Statement from Mozzery

I thought it wasn't a good argument at first... then I saw the key (maybe)
Seal-kill provides work for people, but this is not the reason such activity exists.
Gas chambers also provided work, but that's not the reason they were created.

What annoys you?

you cant compare seal slaughter to the holocaust. it's silly.
Statement from Morrissey:

[...] as we all know, the psychologically and constitutionally sickening Canadian seal-kill has started and is once again in full-cry.
The horror of the Canadian seal-kill is untranslatable, and although I fully realize that highly concentrated evil exists in other countries - Japan's dolphin slaughter, Iceland's newly-revived whaling, the cat-skinning trade in Switzerland, and China with just about every injustice imaginable - there is something especially menacing about Canada's seal-kill.
Loyola Sullivan (Canada's Ambassador for Fisheries Conservation) is a man of glacial coldness who claims that the seal-kill is "humane" - a view he might alter if his own skull were cracked open with a spiked axe.
The fact that the seal-kill provides a livelihood for fishermen is an insultingly dim excuse for it to take place - after all, the German gas chambers of World War 2 also provided work for someone.
The seal-kill takes place to satisfy greed for fur-pelts, and this Canadian government is happy to drag the global image of its own country down, and make it a place that people such as I couldn't bear to visit.
MORRISSEY, 29 March 2008.

statement from HIM:



HIM, 1 April 2008.
statement from HIM:



HIM, 1 April 2008.


ha ha! you did make me laugh though. Have you seen the Steven thread?

is that kidn of disrespect really allowed on this forum ? :eek:
It certainly is and thats not the worse of it. :rolleyes:
Hang the Old man -

OK - I am tired of this loser - the seal statement is a joke.

Get off the stage...and take your crappy Greatest Hits, your terrible last 2 albums and stuff them.

You cant sell records to save your life, and no one cares about your statement regarding the seal hunt. If you had any real care about this, you would speak out in public in Canada, and get others to support your cause...right now the majority of your fans who even know you still exist dont care about the hunt, except for the few Canadians are mad about it.

Well I am hanging up the skates. Good bye Morrissey. Thanks for teh memories.

Now You Are A Was.

Are teh memories the same as 'the' memories? I'm confused..:)
Re: Hang the Old man -

I did this as an April Fool's Joke on Livejournal.

it was a joke though.

Now, now, calm down. *pat pat* Nobodys perfect!

He doesn't NEED to sell records to save his life, (or does he have some sort of disease now...?).

Plenty of his fans care about the hunt, (I'm one of them), just because they don't come on solo doesn't mean they don't exist!

Now, please drink some tea and calm down. Really, it's April Fools Day. be HAPPY, or I'm shoving an ice cream cone down your throat. Because ice cream makes EVERYONE happy! :D
He knows some people will not understand, he knows he will have to pay a price for this, but he does it anyway. He has a purpose and means to get there and so he goes for it. It is truly inspiring.

(There was a thread here a while ago about how he changed people's lives. By doing things like that, he changes mine.)
in an aside, how did it take me this long to discover the 'secondary' smilies?! heheh
how long have they been around/available?

I use a mac. Earlier today I looked at this page on a PC and the smilies were like in technicolor. I thought, "What the heck are all those brightly colored dots!" It was distracting and offensive to the senses. Mac screens are superior.
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