of those people who go to glastonbury and make a thousand posts on the glastonbury messageboard going 'how much spending money do I need? where shall I camp?' Just go, do a bunch of drugs, and see where the mood takes you!
That's good advice for life in general, I find.

I think I love you (sorry, MLE).
And there are a lot more English people in London than American, so you do the maths.

Maybe, unless you have been to Hollywood. I think the point is there are assholes everywhere; it doesn't matter where you live. People in general should be avoided. But when in doubt, just blame the Germans ;)
In all seriousness, I don't think it's a US vs. UK problem. It's more about open-mindedness, and travelling can really help there. Knowing other countries and their people can really open you up and make you more tolerant.
In all seriousness, I don't think it's a US vs. UK problem. It's more about open-mindedness, and travelling can really help there. Knowing other countries and their people can really open you up and make you more tolerant.

Bit late here, but I feel obliged to comment. You're coming off a bit... whiney.
Firstly; England doesn't give a shit that you're upset with it. It's not England's fault you're fat, even if you do have a 'medical problem'. You've admitted your fat, and some horrible child pointed it out. You should have told him to go f*** himself. I'm fat and no one has ever called me it on the street. Were you talking really loudly? Wearing a bum bag? This might have contributed to the problem. Living in fear of the next insult is ridiculous, live in fear of getting stabbed instead. It's probably just as likely here.
Second; just because you had a hard time in the uk doesn't mean what english people say about americans is wrong, just that we shouldn't make sweeping generalisations, as you have.
I have NEVER heard an English person talk on the tube as loud as I have an American. Ever. And there are a lot more English people in London than American, so you do the maths.
Yeah we are not scared of swear words. We are not brow-beaten by our government either, thank (the entirely non-existent) god. Yes we have worse customer service than Americans, thats not a myth. That's a fact. Where do you think the Little Britain 'computer says no' sketch comes from?
Chavs are everywhere, it's true. Stupid teenagers, oh yes. If you judge a whole nation based on people under 16, then you're the idiot, not them (or us).
We ARE obsessed with celebrity culture. It's a welcome diversion from living in grotty London. We like CHOCOLATE too and that's because we have the best chocolate on earth. And the best crisps. Just look at all those flavours. Mmm. This is why I'm fat. At least I'm honest.
Honestly, I don't know what people expect London to be. It's a greasy, filthy, chicken-shop strewn, expensive unpleasant place to live. It's one bonus is being highly multi-cultural and forward-thinking (for the most part). It has an amazing nightlife, if you can afford it. It has amazing things to do, if you can afford it. The rest of us just try not to get stabbed on the number 29 bus.
ps. what nugz said was true, you're like one of those people who go to glastonbury and make a thousand posts on the glastonbury messageboard going 'how much spending money do I need? where shall I camp?' Just go, do a bunch of drugs, and see where the mood takes you!
That's good advice for life in general, I find.

Hardass people like you sicken me. I'm so glad that the assholes of the world still shock me. It means that I haven't become one of them.

Also, "At least I'm honest." f*** you! You go ahead and be fat due to your piggishness, but that's not my situation and how dare you insinuate that I'm lying about it.

And these people weren't under 16. They were in their 20s. Not that that matters to you, since you seem to be one of them and probably always will be no matter what your age.
In all seriousness, I don't think it's a US vs. UK problem. It's more about open-mindedness, and travelling can really help there. Knowing other countries and their people can really open you up and make you more tolerant.

to hell with that, bloody foreigners :p
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