Morrissey on Guardian

no need to go to China for see such tragedic pic. We have the same here, with people thinking their pets are like a baby, buying clothes etc etc etc
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned / noticed, but Tim Jonze, the journalist who interviewed Morrissey for the NME interview (yes, that one). Well, he's now the Editor at

He's tweeted this earlier... "Someone on Moz story reckons I planned this whole thing! Alas my power is such that I didn't even know about the interview until Thurs night"


I liked the tweet from Katherine Viner, Deputy Editor at the Guardian...

"As we sent Guardian front page last night, prepress rang + said, did you know that Morrissey has a cat on his head? Is it meant to be there?"
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I have to say I was most shocked by the fact that he has become a cat-lady and that he drinks so much fanta! :eek: :D
I'm still not completely sure what my opinion is on the whole "the Chinese are a subspecies" issue...yes, he did not word it the best way, but we have all said things in a way we later regret at some point in our lives. I do not believe that he is in anyway blatantly racist towards Asians, but rather meant that the people who do treat animals in such a cruel manner seem to be like a subspecies, it just wasn't worded as one would desire.
I later read an article about the skinning of live animals in China (not brave enough to watch the video) and I agree that it is absolutely horrific and that the people who are having this done are obviously in the wrong, but that would be the same if they were American, British...of any other nationality (China is a nation, not a race). He is saying they are a subspecies because of they way they are treating these animals, not because they are Chinese.
I'm mostly just repeating what other people have said but this is my two cents!
The chinesemorrissey twitters are hilarious, my favorite is "stop me if you think you've heard szechuan before" :rofl:
I wonder how many cats he has...where do you think is the boundary where one begins to enter cat-lady territory?
Different Jake, different Jake.

Its not. Theres a rather substantial post on the main page detailing the Jake Owen/ Walters conundrum. As long as you can wade through all the Moz-apologists and politically correct brigade which I now find myself residing in. I could tell you some nasty Madeleine McCann jokes though

As for Tim Jonze I''m sure that Andy Coulson was unaware that his reporters were bugging phone lines when editor of the News of The World.;)

As for this story being boring cos Morrissey has a record to promote and we'll all forget about it... time and time again recently to whip up a sh*tstorm and create some publicity he says something that could be portrayed as racially incendiary. Its irresponsible. And just supports my belief that his artistry is going down the pan with crap re-releases, recent albums that don't stand up to the test of time, cancelled gigs, diva huffs, lack of poetic lyrical insight and deliberately provocative statements that lack any irony or wit.

I Know It's Over. Do you?
"You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies."

what do you think Hu Jintao?

'Stupid Irriet!'


Isn`t the whole institution of one p.l. (chosen by whom? They are not free in their work but have to i.e. write a eulogy if Elizabeth Windsor dies etc) a bit ridiuiculous and Moz was making fun of that?

Thanks, I got that alright, but is there a discernable reason why he would be disparaging about her? :squiffy: Or, as I half-feel, could it have been just teasing, both towards her, indirectly, and of Armitage's hero-worship? :confused:

You both have a good point there. And yes, it was probably just teasing.

As for this story being boring cos Morrissey has a record to promote and we'll all forget about it... time and time again recently to whip up a sh*tstorm and create some publicity he says something that could be portrayed as racially incendiary. Its irresponsible. And just supports my belief that his artistry is going down the pan with crap re-releases, recent albums that don't stand up to the test of time, cancelled gigs, diva huffs, lack of poetic lyrical insight and deliberately provocative statements that lack any irony or wit.

I Know It's Over. Do you?

I disagree, but each to their own. I don't see the 'racist' comments strictly as a publicity thing, but maybe I'm just daft and deluded. :rolleyes:
Well, it was an interestng interview. I must admit it was my reason for joining this forum, because I read the article, felt an overwhelming urge to be with some Morrissey fans, so I googled, found this and so, here I am.

(I thought it was a great idea to send someone like Armitage, because it messed with the usual balance of power in an interview, although I'm not sure exactly in what way. Especially since Armitage was a fan. And it was telling that he said M wasn't a poet. I didn't think they got on well. But it was fascinating. )

(And I have spent a lot of time trying to decide if the cat was photoshopped or not. Because I thought yes, then no, then yes again and now I'm completely unsure! )
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I love the last para:

A black cloud has been stuck up Morrissey's ass for a while, so I'm pretty sure he HATES ALL PEOPLE. Bitch is like the Emo Scrooge. I'm not defending his words, but if he could live on a deserted island with only his cats he would. But he'd probably still find a tree trunk or some shit to yell at.​

So true.

In his own statement he said "What are the apologists going to say this time? It looks like in his old age Morrissey has forgotten to include the ambiguity, like he has done in the past. Maybe he just doesn't care any more."

I love the last para:

A black cloud has been stuck up Morrissey's ass for a while, so I'm pretty sure he HATES ALL PEOPLE. Bitch is like the Emo Scrooge. I'm not defending his words, but if he could live on a deserted island with only his cats he would. But he'd probably still find a tree trunk or some shit to yell at.​

In his own statement he said "What are the apologists going to say this time? It looks like in his old age Morrissey has forgotten to include the ambiguity, like he has done in the past. Maybe he just doesn't care any more."


I think you'll find Simon Price, the music journo with a rather unedifying haircut, said that last sentence (unless he's the host of Dlisted in which case I stand corrected)
I think you'll find Simon Price, the music journo with a rather unedifying haircut, said that last sentence (unless he's the host of Dlisted in which case I stand corrected)

I guess I must have mis read it - c'est la vie - it's yesterday's news already and with be tomorrow's chip wrapping paper...

Well, it was an interestng interview. I must admit it was my reason for joining this forum, because I read the article, felt an overwhelming urge to be with some Morrissey fans, so I googled, found this and so, here I am.

(I thought it was a great idea to send someone like Armitage, because it messed with the usual balance of power in an interview, although I'm not sure exactly in what way. Especially since Armitage was a fan. And it was telling that he said M wasn't a poet. I didn't think they got on well. But it was fascinating. )

(And I have spent a lot of time trying to decide if the cat was photoshopped or not. Because I thought yes, then no, then yes again and now I'm completely unsure! )

Where the usual balance of power in an interview is concerned, if you comb back you'll find Morrissey is the common denominator when that happens. :D

On the cat being photoshopped, no one asked if Kristeen Young was. :p
You both have a good point there. And yes, it was probably just teasing.

I have a vague and uncertain recollection that Morrissey commented briefly during a gig over the past year or so on Carol Ann Duffy?

mabuk wrote on the main page:


The site contains a petition which you might want to sign, as well as a horrific video clip of a dog being skinned alive, which I wouldn't recommend watching no matter how curious you are."

I couldn't keep going to the end. What's happening is evil and does warrant a strong reaction from anyone with an iota of humane feeling.
I think you'll find Simon Price, the music journo with a rather unedifying haircut, said that last sentence (unless he's the host of Dlisted in which case I stand corrected)

I guess I must have mis read it - c'est la vie - it's yesterday's news already and with be tomorrow's chip wrapping paper...

Besides it being yet another time-wasting; interviewer-obsessed; busy scissors (editing him out the page) interview, at least we did get to shed some slight light on matters concerning Morrissey, which we may have had an inkling over but now it's been confirmed. If we can go by this interview.

We know he drinks Fanta, which isn't really revelatory but I'll take great delight in over the Coca-Cola brigade at work. I always knew it was the best drink.

We know he emails, which had been mentioned before but was never confirmed. A fiver for anyone who can obtain it.

He still has the ability to stop traffic; shake the British press and its pond life to its core.

He is still one of the foremost commentators on British life. His one quote that still stood intact on when you become involved with an other human being was bang on the money and still shows he has the ability to interpret the working-classes like no other.

His wit is still there, although a lot of it wasn't in print, being that we had to find out what Simon thtought of the whole thing. The best being his quip to Simon - 'you're Vince Cable'.

His autobiography is now complete and as it will be all his own words, will hopefully provide us with a more conclusive and coherent account of what the hell has been going on than a poet's wet dream ever could.

So all in, more positive from him and for those who wished to and had actually succeeded in reading the article. What is maddening and saddening is that you had those fractions of fans (if you call them that) who had made their mind up before actually having read the article and then those who done so thereafter, even though if you had read the article, you'll see there was very little of Morrissey in it and when there was, despite the ill-advised Chinese comment, that in itself, besides being clumsy, still shows he cares beyond belief about the very thing that got most into him, he still has the ability to be as charming; as thoughtful and as magical as ever.

To say that he was nasty; bitter and twisted is so off the mark, as with any interview he's done, he likes to jostle; probe and play with the interviewer as much as the interviewer does with him. I can only assume this is either his way of dealing with it or that he has a genuine interest in others and their well-being. This isn't a bad thing.

Also to say he wasn't interested or was being obviously obtuse is wrong because he even Simon says, he stayed around a long time after the interview, so there must have either been some sort of a connection or as he said, conversation had dried up but Morrissey was still happy to entertain him.

Again, we don't know the circumstances in which the interview took place; what mood he was in or heaven forbid, whether he actually got paid or done it of his own free time. Unfortunately the majority are basing it one hamfisted but none the less, heartfelt comment and marking him out as being a racist when in the next breath, they mention his eulogy to Melissa, who to my limited knowledge may have herself been considered as being ethnic.

Of course Simon goes on to say that there was a lot of talk and dramatic statements throughout the day, so why did he see fit to only publish this one? Where are the rest? Or is this the best one to sell papers? It's hard not to defend Morrissey because again; everything he has ever said when in print or person has been genuine; of kindness; care and concern but again he's being judged on an article that completely cut out and has only the bare bones of quotes; either cut off or quoted to suit the idea of the interviewer. It's not an a poor interviewer; nor is it an assassination; it was done out of love but again reveals nothing of the man; reflects nothing of who he is as a person and at best, conveys someone still actively involved in what he believes in but who will forever be misunderstood by those who cut together these articles; those who don't read them but get it second-hand and by those who have done the interview because it touches on only the smallest amount said.

Well, at least he still has his fans. Oh wait a minute...
Where the usual balance of power in an interview is concerned, if you comb back you'll find Morrissey is the common denominator when that happens. :D

On the cat being photoshopped, no one asked if Kristeen Young was. :p
Yeah, balance of power in interviews, the interviewer generally has the power of final word and the interviewee has the high ground as the person of note, the artist, if you like.

But I thought it was interestng that they send a poet to interview M, because in some ways a poet (arguably) has the artistic high ground over a songwriter. (A statement that could be debated ad infinitum, of course, but in a way I can see that being in both their minds.)

If you were going to look for a songwriter who had crossd the line into the realm of the poet, think M would probably be the first person I would put up for discussion, anyway.

Something else, I wondered if the line at the end of the interview where he said that the wings apeared on his shoes and he ascended into heaven, kind if thing, was a way of saying that that was the moment when the hero died, becase I suspect M said something less than complimentary about the fact that A. had put that music in the book, or even that he'd given him the book at all, and that was the moment it happened. (Or something.) After all, Armitage thinks in metaphor a lot, I guess. Either that or I'm completely up the wrong tree. (Has been known. :p)

With the cat, the problem seemed to be the cat's expression, which didn't say, "I'm balancing on a head", to me. (Or anything about a cheezburgr.) I'm confident that M could look entirely as if no cat was on his head when any number really were. :) (Examination of the feet/hair interface proved inconclusive.)

Kristeen Young?
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