NPR's "50 Great Voices" Nominations

Thanks for reminding us JSJ :)

Yea, I'm enjoying catching up and educating myself. This is the kind of list that's worthy of the inclusion of Morrissey's voice. The gradual disclosure is a good idea. :)
:eek: Oh do tell!!!!!!!!!!

In 1996 there was some stupid record I wanted - I don't even remember what it was. I went to Media Play after work (back when there were Media Play stores). I was in grad school and financially I was completely destitute. I couldn't even afford the thing I was PLANNING on buying, nonetheless something I wasn't.

So I get there and I immediately see they don't have what I was looking for and go to leave, but for a reason I can't explain I walked further back into the store, took a left right into the jazz section (????) and walked straight over to a lavendar boxed set of Ella Fitzgerald cds with her picture on the front. I read the entire track listing on the back. It was $80. I have no interest in Ella Fitzgerald AT ALL - but there I was holding it thinking 'I HAVE to have this!!!!!!"

Then standing there - I just snapped out if it- and thought WHAT ARE YOU DOING! - and put it back and walked away. I was really going to buy it. It was SO ODD.

Then that night on the radio they said that Ella Fitzgerald had died late that afternoon. I freaked out. I told my mom later and she said "Wow, I guess you CAN take it with youl!"

Since then I've had a couple weird things like that happen.
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