"Meat is boss!!"

Yes, he probably did ask for the whole venue to be meat free, as he does wherever he plays. They reached a compromise whereby it wouldn't be served backstage but people had the option to go and get a burger from the main venue, presumably a short walk away. I really don't see the big deal. Some people just love to get angry at Morrissey, it's their favourite occupation.

If you're in music industry in UK it's well known fact that Morrissey is a veg who requests meat free environment when he's playing.

The Rascals used this opportunity for their publicity, sad people indeed.
If you're in music industry in UK it's well known fact that Morrissey is a veg who requests meat free environment when he's playing.

The Rascals used this opportunity for their publicity, sad people indeed.

I certainly don't rate the Rascals very highly (shame after the promise of Last Shadow Puppets) but I don't think they were asking for publicity for crying out loud: it seems they'd be more likely to get noticed for doing a set with Alex Turner rather than an obscure, throwaway comment about Morrissey banning meat.
At events like that there would have been a long line of journalists backstage asking questions, and it seems ITN were asking about the meat ban - the guy from The Rascals was obviously, in my eyes understandably, annoyed and it was caught on camera.
No, I read in a magazine that Morrissey had no say in the other bands who were playing, which would explain The Rascals. ;)

As a veggie, I agree with a lot of the people on here - that often there is a poor choice of vegetarian food at festivals, if any. Saying that, I've come across places with a surprisingly good choice of veggie stuff and a crap array of meat products. And whilst there are plenty of reasons to go vegetarian, there are next to none to be carnivorous besides 'it tastes nice'. And meat-eaters can still eat veggie products, even if they'd rather not. Eating vegetables does not confict with carnivores' personal values, whilst eating meat does conflict with veggies' principles.

Also: Morrissey's decision shows potential veggies who are worried that they would miss meat too much to become vegetarian that they can live without meat, even if only for a few hours.

Why do people refer to meat-eaters as carnivores? A carnivore eats only meat but people who eat meat don't just eat meat. Surely omnivore is the correct term??
Why do people refer to meat-eaters as carnivores? A carnivore eats only meat but people who eat meat don't just eat meat. Surely omnivore is the correct term??

Well, I don't mean it in a particularly nasty way if it's any consolation. 'Carni-' means meat in Latin, 'omni-' means everything, which makes it sound like you eat bike locks and hair grips (to me if no-one else).
My thoughts exactly. The Rascals brat sure had the 3,50 quid to treat hisself to a piece of flesh outside that area.. That was one of the most immature and dumb interview statements I've seen in a while.

When you (complain about) point out the lack of any vegetarian food somewhere where there's not 30 bloody food stands within reach, you're always the attention-seeking whiny outsider. Now look at the meat party..

Agreed! I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to resort to a salad (and endure the comments of my companions), surely for one days these nobodies could go without meat??? Grrr! This has made me irrationally angry. I want to throw something at them. Maybe the carcus of a cow that has suffered unduly so one of them could enjoy his beefburger. :mad::mad::mad:
Well, I don't mean it in a particularly nasty way if it's any consolation. 'Carni-' means meat in Latin, 'omni-' means everything, which makes it sound like you eat bike locks and hair grips (to me if no-one else).

Well, I'm not a meat-eater so I'm not offended but I call people who eat meat omnivores.

Bike locks and hair drips aren't edible, why would an omnivore eat those??
Well, I'm not a meat-eater so I'm not offended but I call people who eat meat omnivores.

Bike locks and hair drips aren't edible, why would an omnivore eat those??

Because 'omni' means all or everything! I understand where you're coming from, but cats are carnivores and some eat grass. When I say 'carnivore', I just mean someone who eats meat and vegetable matter rather than someone who only eats meat (although I do know some people who eat very little other than meat :mad:)
A whole field full of burger stands and they complain that the free food back stage is vegetarian. What a bunch of twats.
I'll be honest and say that whilst i love Moz, this sort of thing does annoy me. Yes, vegetarianism is very close to his heart, which is fine. He doesnt have to impose it on other people when he isnt even present. I dont impose my values on others, as human beings its our right to live without impositions placed on us from above, or from our peers.

If someone wants to join me in my beliefs thats fine, as it would be with moz. But id never dream of ramming my values down their throats. throwing his toys out the pram and demanding a meat free area at a festival just makes him no better than idiot pop stars who demand ridiculous things in return for their presence at a show, and just makes him look more pompous and arrogant.
that was my thought exactly.

I couldnt see Moz going outside for veggie food, if the shoe was on the other foot. Being the pampered primadonna he now is. Its wrong to impose on others like that and expect them to have to go outside the VIP area to find food of their choice. Theres no way he'd go outside so why do they have to.
I couldnt see Moz going outside for veggie food, if the shoe was on the other foot. Being the pampered primadonna he now is. Its wrong to impose on others like that and expect them to have to go outside the VIP area to find food of their choice. Theres no way he'd go outside so why do they have to.

so what would he do? Eat meat?
I'll be honest and say that whilst i love Moz, this sort of thing does annoy me. Yes, vegetarianism is very close to his heart, which is fine. He doesnt have to impose it on other people when he isnt even present. I dont impose my values on others, as human beings its our right to live without impositions placed on us from above, or from our peers.

If someone wants to join me in my beliefs thats fine, as it would be with moz. But id never dream of ramming my values down their throats. throwing his toys out the pram and demanding a meat free area at a festival just makes him no better than idiot pop stars who demand ridiculous things in return for their presence at a show, and just makes him look more pompous and arrogant.

you miss the point entirely. you impose on the lives of animals which morrissey doesn't like. And like i said before, it's not a concern of personal freedom for morrissey, it's a concern of murder. So there's no reason for meat eaters to frame this as a personal choice issue and that morrissey has no right to tell people how to eat. According to his beliefs he does.

IF meat eaters really can not perceive that there may exist humans who really do value the lives of animals, then there is no hope for this to ever end. It's an idea that some of you seem to not be able to comprehend which i find absolutely astonishing.
I am 33 and have been a vegetarian since I was 8. However I don't impose my lifestyle on anybody else. My partner is a big meat eater and I don't nag at him. I choose not to eat with him sometimes if what he's eating will disgust me but I don't go on at him about it. I just think imposing your will on other people in this way is wrong.
I'll be honest and say that whilst i love Moz, this sort of thing does annoy me. Yes, vegetarianism is very close to his heart, which is fine. He doesnt have to impose it on other people when he isnt even present. I dont impose my values on others, as human beings its our right to live without impositions placed on us from above, or from our peers.

I am 33 and have been a vegetarian since I was 8. However I don't impose my lifestyle on anybody else.

I don't get it! What is being imposed on them? Morrissey is sending a message by removing meat from the menue of the free food, which means they cannot have a burger at the backstage area. But there is food that they can eat I am sure. Not having meat for half a day is hardly a serious violation of someones personal freedom.

Having said that - and I agree that you shouldn't impose your values on others, and I don't think it is possible anyway - what are values worth if you are not prepared to fight for them, atleast to some extend? I mean, I don't believe that there are absolute right and wrongs, but I am not a complete relativist either. Surely, if you truly believe that something is right, you will want to send the message to others. What is it worth to believe strongly in something if you don't wish others to believe it too?
Thing is the food was free in the VIP area. Which means the event was paying for it. Which in effect means Morrissey was paying for it because he was the reason most people would have bought a ticket. So they should eat their chips and be grateful. :D
Thing is the food was free in the VIP area. Which means the event was paying for it. Which in effect means Morrissey was paying for it because he was the reason most people would have bought a ticket. So they should eat their chips and be grateful. :D

The Rascals have to work hard to achieve what Morrissey has achived in last 25 years.
I don't expect to see them as a headliner of major UK festivals in next five years. :p

How long did it take Morrissey to become a festival headliner?

Morrissey was supposed to be a headliner 27 June 1992 Glastonbury Festival, but sadly he pulled out in last minute.

As you know after that his career took very long winding way to back on track.
It took him 12 years to actually headlining Glastonbury in June 2004.

Incidentally Smiths headlined 10 June 1984 GLC Jobs for change festival in London:

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