Morrissey's December Speech 2017 - SER / YouTube



(posted on SER's YT channel).

This is definitely a never seen before, direct to camera discussion from Moz.
Chart position, Der Spiegel, questioned by the American Secret Service as a result - possibly no free access to the US!?
"Whatever will be in 2018 will be..."

Media coverage:
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1) Chart position woes. Everyone's against me
2) Hateful press, usually the Guardian.
3) 'It emerged in print' in Der Spiegel
4) 'The right wing has adopted a left wing stance which shuts down free speech'
5) Low in High School Campaign was shut down by the haters
6) I was cross-examined by the Secret Service
7) I have to wait and see if I'm allowed to enter the US again
8) Won't somebody think of the children, at least me
9) Don't believe what other people say about me

In summary. I'm f***ed.
Oh Morrissey. We love ya! :D He looks like he needs a cuddle :(
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Nice to see him do this to be fair, however it does show his one eyed view of the world. For example Jacky may not of got much airplay but Spent the day got loads of airplay and TV slots. On the Manchester attack, everyone around Manchester remembers what happened and who to, my daughter is reminded of it everyday at school when she sees her friend whose legs were shattered in the atrocity!
I reckon those Nazis really tried to stick it to old Uncle Steve. Don't forget Nazis and other assorted foreigners, Americans always win. I like the kind words he gave to the Secret Service. Oh and by the by chaps. Don't get excited anti-American terrorists. The video was recorded at the lobby close to the Cavatina restaurant at The Sunset Marquis, so I don't know how Steve is going to "enter the US again" when he lives in Malibu and I just said "what up dawg" to lil' Sammy while he was taking photos of himself at the LA River.
Nice to see him do this to be fair, however it does show his one eyed view of the world. For example Jacky may not of got much airplay but Spent the day got loads of airplay and TV slots. On the Manchester attack, everyone around Manchester remembers what happened and who to, my daughter is reminded of it everyday at school when she sees her friend whose legs were shattered in the atrocity!
Sorry to hear that. I have not forgotten them and never will.
I reckon those Nazis really tried to stick it to old Uncle Steve. Don't forget Nazis and other assorted foreigners, Americans always win. I like the kind words he gave to the Secret Service. Oh and by the by chaps. Don't get excited anti-American terrorists. The video was recorded at the lobby close to the Cavatina restaurant at The Sunset Marquis, so I don't know how Steve is going to "enter the US again" when he lives in Malibu and I just said "what up dawg" to lil' Sammy while he was taking photos of himself at the LA River.

He's here again with his Nazi shit, tell me again any many children have this newspaper killed? Oh and lets talk about the American win in Vietnam as I seem to have read something different?
And there we have it – he’s COMPLETELY delusional. How incredibly, incredibly sad. ”Haters”, really!? And again not a word about the ill-informed, confused remarks on cultural identity. Morrissey so low, indeed.
SER has 1k followers on YT (wasn't aiming for a huge audience I guess) - perhaps they've locked him out of the main account :)
A small sorry for cancellations and a reassurance for ticket holders next year would have been appreciated - the not knowing / will he won't he... is a factor directly turning people off his 'brand'.
Given the prices some paid - I think whatever may be may be isn't good enough.
He does look ill, but he is more than capable of explaining that as part of this speech rather than the text at the beginning and would have appeared more sincere - especially as it was the reason given for messing around and disappointing his fans in the US.
I'd take the not being able to return to the States comments with a pinch of salt - he would have been fully aware as to his travel rights after talking to the Secret Service and the 'I may never play here again' rhetoric will certainly be disproved if he makes it to Blighty in the new year.
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Oh drop the cynicism for a couple of seconds Moz ... "Congratulations der Spiegel, you achieved everything you set out to do"

Any interviewee answering those hypothetical (push the button) questions is likely to receive the same treatment. Where is the hidden agenda?
It's intriguing that Spent the day in bed got a lot of airplay but could only muster a chart position of 69. Yet Jacky, with near enough no airplay reaches number 45 in the UK chart and number 1 in the vinyl chart. Nether single had an exclusive original b-sides either.

Haters like @Uncleskinny and @BrummieBoy can rejoice at what appears to be a rather melancholic and dejected Moz. But alas, the show goes on... The truth is Low In High School may not be a triumph critically or financially. But most importantly, it's a triumph musically and artistically.

Edit : The feminist avant-garde book prop is funny.
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He looks so sad. It's a really good album(I have it on all the time in my car) and the shows were great. Your fans know what kind of person you are, over the last 30 years people know who you are, we have long memories. Honey, we love you. Merry Christmas.
SER has 1k followers on YT (wasn't aiming for a huge audience I guess) - perhaps they've locked him out of the main account :)
A small sorry for cancellations and a reassurance for ticket holders next year would have been appreciated - the not knowing / will he won't he... is a factor directly turning people off his 'brand'.
Given the prices some paid - I think whatever may be may be isn't good enough.
He does look ill, but he is more than capable of explaining that as part of this speech rather than the text at the beginning and would have appeared more sincere - especially as it was the reason given for messing around and disappointing his fans in the US.
I'd take the not being able to return to the States comments with a pinch of salt - he would have been fully aware as to his travel rights after talking to the Secret Service and the 'I may never play here again' rhetoric will certainly be disproved if he makes it to Blighty in the new year.

Of course it was aimed at a large audience. He knew it would go virel. That's the point. Don't be so stupid.
He had f***ed up, big time.
I think its a heartfelt and honest video , he didn't have to make it , people will examine and criticize him even more .
While Morrissey continues being his own spokesperson/PR /manager/ misunderstandings will continue.
I feel very confused and sad to see him so dissappointed , i dunno if he's very sick but his eyes look watery , almost about to cry or to cough?
Comon Mozza Joe Chiccarelli tweeted yesterday that Jacky is #1 vinyl at official charts.
Morrissey , you need a real spokesperson, love you always no matter what :tears:

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