Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

My thoughts on how she acts towards others is based on the people who have worked with her in locker rooms etc. the lowly people. not many have nice things to say but hats neither here nor there in regards to this matter. She doesn’t have to be nice. There were nine penalties awarded to women in that competition and twenty three to men. It’s not like men just get away with what they want. The racket violation is automatic. The coaching was admitted by her coach and it’s irrelevant if it’s seen or not. men were called on coaching as well including nasal by Ramos.There’s not really much to advocate for imo. As for the momentum break deal, it’s almost impossible to prove but it does follow a pattern that when she’s losing she seems to do this. She turned a match she lost into a spotlight for herself. It’s the only way I see it
The one thing to add in there is the judgement of the referee. For example, during the men’s final, she was lax on the serve clock rule due to the situation. No one wants a final decided by penalties. And not the the Willians Osaka match was. But there is no doubt it had an impact. Fun having people on here to talk tennis with. Thanks for the dialogue.
The one thing to add in there is the judgement of the referee. For example, during the men’s final, she was lax on the serve clock rule due to the situation. No one wants a final decided by penalties. And not the the Willians Osaka match was. But there is no doubt it had an impact. Fun having people on here to talk tennis with. Thanks for the dialogue.
this whole thing about the refs boycotting her games though is beyond f***ed up :squiffy: and I believe they would only even threaten this because they know how many racist people despise that an African American woman has dominated women’s tennis for so long o_O
The one thing to add in there is the judgement of the referee. For example, during the men’s final, she was lax on the serve clock rule due to the situation. No one wants a final decided by penalties. And not the the Willians Osaka match was. But there is no doubt it had an impact. Fun having people on here to talk tennis with. Thanks for the dialogue.

I personally would think that a final match is more important and thus should be expected to be overseen more rigidly and not less. I don’t think the refs reaction has anything to do with racism or sexism and rather the fact that she acted terribly threw her own match and blamed the ref for accurately holding her to the rules and now he has to take abuse and be called sexist and racist for doing his job well and holding her to the rules of the game. If people have a problem with how men are treated by some refs, even most men say Ramos is strict, then push for the refs who are to lax to be more Accurate in there calls or lack of them but to expect this guy to take being harassed the way he has been is wrong. He himself did nothing wrong. She got caught getting coached, he admitted it, broke her racquet which is an automatic violation and called the ref a name which is against the rules. It’s not just that she got mad and disagreed or argued with the ref but she specifically called him a name which is against the rules. People shouldn’t be subject to abuse for doing there job well. I love tennis and played for years
got a bit high and decided that this world needs a small very sorta allegro energico 7 min piece written as a set of variations on "handsome devil" for string quartet; or at least a decent string quartet cover.

A normal day in the life of Mark Wahlberg except on Sundays. Not surprised cause the man related to him that I worked under here in Sweden was completely focused as well to the extreme that it became a bit annoying.
He runs a hotel now and sings in various bands, no not Mark, Robert.
Countthree needs to learn how to use Google Translate and also needs to brush up on her knowledge on history. But her knowledge on Buenos Aires is impressive for someone living there.
I am your troll for your own convenience and when I bully people I make you feel like a victim so you can cry on someones shoulder and get support and perhaps make new friends.
I am your troll for your own convenience and when I bully people I make you feel like a victim so you can cry on someones shoulder and get support and perhaps make new friends.

Yes, you are the pocket-troll. Very convenient and easy to handle.
I wonder if someone here uses Scrivener as a writing tool, I'd love to know if it's convenient as some people say before attempting to study the huge tutorial that will take me a lot of time doing something I don't enjoy. But if it worths it I would do it.
Yes, you are the pocket-troll. Very convenient and easy to handle.
So in that case why are you complaining and how come someone from a third world toilet is turning herself into a judge speaking on behalf of everyone else.
Say hello to your family the military junta victims abused in basements from hell.


We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun (oh well not quite)
White people in south america are the biggest and worst racists on the planet still people focus on some rednecks in USA to fill their hate cup to the brim.
A bit like how swedish lefties used to bash 14 year old nazi skinheads and paint them out as some big threat to society.
So in that case why are you complaining and how come someone from a third world toilet is turning herself into a judge speaking on behalf of everyone else.
Say hello to your family the military junta victims abused in basements from hell.


We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun (oh well not quite)

That was a very, very low blow, even for a rat like you. I lost members of my family in an European concentration camp, too. It's curious that, after all, we are the fascists.
That was a very, very low blow, even for a rat like you. I lost members of my family in an European concentration camp, too. It's curious that, after all, we are the fascists.
Where is the proof of that, did it really happen?

My guess is that they are part of the many survivors. So you are jewish and live in Argentina and have italian blood and possibly more. What a complete mix up of so many things and if I dipped a finger in that soup and tasted it I'd go "100% chicken brains".

Every white person in South America is a nazi end of.
That was a very, very low blow, even for a rat like you. I lost members of my family in an European concentration camp, too. It's curious that, after all, we are the fascists.
There is only one Rat and that is Simon Wratten!

Aryan swedes don't have brown rat eyes like you lot!

She is so mad now she will block the banana boat from entering the harbour of the banana republic.
The death of Gerrit the dutchman well it happens a lot round here
and if you think Lanterns is a gentle soul that goes to show how little you know
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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