'I’ve Been Dreaming Of A Time When...' statement; "For Britain" support - Morrissey Central

Today's missive from our favourite radical spokesperson.

I’ve Been Dreaming Of A Time When / the English / are sick to death of Labour and Tories - Morrissey Central
April 20, 2018

I despise racism.

I despise fascism.

I would do anything for my Muslim friends, and I know they would do anything for me.

In view of this, there is only one British political party that can safeguard our security.

That party is For Britain.

Please give them a chance. Listen to them. Do not be influenced by the tyrannies of the MSM who will tell you that For Britain are racist or fascist - please believe me, they are the very opposite!!! Please do not close your mind.

Labour is hopelessly naive.

Theresa May’s policies have turned Britain into a international target.

The BBC has closed down.

The Loony Left is concerned only with victim culture.

For Britain will keep British society together. Violence is not the way forward.
There are many problems in modern Britain that have become too large for Theresa May to deal with - mostly because she created them in the first place. The press appear to deal only in fashionable outrage; inflammatory and unjust comments against any new party that threatens the same old bloody pointless two-party system.

Please give For Britain a chance. They will bring an end to the modern Westminster mania for self-destruction. For Britain is the bulldog breed that will never surrender. Both Labour and Conservatives have already sold you down the river into righteous oblivion.

This is my last political strike. No wish to upset anyone! But the time has come to fight, and Labour and the Conservatives have their backs to the sea.

Are you capable of change?

Thank you, and peace for all of us


20 April 2018
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"No wish to upset anyone, but......."

I'm gonna endorse this political group that hates 24% of the world's population. What a f***ing arsehole.
I've still yet to hear a single British cultural tradition that has been lost over immigration, outside of I hear more accents, and see more brown face than I did growing up.

This man goes on and on about preserving British culture, yet he lives outside the country.

He's just a wacko now.
Eh, if you want to call me an idiot, have at it. You can be a racist piece of shit while appreciating the art of the groups you despise. It's not a tough concept to grasp.

Yes, it's like that old (backhanded) compliment, "he's such a compliment to his race."
Let's recap what Morrissey has either lied about, gotten wrong, or when he's fallen for fake news:

1. There is no longer Free Speech in Britain.
2. Der Spiegel altered my words.
3. The Independent compared me to Hitler, and claimed numerous other things that they never did.
4. Johnny Riggers
5. The debunked Muslim animal slaughter video he recently posted.
6. Berlin is the rape capital of Europe

I'm sure I'm missing many more.
Yeah. He is just a conservative old man now. Not sure his music is going to resonate with the geriatric, close-minded crowd. Career suicide is complete.
haha the words hysterical bitches come to mind.. carry on moz.. brgds.. manc lad
Morrissey's first full endorsement for a political party, and it's because of Muslim immigration, and Animal rights.

In other words, he's been uniquely moved by a party that offers nothing positive for people.

Considering his brutal lack of empathy when it comes to people, we should have saw it coming.
First a foreword:
Tommy Robinson pleadd guilty of "possession of a false identity document with improper intention". He was also imprisoned for "fraud" and, on a separate count, convicted of "common assault".

That clear, the gentleman in question joined the racist and fascist BNP as recent as 2004. He then led the EDL, involved in dozens of brawls and disturbances up and down the country and, to his own admission, an organisation riddled with proper fascist thugs.

In 2016 he tweeted: "“I’d personally send every adult male Muslim that has come into the EU over the past 12 months back tomorrow if I could. Fake refugees".

In 2011: "I'm saying to every single Muslim: on 7/7 you got away with maiming and butchering English citizens". Note the "every", "single", and "Muslim". He added: "the Islamic community will feel the full force of the English Defence League". Note the "Islamic comunity", not Islamic extremists. Just sayin.

As for Anne Marie Waters, Co founder of Pegida UK and Donald Trump supporter, the woman who called Islam (the whole religion) a "killing machine", well...she's got two dogs, so I guess, that's alright (good grief).

And yet, she said: "Islamic culture is simply not compatible with our own.". All Islamic culture, that is, not just extremists or radicals. No. "Islamic culture", blanket expression. It was on her UKIP election manifesto in 2017.

Checked out the killing machine in Syria lately?
Somebody posted on Twitter (can't remember where I saw it, I've looked at quite a few threads today) but it said:

Morrissey's songs are the best of him.

True story.

(barring a few of the real clunkers, of course)
London is not the murder capital and where do you get by mainly one race. Do you mean black people, or muslims, or who?
Impoverished areas have higher crime rates, that's well established all over the world. In London, the most impoverished areas have a higher proportion of people from ethnic minorities, that's also a fact.
It's oh so simple to blame "them" for everything, but it's dangerous and it's racist, and it's the seed from which fascism grows.

Do you actually know London?
Let's recap what Morrissey has either lied about, gotten wrong, or when he's fallen for fake news:

1. There is no longer Free Speech in Britain.
2. Der Spiegel altered my words.
3. The Independent compared me to Hitler, and claimed numerous other things that they never did.
4. Johnny Riggers
5. The debunked Muslim animal slaughter video he recently posted.
6. Berlin is the rape capital of Europe

I'm sure I'm missing many more.

You think there is free speech in Britain? Funny.
"No wish to upset anyone, but......."

I'm gonna endorse this political group that hates 24% of the world's population. What a f***ing arsehole.
You need to remember that it's ISLAM that is the problem. Muslims practice the RELIGION, not the other way round.

If western countries all came together and decided to scrap Islam in it's current form and allow moderate parts to be called something else, I believe we can end the problem we are facing (in our own countries at least)
I had a look yesterday. There’s nothing in its main pronouncements that is grossly offensive. In fact, it sounds like an amalgam of policies from parties of both the left and right. The main departures from the norm occur, as we know, in immigration, and foreign aid is more hardline, in as much as they don’t seem to believe in it at all.

Dig deeper and things get a bit stranger, but that’s no different to other parties. The Greens, for example, are off the chart nuts once you start to really investigate their core principles. Watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside.

As I mentioned yesterday the odds of For Britain getting a toehold in mainstream UK politics is infinitesimal. There will be next to no media coverage after this little furore at that’ll be that. It took UKIP a generation to get four million votes in this country and year and a bit to lose almost the lot.

Launching political parties is the easy bit. We could start one each in the next twenty minutes if we put our minds to it, but breaking that stranglehold the main parties have is a very different challenge. I think there is more likelihood of a Labour split and a new centrist party appearing overnight to become the opposition.

I think you're right: they're likely to sink below the waterline in pretty short order. I don't think that would be a terrible loss, but I've found the whole process of researching them quite enlightening. I'd naturally assumed they would be rabidly racist but, while they certainly don't reflect my own politics regarding immigration, foreign aid etc, their policies are, on the whole, reasonable if a little wobbly. I don't doubt that the party will attract racists, in the same way UKIP attracts racists, but I don't think the party, as an amalgam of ideas and policies, is in any way racist.
Have any of you ever seen this? The late great Christopher Hitchens told us what would happen years and years ago.. and yes, we are experiencing everything he mentions in this video.

You need to remember that it's ISLAM that is the problem. Muslims practice the RELIGION, not the other way round.

If western countries all came together and decided to scrap Islam in it's current form and allow moderate parts to be called something else, I believe we can end the problem we are facing (in our own countries at least)
But it's game over cause your own people not only hate you but also themselves. In all honesty the way things are we all deserve to die and we WILL die very very soon.

People forget I am psychic and if they read this forum they should have noticed a lot of hints from me when it comes to things that will soon happen and then they did.
You need to remember that it's ISLAM that is the problem. Muslims practice the RELIGION, not the other way round.

If western countries all came together and decided to scrap Islam in it's current form and allow moderate parts to be called something else, I believe we can end the problem we are facing (in our own countries at least)

Your problem is not being able to seperate the vast majority of peaceful people who just want to get on with their lives like anyone else and the minority of nutjobs.

It's akin to saying all white people are bad because some of those who have risen to the top have been a shower of shitbags.

Or all Christans are bad because the Church covered up their nonce priests. Or all Christans are bad because the US government use God to justify all manner of things that have turned the world upside down. Or all Irish people are bad because of the IRA. Or all English people are bad because of a collection of Blair/Thatcher/Gove/add your own.

Always keep your eyes on the prize instead of the whole.
I've still yet to hear a single British cultural tradition that has been lost over immigration, outside of I hear more accents, and see more brown face than I did growing up.

This man goes on and on about preserving British culture, yet he lives outside the country.

He's just a wacko now.

Really, tried talking to a teenager lately? Half of them speak in this strange wigger accent.
for britain

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