Morrissey Central "#YourLivesMatter" (July 1, 2020)

You would have loved Ally Pally in 92 when he played National Front Disco and the Union Jack was unfurled and everyone of those sensitive, liberal souls went batshit crazy.

I would have chucked a tri colour at him.
The entire carnival is in a neck hold?
If you wanted an entirely violence free Carnival, yes. At last year's one a man tried to bite a woman's face off. Another year a gang of blacks called an Asian man a "P*ki" and stabbed him to death. It would prevent things like that I suppose.
It can be. But sadism among non whites is statistically more common. Check this from today's news and show me a single instance where a white boy has done this to a black girl.

She was only four foot eleven and weighed six and a half stone. What a big man. She'd just been to a rap gig and thought it would safe having him walk her home. I blame the Kardashians.
Men are scum. Not all. Just far too many.
The Kardashians are telling girls that it's cool to have a black boyfriend as an accessory, like the latest designer handbag.

What they don't say is that statistically you are more likely to be slapped around, or even buried in the ground if you're very unlucky.
The Kardashians are telling girls that it's cool to have a black boyfriend as an accessory, like the latest designer handbag.

What they don't say is that statistically you are more likely to be slapped around, or even buried in the ground if you're very unlucky.

If i had girls....which i dont'........I'd only allow them to go out with Stephen Fry.
The Kardashians are telling girls that it's cool to have a black boyfriend as an accessory, like the latest designer handbag.

What they don't say is that statistically you are more likely to be slapped around, or even buried in the ground if you're very unlucky.

There was a machete attack in Wolverhampton today. Usual suspects I'm guessing. Which led me to find this....I'd kind of forgotten about it. You won't be surprised by the race of the guy that did it.

The Kardashians are telling girls that it's cool to have a black boyfriend as an accessory, like the latest designer handbag.

What they don't say is that statistically you are more likely to be slapped around, or even buried in the ground if you're very unlucky.

Of course you blame people from social media for things you read about on social media.

In reality, on average 2 women a week are killed by men & most of those men are white.
Of course you blame people from social media for things you read about on social media.

In reality, on average 2 women a week are killed by men & most of those men are white.

Because, this is still a majority white country........but the ethnics sure do seem to do their share.
Please........leave the poverty bit out. It's just an excuse.

It's not an excuse - it's a fact that there's more violence in low income neighbourhoods.

Tackling poverty & inequality would do more to lower the rates of violence than hating 'the ethnics' & reading warped true crime sites.

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