Morrissey Central "Bernie Sanders" (December 10, 2023)


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Unfortunately for you Aubs - Jay Joannides - Morrissey's cousin & production manager liked Paul Joseph Watson videos on Twitter & follows Ezra Levant - who pushed the Notre Dame terrorist bollocks on Rebel News.

And SER has been photomontaging for years - as well as having these things directly aimed at him by "fans" who want him to post it.

Easiest thing in the world to get Morrissey worked up about the media lying, or 'forgotten' murdered children, or unstunned cows - just by dropping it into the conversation - so as well as these posts, there's 'political-ish' stage banter the "fans" can spin.

Team M should cut it out.

Before there's nothing left.
Jesus, what a sad and pathetic human being Morrissey is in your head. You make him sound like an old demented uncle that dribbles when he eats. Next stop, the care home.
Jesus, what a sad and pathetic human being Morrissey is in your head. You make him sound like an old demented uncle that dribbles when he eats. Next stop, the care home.
This is the real tragedy of Karen's whole project really, isn't it? It's led her to this point where the only way it still makes sense - for her - is if Morrissey is a completely helpless, unthinking, gullible old man who shapes his beliefs around whatever his inner circle "drop into the conversation".

Of course, there is a 0.1% chance that Karen's theory is actually correct - in which case, god help us all!
I can't stop wonder on the mental gymnastics Karen and the usual suspects do. The lack of limits to bend reality so it supports their fandom. So Morrissey, who hates this site and in theory never reads it, sends his lawyers immediately once a story is published that paints him in a bad light, bans site owner etc. However, he is unaware of the content on the site that bears the "official" tag. Rrrrrrrrrrright :)
Unfortunately for you, Malarkey, none of this precludes Morrissey holding similar views himself. Please don't come back at me with cherry-picked quotes. Morrissey wrote Notre-Dame and he wrote Israel. Incidentally, Anne Marie Waters' party was very pro-Israel, which may've also been part of the appeal.

Gavin McInnes, who I do not take as a reliable source, nevertheless claims Ezra Levant knows Morrissey. And while that may be an exaggeration or even an untruth, it's still more plausible than your own wild speculation that this is all an elaborate plot by his cousin, nephew, and tour manager to sabatoge his career. (I'm not going twelve pages with you).
Exactly that. Malarkey's mental gymnastics are driven by the fear that eats away at her psyche that maybe, just maybe Morrissey has views that are different from her own, and aren't views that equate with SWP policy.
Does anyone have the link to the year he gave that sort of Xmas address? I think it might have been filmed at his mother's house in Manchester.
Does anyone have the link to the year he gave that sort of Xmas address? I think it might have been filmed at his mother's house in Manchester.
I wonder what Karen makes of Morrissey saying the Right Wing has adopted a Left Wing stance? Must have been Sam or Donnie just standing out of camera whispering this stuff in his ear :lbf:
Quick work! Cheers.
Moz needs to do something like this again, rather than inane posts about Come Dancing. The interview on US morning TV was excellent. Has he bought back Bonfire yet? The silence is deafening.
I wonder what Karen makes of Morrissey saying the Right Wing has adopted a Left Wing stance? Must have been Sam or Donnie just standing out of camera whispering this stuff in his ear :lbf:
who gives a shit what she makes of it!
There's nothing mindless or pathetic about listening to the people in your social circle & it doesn't make someone old, or stupid or any other bollocks thing you want to deflect with.
imagine thinking she has any business wearing gold! LOL

be far more worth her money to sell her gold and get her teeth fixed!
Well I'd say this is witty charming and confusing and I don't know why it is even up there on moz central, but you have to keep life interesting and keep moving on even if you are digging in the deepest parts.

What a laugh moz must be having in the twilight hours on photoshop, there is hope that creativity never dies!!!!!
There's nothing mindless or pathetic about listening to the people in your social circle & it doesn't make someone old, or stupid or any other bollocks thing you want to deflect with.
So it's not pathetic if you, by listening to people in your social circle, post absolute garbage and miserable Photoshopped pictures on your offical page, thus making a complete twat of yourself? Rrrright :)
I wish Moz would do a Christmas album.

That would be great, he could really go to town with that record.

🎶 'I wish you a miserable christmas and a rubbish new year, lets all cry aunder the mistletoe, oh oh I am so alone..' 🎶
Just because we were talking about a possible link between cringeworthy photoshops like Bernie Sanders on Morrissey Central and the concert backdrops, here is exhibit A. Gone are the enigmatic ones. Onstage as on Central now, it's corny plays on lyrics. The man seems to like them:


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