Morrissey Central "Rebels Without Applause" (November 25, 2022)

First 'single' release in exactly three years.

Morrissey's Rebels Without Applause is available today worldwide (including Britain) on Spotify, courtesy of Capitol Records. The track is produced by Andrew Watt.
This is Morrissey's first 'single' release since 'It's Over', taken from the 'California Son' album in November 2019. 'It's Over' peaked at number 1 in the UK vinyl chart.

Morrissey's next live appearance is on Monday, 28 November at The Anthem in Washington DC.

Just to help Central:
It's Over was released as an instant grat & pre-order bonus - February 25/26, 2019 (followed by Morning Starship - both getting airplay).
It's Over was then nightmarishly released as a physical 7" - (initially December 20, 2019) January 24, 2020.
The first actual "single" from California Son was Wedding Bell Blues 7" - May 10, 2019.

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Perfect, so it is done with the fans! Moz you must take care of your fans if there are reasons not to do a show you must communicate what happens in person, without isolation or fear, that makes your fans who attend the shows and those who cannot, feel better. Refreshing your relationship with your followers makes them love you more. An artist knows how to recognize that after all it exists because people are going to see it or buy his records, as simple and strong as that. Viva Moz we have already started receiving their album:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
With your comprehensive (& accurate) knowledge FWD, you should run Central. :thumb:
Thankfully, my loyalties lie elsewhere.
I got all the 'Morrissey notice me' stuff out of my system in the 80s.
This type of damp squib post would drive me potty.
Were there no singles released from 'I Am Not a Dog on a Chain'?

Discogs lists 'Bobby, 'Knockabout World' and 'Love is on Its Way Out' as single releases, though I'm not sure what counts when there is nothing physical other than promo copies.
I love this song; it's exactly what songs in recent years haven't's jaunty and jangly. On first listen not sure I like the vocal processing; you've got one of the most individualistic singers in music and you hide it with layers of autotune, it sounds like. I prefer the more natural sound of the live version.

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