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  • This is my kind of luck.At liverpool I was sat right at the back miles from the stage,could hardly see a thing.Then this manager bloke came over and said he had some cancelled seats and would I like to be sat up front.I nearly ripped his arm off!He told me not to be jumping up and down cos I'd be sat with morrisseys family!! This sort of thing doesnt happen to me.Then 5 minutes into the show...
    I didnt recognise any of his family by the way.And at least I got home early
    fine and you? somebody used to call me shamus(which i hate) so i said i'd rather be called Doris and it stuck with some people..the mm at the end(dorismm) are my middle and last name initials..how you getting to bradford/york? nothing planned for bradford yet but be going on train to york
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