Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Okay. Here's what I took from all of that: she's a model. Doesn't that tell you something about how insignificant the shape of her eyelids are? Do you think it's possible you've convinced yourself that a completely normal physical variation is somehow mutant and unacceptable?
she's not a model anymore though. I mean, not a real one. she was in her teens. now they just give her spots to be nice or as a novelty the way they do with old former models and occasionally their bland children, all the while talking behind their back about how rough they look. this was her when she was young, when her eyelids were still good:

you see how much better she looks? the skin around the eyes makes a world of difference.
now, here she is today at 39:

she looks 59. just really harsh. (mine aren't this bad but I fear they will go that way. anyday I could wake up and they could be like that)
contrast that with the lovely rhea Seehorn who is 45 but looks in her late 30s, likely in part because of her still taut eyelids:

eyelids, you see, are key. not insignificant at all!

all I can do is wonder why some people get to keep their taut eyelids all their lives whilst other peoples eyelids just become an aging disaster. and basically I just feel gypped because I had just assumed I would be in the former category. :(
that's how they die. while gasping in terror, yet unable to scream, this lovely and drolly looking fugu is held by a callous idiot into the camera to make fun of its agony. while lying on the worktop, unable to move, the animal's suffering is filmed in detail for a long time. the proudly grinning cook then takes the knife and positions it for the final deadly stab at the fugu's neck, and then, quickly after that has been done, is chopping off the animal's fins and tail, skinning it, pretending to be a master of his trade, even though, as everyone can see, the animal is still alive. i'm only mildly surprised that some japanese, after fukushima, still eat fish.

that was seriously disturbing, lanterns. they treated it like an inanimate object, like the fact that this thing is instilled with life is of no importance whatsoever. somewhere in all that slicing and dicing the animal died, but there was nothing to mark the point at which this occurred, not even a shrug or a bat of an eye, the slicing and dicing just went on, all in the name of some perverse desire for new and exotic flavours. he was so cute too. :(
Eyelid surgery has been all the rage in China for years now, to make them look Western.
However, there has been an unintended side effect for those that got them years ago, this eye thing Rifke is on about
Now eye doctors offering a new surgery to fix that, while, of course, Asian women that never got it in the first place have none of these worries :rolleyes:
she's not a model anymore though. I mean, not a real one. she was in her teens. now they just give her spots to be nice or as a novelty the way they do with old former models and occasionally their bland children, all the while talking behind their back about how rough they look. this was her when she was young, when her eyelids were still good:

you see how much better she looks? the skin around the eyes makes a world of difference.
now, here she is today at 39:

she looks 59. just really harsh. (mine aren't this bad but I fear they will go that way. anyday I could wake up and they could be like that)
contrast that with the lovely rhea Seehorn who is 45 but looks in her late 30s, likely in part because of her still taut eyelids:

eyelids, you see, are key. not insignificant at all!

all I can do is wonder why some people get to keep their taut eyelids all their lives whilst other peoples eyelids just become an aging disaster. and basically I just feel gypped because I had just assumed I would be in the former category. :(
It's never a fair deal, though. I'm 54. For a person that spent a large part of the last 10 years ill in bed, I look remarkably youthful, with good skin tone and very few facial lines. But my neck looks like somebody else's - well, like somebody else's grandma's, to be specific. I look at my face and then my neck and think, surely there's been a mistake? Maybe I have some terrible disease of the neck? It seems ageing just goes that way. Some bits of us degenerate gradually, sympathetically, and other bits just have their own agenda entirely. Make friends with your crinkliness. Be thankful for the good bits. It's the only way. Unless, you know, you have some actual medical condition that's causing it.
It's never a fair deal, though. I'm 54. For a person that spent a large part of the last 10 years ill in bed, I look remarkably youthful, with good skin tone and very few facial lines. But my neck looks like somebody else's - well, like somebody else's grandma's, to be specific. I look at my face and then my neck and think, surely there's been a mistake? Maybe I have some terrible disease of the neck? It seems ageing just goes that way. Some bits of us degenerate gradually, sympathetically, and other bits just have their own agenda entirely. Make friends with your crinkliness. Be thankful for the good bits. It's the only way. Unless, you know, you have some actual medical condition that's causing it.
oh peppermint you're so equanimous. I could never be that equanimous.
I think actually I do have a medical condition causing it. it's because I've always gotten edema in my eyelids--allergies, I think? I get it when I eat bread, or when I take advil, I know that. and that can cause the muscles to weaken. so one day I just looked in the mirror and my eyelids were like this. they had previously shown no sign that they were going to go that way. so I really feel like it's unnatural and shouldn't have happened, and I just think "well If I had been more careful and paid more attention to my eyelids over the years this may not have happened". so it makes me sad. and getting them fixed isn't so easy as I thought it would be, because it can lower the eyebrows, and would I then be bothered by having lower eyebrows? *sigh* I just want to rewind ten years.
anyways, thanks for sharing your experience. have you thought about getting it fixed, or are you not bothered enough? I imagine it's easier if you have kids and other things in life to be more philosophic about it all, but I don't have other things in life, nor do I want other things in life. I just want taut skin forever, that's all!
oh peppermint you're so equanimous. I could never be that equanimous.
I think actually I do have a medical condition causing it. it's because I've always gotten edema in my eyelids--allergies, I think? I get it when I eat bread, or when I take advil, I know that. and that can cause the muscles to weaken. so one day I just looked in the mirror and my eyelids were like this. they had previously shown no sign that they were going to go that way. so I really feel like it's unnatural and shouldn't have happened, and I just think "well If I had been more careful and paid more attention to my eyelids over the years this may not have happened". so it makes me sad. and getting them fixed isn't so easy as I thought it would be, because it can lower the eyebrows, and would I then be bothered by having lower eyebrows? *sigh* I just want to rewind ten years.
anyways, thanks for sharing your experience. have you thought about getting it fixed, or are you not bothered enough? I imagine it's easier if you have kids and other things in life to be more philosophic about it all, but I don't have other things in life, nor do I want other things in life. I just want taut skin forever, that's all!
No, I really don't care, I've got other things to worry about that are far more important. Seriously, though, if you think it's linked to an allergy then you maybe should be looking at diet/nutrition before you even think about surgery. A good nutritionist should be able to tell you if it's linked and what to eat to get rid of it.
Eyelid surgery has been all the rage in China for years now, to make them look Western.
However, there has been an unintended side effect for those that got them years ago, this eye thing Rifke is on about
Now eye doctors offering a new surgery to fix that, while, of course, Asian women that never got it in the first place have none of these worries :rolleyes:
In A Paris cafe my mother said to me, get your eyes fixed, lol . I was 22 and had cried buckets. Nah, God hates vanity.
It's never a fair deal, though. I'm 54. For a person that spent a large part of the last 10 years ill in bed, I look remarkably youthful, with good skin tone and very few facial lines. But my neck looks like somebody else's - well, like somebody else's grandma's, to be specific. I look at my face and then my neck and think, surely there's been a mistake? Maybe I have some terrible disease of the neck? It seems ageing just goes that way. Some bits of us degenerate gradually, sympathetically, and other bits just have their own agenda entirely. Make friends with your crinkliness. Be thankful for the good bits. It's the only way. Unless, you know, you have some actual medical condition that's causing it.
How do people end up all wrinkly with lines in their faces?

They never take enough vitamin c and smoke.
you see that pocket of weird messy skin above the eye?! that's not normal! she would look soooo much better if she didn't have that. she's about 34 in this picture and she looks 45 and im sure it's because of her eyelids.
I don't know, is she wearing eyeshadow? I cant tell. what different does it make? except that, oh my god, what a nightmare to have to take it off.
She’s very brave to apply eyeshadow to such deformed eyes. First, it must take her forever to get it brushed all over that many ridges. Second, that kind of quantity of product must cost her a small fortune. Thirdly, why would you want to accent that?! I now understand the horror of which you speak.
that's how they die. while gasping in terror, yet unable to scream, this lovely and drolly looking fugu is held by a callous idiot into the camera to make fun of its agony. while lying on the worktop, unable to move, the animal's suffering is filmed in detail for a long time. the proudly grinning cook then takes the knife and positions it for the final deadly stab at the fugu's neck, and then, quickly after that has been done, is chopping off the animal's fins and tail, skinning it, pretending to be a master of his trade, even though, as everyone can see, the animal is still alive. i'm only mildly surprised that some japanese, after fukushima, still eat fish.

Can’t bring myself to watch. It’s sounds horrific from your description.
She’s very brave to apply eyeshadow to such deformed eyes. First, it must take her forever to get it brushed all over that many ridges. Second, that kind of quantity of product must cost her a small fortune. Thirdly, why would you want to accent that?! I now understand the horror of which you speak.
I knowwwwwwwww :(
has anyone done one of those masterclass things? is it worth it for the price? I was thinking of doing the Margaret atwood one but im not sure if I want to spend $120ca on it. I mean, think of all the baklava I could buy.
It’s not going to go away when they do bc you have a lifetime of learned coping mechanisms to unpack from being attacked constantly which makes you fear everything and afraid to even speak bc you have to chose what words she wants to hear, not what words you’re thinking. But the relief from verbal abuse and guilt for daring to have your own agenda and not appeasing her is like a strange heaven.
Thinking: someone's reminiscing...


Yum today is a pool day. It’s a heated saltwater pool which I’ve never been in before so that’ll be fun to try. Supposed to be more buoyant. It’s been super grey here lately as we’re catchin the fringes of hurricane Florence
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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