Morrissey 'Did I Say That?' feature in the Observer

On being worshipped

I can understand it when somebody writes to me by every post, and sends me their underwear, and feels that enormous degree of painful obsession. And I wholly encourage it (1987)

If a plane crashed at 38,000ft, within 10 minutes I'd be walking [safely] on the ground. And if there were eight survivors and one had to be eaten, it wouldn't be me (1997)

This statement always get my attention. He really found some new aspects of himself during that period.. And the comment about women wearing fur sound's just like something Oscar Wilde would have given his other kidney for. Hilarious.
Anyone else got a sudden hankering for a revival of 3-2-1?

It was the explanations at the end of the show that made it. You could have any prize, and there'd be a convoluted story leading towards it, but that story could lead to anything. It was pure chance what you got.

Having said that, any show with a motorised rubbish bin is OK by me.

It was the explanations at the end of the show that made it. You could have any prize, and there'd be a convoluted story leading towards it, but that story could lead to anything. It was pure chance what you got.

Having said that, any show with a motorised rubbish bin is OK by me.


That bin creeped me out, actually. I think the re-launch would have to find another booby prize. I could forsee Morrissey opting for the flayed corpse of Bill Oddie.
Brilliant, I've been wanting them to do one for ages ... there's such a vast choice of quotes. :)

Edit: On the page before they're talking to John Snow, it's like it's my own personal newspaper. :p
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