2011 Tour

The Scotland gigs have already been announced for presale tomorrow at 9am haven't they?
Still nothing on Ticketmaster. Starting to get pissed off that they haven't even listed the tickets on there yet. Tried to call them last night to speak to a human who could at least confirm when they would appear. Impossible. Robot after robot after robot. Tried tweeting them too but they haven't replied yet.


humans at ticketmaster?!!? you're havin a laugh!!:lbf:
what is the purpose of a pre-sale?
will everyone be able to access tickets tomorrow if there is one?
Right, so as long as I can get tickets I will be going to the Plymouth shindig. Anyone been there before/know what it's like? I hope it's not seated, I'd imagine it'd be a bit of a buzzkill...

There is a seating plan on the Morrissey page on the Pavilions website. It shows two levels of tiered seating and standing at the front.
what is the purpose of a pre-sale?
will everyone be able to access tickets tomorrow if there is one?

Pre Sales are are short window of opportunity to grab some early tickets. Popular with the large venues, as they often manage to sell unpopular seats with little effort. For general admission gigs they are a good way to avoid the mad rush. Sometimes the venue will send you the link, but I have never had experience of this for Morrissey. True-to-you has given links before, but for some reason it isn't flavour of the month right now!!
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Pre Sales are are short window of opportunity to grab some early tickets. Popular with the large venues, as they often manage to sell unpopular seats with little effort. For genberal admission gigs they are a good way to avoid the mad rush.

okay thanks for thats, makes sense really :)
so these are just the Scotland dates only?
One gig, the one in Inverness, is now up on Ticketmaster, with presale beginning tomorrow at 9 a.m. I suppose that the other dates will follow shortly.

Yes! Finally! Was getting worried that Ticketmaster were asleep behind the wheel.

The Scotland gigs have already been announced for presale tomorrow at 9am haven't they?

I don't think they have been offically announced, no. Until now that is with the Inverness Ticketmaster update. I think the Pre-sale chat was just conjecture based on previous tours.

humans at ticketmaster?!!? you're havin a laugh!!:lbf:

I've always had good experiences with Ticketmaster (though I understand I am in the minority). I just wanted confirmation that they were going to be putting tickets up for sale.
I don't think they have been offically announced, no. Until now that is with the Inverness Ticketmaster update. I think the Pre-sale chat was just conjecture based on previous tours.

Oh I see. I never investigated because at the time of reading the posts it wasn't in my mind to travel up to Scotland. However the Inverness gig keeps winking at me ;);)
Yes! Finally! Was getting worried that Ticketmaster were asleep behind the wheel.

I don't think they have been offically announced, no. Until now that is with the Inverness Ticketmaster update. I think the Pre-sale chat was just conjecture based on previous tours.

I've always had good experiences with Ticketmaster (though I understand I am in the minority). I just wanted confirmation that they were going to be putting tickets up for sale.
twice they hav sold me tickets(including Morrissey at halifax :tears:) only to ring me later to tell me they hav over sold the allocation they had..how?!!? :crazy: so they are not on my christmas card list! :p
The pre-sale for the Scotch dates was officially confirmed on the GigsinScotland site (which is affiliated to Ticketmaster and DFC) last Friday. Link was provided at the time. Keep up chaps! :D
The pre-sale for the Scotch dates was officially confirmed on the GigsinScotland site (which is affiliated to Ticketmaster and DFC) last Friday. Link was provided at the time. Keep up chaps! :D

Was it? Good lord. I must be losing it.
Perhaps a silly question, but is it possible to sign up to the gigsinscotland website to make the process a bit quicker tomorrow? I know I have a ticketmaster account, just wondering if gigsinscotland does that too. If so, how?
the sign up atgigsinscotland-the one with the ticket alert?
is there a difference beetween the registerting at gigsandtours or gigsinscotland?iassume gigsandtours and gigsinscotland
is the same company?

Not exactly, I meant more to create an account so they can remember your bank details etc. It's been so long since I booked anything online, I've forgotten how it all work...
hmm just tried to sign up at gigsinscotland and theydidnt accept the postcode i entered cause it is a german number
and unknown to them?
would they care if i put in some randon british one then?if they woudl notice that..would anybody be so kind a tell me
a password for the presale if theer is one?
sista, try NW1 4NS (post code of London School of Film Media & Performance), but I'm afraid I don't know the password.
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sista, try NW1 4NS (London School of Film Media & Performance), but I'm afraid I don't know the password.
hm ttied it again with a british postcode but now they say :please enter a valid date.
are they refering to the birthday now?
ill put it like that
-as an example: 01 12 1979
tried many alternative ways of putting my birthday into that box- write the month as a word etc.leaving away the 19..doing it rverse 12 0 1 still ...not possible
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Alhambra listing just put up on TM, with pre-sale details as before.
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