Kristeen Young is off the tour (updated)


Posted by an anonymous person:

She announced on FB about 10 mins ago:

We won't be continuing as opening band for the Morrissey tour. Thanks to all who showed up early and gave us such life-sustaining enthusiasm. Thanks to Morrissey for his years of support and generosity. There are lots of plans and lots of possibilities and we can't wait to tear into them.

An anonymous person posted:

Kristeen Young is making sum cryptic comments on farcebook. She's either been booted off the tour again or the tour is cancelled.
Another anonymous person posted (original post):

Kristeen Young Facebook comments. is she booted off the tour again? Is the tour cancelled? WTF IS SHE GETTIN AT?


Earlier, Kristeen tweeted that she did not have a virus in regards to the previous article has been since updated which had stated "According to the show’s promoters, Morrissey, the touring crew and opener Kristeen Young have come down with a virus."

Link to interview mentioned:

Kristeen Young gives voice to the periphery while linking up to the stars - RedEye Chicago


Can you recall the first time you met Morrissey?
The very first time I met him he didn’t recognize me. He had seen me in a video he really liked, and he didn’t recognize me as that person, so he had me kicked out of the studio [Laughs]. He was like, “Who is that girl? Get her out of here!’”
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I find it terrible than some of you are deciding to strongly slur a man who only wanted a photo with, most probably, somebody he admires, at least a little. I'd be devastated if I'd met someone famous, posted a photo, and then received character assassinations from idiots behind keyboards to the extent that some people have. If you think he shouldn't have asked for a photo then that's fine, but don't go insinuating somebody is a pedophile, it's disgusting.

"It takes strength to be gentle and kind".

I was just joking, so no need to get your panties in a knot; but since you mentioned it, I do think that it's rude and intrusive to ask for the photo. Morrissey is not on stage or at any other form of public appearance, so what makes this person feel entitled to walk up to a complete stranger and ask for a photo? If this man truly admires Morrissey (most probably, at least a little???... I'd be careful with the 'idiot' comment until you master spelling and sentence structure), he could be respectful of M's privacy and just let him be. Since you are so concerned about protecting the feelings of others, do you think that it is 'kind' to put Morrissey on the spot like that? Does this man's desire to get a photo with someone famous supercede Morrissey's rights and needs?

I can't staand the fact that i can see my OWN boyfriend stirring this awful Kristeen Young pot...Umm...the unfortunate bitch friended me on facebook right before the show I had front row tix for in Memphis...She was tragically horrid and I said so on facebook...A few days later I did notice she who sent ME a request deleted herself as my "friend"....wahhhh.... Anywayyy...long story short...heard from reliable sources...MORRISSEY WAS sick....KY is a c*** and a no talent thorn to bear having paid to see Morrissey only...f*** her and TV....And again....I can't believe my open minded boyfriend is stirring this pot....I feel sad....and...unsure.... QUOTE=joe frady;1986841084]So wish me luck my friends



I have a feeling you care way more about this than I do. And what lack "formal education" are you referring to? Do you know the details of my life, or do those who "cite" said lack of education know? More importantly, explain why I should give a shit. If people like Realitybites are the pinnacle example of the "educated mind" then I'm happily an idiot.

The guy worked with her for YEARS and he booted him to further her own ends; she thought she'd be a better contender for the indie version of the GaGa throne. Visconti had been urging her to dump him for years already.

And when she finally did it was what, back in 2008? 2009? So yeah, I had no reason to think he was back on tour with her. I don't follow her. So go jerk yourself off over the fact I was incorrect about something, and when you're done maybe you'll see it makes NO difference, you anonymous twit.[/QUOTE]

The above is completely true. Kristeen and Jeff had been close for years and Tony disliked and always talked smack about him, he wanted him gone.
A friend of mine said this about the Tony and Kristeen, he seems to know a bit about them

"Ironically the person to blame for Kristeens lack of fame and true success is Tony, he offers comfort and wealth but is too dim to make the correct moves.
Tiny Visconti's only talent is being in the correct place at an opportune time and leaching - he ONLY exists through Bowie, Bolan and briefly via Morrissey (whom he was hoping to be his go to producer and tried roping him in to many ideas line his pockets). I've met him and thought he was like a leering lizard. This is man that uses Bowie sites to "meet" women, ive heard from a number of Bowie fans.
During the whole Next Day promotion, Tiny was saying, slightly joking "I'm Bowies Voice on Earth", I thought Oh lord, help us. Thats like saying Oscar Wilde wont talk but you can speak to the publisher.
EVEN now Tony is about to tour The Man Who Sold the World, an LP Bowie and Ronson wrote NOT Tony (Tony takes a lot of praise for work that was Ronsons) What next Ed Buller and Matt Osman touring Dog Man Star..KC and The Sunshine Band touring Closer by Joy Division?
If you read Tiny's auto he claims after one of Kristeens gigs he went around and asked fans if she would be better with or without a band, what artist does that? According to Tiny the fans (or what 20 people there would have been at the gig) said Kristeen doesn't need a band.
This was a huge mistake, which was made even worse when Jeff left. It meant she was forced to fill a huge stage on her own, with limited stage craft - this DID improve over time.
I like Kristeen, I like the drama. I DO think she can sing and I DO think she isn't quite the monster she is made out to be. Like some of us of a certain mindset, she is her own worst enemy. This sacking has been a long time coming, from bitching about Morrissey and slagging off Boz and Jesse in Private emails to "fans" (the said fans have told me this hoping for gossip) to acting like a huge star - even though she can't sell more than 50 ticks in the UK or Europe or even in most of America, I expect shes unknown in her local Post office
Then there are the constant lies, pretending she is closer to Morrissey than she is, to gain friends, usually with other famous people. The she even posts on that solow site blah blah blah"

Then I told him people on here are talking smack about Morrissey for sacking Kristeen

" Talking "Smack", what the hell does that mean? Oh, slating him...Are they? Thats odd as most of Kristeens FB page is made up of people with Morrissey socks and song lyric names.
Morrissey isn't perfect BUT he gets a lot of stick for things people know nothing about. He has to hire and fire people thats part of the job. Bowie and Prince are far worse than him for drama queen antics like that - Prince sacked his whole crew in Dublin just because it was an "off" night.
(Ironically the crew ended up at Morrisseys after show party)
Morrissey is actually a very loyal man to his actual REAL friends and family.
This is the great mistake people make in life...They think just because they work with you or have had a two minute talk in a shopping queue, then they your friends. Most of the people Morrissey has dismissed (though not all) are employees or hangers on.
He was very good to Kristeen, he liked her, he took her back after the first sacking (which was about more than the comment Kristeen made on stage) he kept her on even though for years people were bitching and being rude about her. The reason she got such a glowing mention in the book was because of the crap she had thrown at her on that solo sight.
I think maybe this is best Morrissey needs an exciting opener and an act that has been with you for years isn't that. Kristeen needs to do something in her own right.
I would suggest keeping her band and getting a new producer.
Anyway....Im going to bed is 3am"

Going by all this maybe Kristeen is a victim herself, one of her own making but still trapped in a life with and OAP. Unable to escape and find her own way
I have a feeling you care way more about this than I do. And what lack "formal education" are you referring to? Do you know the details of my life, or do those who "cite" said lack of education know? More importantly, explain why I should give a shit. If people like Realitybites are the pinnacle example of the "educated mind" then I'm happily an idiot.

The guy worked with her for YEARS and he booted him to further her own ends; she thought she'd be a better contender for the indie version of the GaGa throne. Visconti had been urging her to dump him for years already.

And when she finally did it was what, back in 2008? 2009? So yeah, I had no reason to think he was back on tour with her. I don't follow her. So go jerk yourself off over the fact I was incorrect about something, and when you're done maybe you'll see it makes NO difference, you anonymous twit.

The above is completely true. Kristeen and Jeff had been close for years and Tony disliked and always talked smack about him, he wanted him gone.
A friend of mine said this about the Tony and Kristeen, he seems to know a bit about them

"Ironically the person to blame for Kristeens lack of fame and true success is Tony, he offers comfort and wealth but is too dim to make the correct moves.
Tiny Visconti's only talent is being in the correct place at an opportune time and leaching - he ONLY exists through Bowie, Bolan and briefly via Morrissey (whom he was hoping to be his go to producer and tried roping him in to many ideas line his pockets). I've met him and thought he was like a leering lizard. This is man that uses Bowie sites to "meet" women, ive heard from a number of Bowie fans.
During the whole Next Day promotion, Tiny was saying, slightly joking "I'm Bowies Voice on Earth", I thought Oh lord, help us. Thats like saying Oscar Wilde wont talk but you can speak to the publisher.
EVEN now Tony is about to tour The Man Who Sold the World, an LP Bowie and Ronson wrote NOT Tony (Tony takes a lot of praise for work that was Ronsons) What next Ed Buller and Matt Osman touring Dog Man Star..KC and The Sunshine Band touring Closer by Joy Division?
If you read Tiny's auto he claims after one of Kristeens gigs he went around and asked fans if she would be better with or without a band, what artist does that? According to Tiny the fans (or what 20 people there would have been at the gig) said Kristeen doesn't need a band.
This was a huge mistake, which was made even worse when Jeff left. It meant she was forced to fill a huge stage on her own, with limited stage craft - this DID improve over time.
I like Kristeen, I like the drama. I DO think she can sing and I DO think she isn't quite the monster she is made out to be. Like some of us of a certain mindset, she is her own worst enemy. This sacking has been a long time coming, from bitching about Morrissey and slagging off Boz and Jesse in Private emails to "fans" (the said fans have told me this hoping for gossip) to acting like a huge star - even though she can't sell more than 50 ticks in the UK or Europe or even in most of America, I expect shes unknown in her local Post office
Then there are the constant lies, pretending she is closer to Morrissey than she is, to gain friends, usually with other famous people. The she even posts on that solow site blah blah blah"

Then I told him people on here are talking smack about Morrissey for sacking Kristeen

" Talking "Smack", what the hell does that mean? Oh, slating him...Are they? Thats odd as most of Kristeens FB page is made up of people with Morrissey socks and song lyric names.
Morrissey isn't perfect BUT he gets a lot of stick for things people know nothing about. He has to hire and fire people thats part of the job. Bowie and Prince are far worse than him for drama queen antics like that - Prince sacked his whole crew in Dublin just because it was an "off" night.
(Ironically the crew ended up at Morrisseys after show party)
Morrissey is actually a very loyal man to his actual REAL friends and family.
This is the great mistake people make in life...They think just because they work with you or have had a two minute talk in a shopping queue, then they your friends. Most of the people Morrissey has dismissed (though not all) are employees or hangers on.
He was very good to Kristeen, he liked her, he took her back after the first sacking (which was about more than the comment Kristeen made on stage) he kept her on even though for years people were bitching and being rude about her. The reason she got such a glowing mention in the book was because of the crap she had thrown at her on that solo sight.
I think maybe this is best Morrissey needs an exciting opener and an act that has been with you for years isn't that. Kristeen needs to do something in her own right.
I would suggest keeping her band and getting a new producer.
Anyway....Im going to bed is 3am"

Going by all this maybe Kristeen is a victim herself, one of her own making but still trapped in a life with and OAP. Unable to escape and find her own way[/QUOTE]
Well this bit of Skylarkers post is certainly true:
"I have a feeling you care way more about this than I do".
Lying is bad. But actively saying she wasn't ill is more than "telling the truth." She said in one of her comments "I don't make announcements about other people." indicating she was bitter an announcement was made that she had a virus. That DAY it didn't suit her. But if that day an interviewer had her on the phone and asked about Morrissey, she'd say something along the lines of how they have a beautiful, mutual working relationship and click together in so many tremendous ways. All lies. And the hypocrisy that she doesn't "make announcements about other people" is f***ing balls. She picks and chooses when to lie when it suits her and yesterday she decided to be a c*** DESPITE the tremendous line-towing that's been done in her sad favor. That is my point.

The phrase is "toe the line." As in, there is a line, and your toe is at that line, but it is not over it. You are toeing the line. It means staying in step, following the rules.
It's such a shame too, cuz THIS was gonna be the album that broke her through to the masses. Oh well.

- - - Updated - - -

Where did you see an apology? Typing a couple of paragraphs might be a massive chore for you; but not for me. I was not defending myself, I was setting you straight. But why don't you log in and we can discuss it further? Is it because you're banned, or because you're a pussy? Both?

Shut up. You're a moron and maybe you didn't apologize but everyone knows you were wrong.
I was just joking, so no need to get your panties in a knot; but since you mentioned it, I do think that it's rude and intrusive to ask for the photo. Morrissey is not on stage or at any other form of public appearance, so what makes this person feel entitled to walk up to a complete stranger and ask for a photo? If this man truly admires Morrissey (most probably, at least a little???... I'd be careful with the 'idiot' comment until you master spelling and sentence structure), he could be respectful of M's privacy and just let him be. Since you are so concerned about protecting the feelings of others, do you think that it is 'kind' to put Morrissey on the spot like that? Does this man's desire to get a photo with someone famous supercede Morrissey's rights and needs?


f*** off, you sanctimonious cow - the guy bumped into somebody famous, whom he may be a a fan of, and too the opportunity to ask for a photo with him. Big deal. And then some sad bitch like you decides to whine about him impinging on Morrissey's privacy? Eh??? Maybe Morrissey would prefer life back in his bedsit in Whalley Range - or his mum's house?
I met and talked with her before/after shows several times over the years. She really is a nice woman. Her music grew on me quickly. She'll be missed on the tour. Best of luck to you Kristeen!
I met and talked with her before/after shows several times over the years. She really is a nice woman. Her music grew on me quickly. She'll be missed on the tour. Best of luck to you Kristeen!
Here you go!
A case in point. Some people say she lovely, some not.
Is she a 49 year old monster or a much younger sweetie.
Who knows?
I have a feeling you care way more about this than I do. And what lack "formal education" are you referring to? Do you know the details of my life, or do those who "cite" said lack of education know? More importantly, explain why I should give a shit. If people like Realitybites are the pinnacle example of the "educated mind" then I'm happily an idiot.

The guy worked with her for YEARS and he booted him to further her own ends; she thought she'd be a better contender for the indie version of the GaGa throne. Visconti had been urging her to dump him for years already.

And when she finally did it was what, back in 2008? 2009? So yeah, I had no reason to think he was back on tour with her. I don't follow her. So go jerk yourself off over the fact I was incorrect about something, and when you're done maybe you'll see it makes NO difference, you anonymous twit.

The above is completely true. Kristeen and Jeff had been close for years and Tony disliked and always talked smack about him, he wanted him gone.
A friend of mine said this about the Tony and Kristeen, he seems to know a bit about them

"Ironically the person to blame for Kristeens lack of fame and true success is Tony, he offers comfort and wealth but is too dim to make the correct moves.
Tiny Visconti's only talent is being in the correct place at an opportune time and leaching - he ONLY exists through Bowie, Bolan and briefly via Morrissey (whom he was hoping to be his go to producer and tried roping him in to many ideas line his pockets). I've met him and thought he was like a leering lizard. This is man that uses Bowie sites to "meet" women, ive heard from a number of Bowie fans.
During the whole Next Day promotion, Tiny was saying, slightly joking "I'm Bowies Voice on Earth", I thought Oh lord, help us. Thats like saying Oscar Wilde wont talk but you can speak to the publisher.
EVEN now Tony is about to tour The Man Who Sold the World, an LP Bowie and Ronson wrote NOT Tony (Tony takes a lot of praise for work that was Ronsons) What next Ed Buller and Matt Osman touring Dog Man Star..KC and The Sunshine Band touring Closer by Joy Division?
If you read Tiny's auto he claims after one of Kristeens gigs he went around and asked fans if she would be better with or without a band, what artist does that? According to Tiny the fans (or what 20 people there would have been at the gig) said Kristeen doesn't need a band.
This was a huge mistake, which was made even worse when Jeff left. It meant she was forced to fill a huge stage on her own, with limited stage craft - this DID improve over time.
I like Kristeen, I like the drama. I DO think she can sing and I DO think she isn't quite the monster she is made out to be. Like some of us of a certain mindset, she is her own worst enemy. This sacking has been a long time coming, from bitching about Morrissey and slagging off Boz and Jesse in Private emails to "fans" (the said fans have told me this hoping for gossip) to acting like a huge star - even though she can't sell more than 50 ticks in the UK or Europe or even in most of America, I expect shes unknown in her local Post office
Then there are the constant lies, pretending she is closer to Morrissey than she is, to gain friends, usually with other famous people. The she even posts on that solow site blah blah blah"

Then I told him people on here are talking smack about Morrissey for sacking Kristeen

" Talking "Smack", what the hell does that mean? Oh, slating him...Are they? Thats odd as most of Kristeens FB page is made up of people with Morrissey socks and song lyric names.
Morrissey isn't perfect BUT he gets a lot of stick for things people know nothing about. He has to hire and fire people thats part of the job. Bowie and Prince are far worse than him for drama queen antics like that - Prince sacked his whole crew in Dublin just because it was an "off" night.
(Ironically the crew ended up at Morrisseys after show party)
Morrissey is actually a very loyal man to his actual REAL friends and family.
This is the great mistake people make in life...They think just because they work with you or have had a two minute talk in a shopping queue, then they your friends. Most of the people Morrissey has dismissed (though not all) are employees or hangers on.
He was very good to Kristeen, he liked her, he took her back after the first sacking (which was about more than the comment Kristeen made on stage) he kept her on even though for years people were bitching and being rude about her. The reason she got such a glowing mention in the book was because of the crap she had thrown at her on that solo sight.
I think maybe this is best Morrissey needs an exciting opener and an act that has been with you for years isn't that. Kristeen needs to do something in her own right.
I would suggest keeping her band and getting a new producer.
Anyway....Im going to bed is 3am"

Going by all this maybe Kristeen is a victim herself, one of her own making but still trapped in a life with and OAP. Unable to escape and find her own way[/QUOTE]

Baby Jef left because his gal was pregnant.
I was just joking, so no need to get your panties in a knot; but since you mentioned it, I do think that it's rude and intrusive to ask for the photo. Morrissey is not on stage or at any other form of public appearance, so what makes this person feel entitled to walk up to a complete stranger and ask for a photo? If this man truly admires Morrissey (most probably, at least a little???... I'd be careful with the 'idiot' comment until you master spelling and sentence structure), he could be respectful of M's privacy and just let him be. Since you are so concerned about protecting the feelings of others, do you think that it is 'kind' to put Morrissey on the spot like that? Does this man's desire to get a photo with someone famous supercede Morrissey's rights and needs?


Wow, Lynnda. I have always respected your posts. But not today. Morrissey could have said no. It is pretty easy to do. Are you seriously attacking this guy's appearance? What has Solo done to you?
I was just joking, so no need to get your panties in a knot; but since you mentioned it, I do think that it's rude and intrusive to ask for the photo. Morrissey is not on stage or at any other form of public appearance, so what makes this person feel entitled to walk up to a complete stranger and ask for a photo? If this man truly admires Morrissey (most probably, at least a little???... I'd be careful with the 'idiot' comment until you master spelling and sentence structure), he could be respectful of M's privacy and just let him be. Since you are so concerned about protecting the feelings of others, do you think that it is 'kind' to put Morrissey on the spot like that? Does this man's desire to get a photo with someone famous supercede Morrissey's rights and needs?


Labelling a complete stranger as a paedophile, just because you don't like the look of him. Wow, you are one classy lady. With an IQ like yours, I'm surprised you can even string a few sentences together.

I'm willing to bet you've got a face like a bulldog's arse. 'People in glass houses...'
I was just joking, so no need to get your panties in a knot; but since you mentioned it, I do think that it's rude and intrusive to ask for the photo. Morrissey is not on stage or at any other form of public appearance, so what makes this person feel entitled to walk up to a complete stranger and ask for a photo? If this man truly admires Morrissey (most probably, at least a little???... I'd be careful with the 'idiot' comment until you master spelling and sentence structure), he could be respectful of M's privacy and just let him be. Since you are so concerned about protecting the feelings of others, do you think that it is 'kind' to put Morrissey on the spot like that? Does this man's desire to get a photo with someone famous supercede Morrissey's rights and needs?


The reason my comment lacked spelling and sentence structure was because I was tired and quite shocked at your comment. The truth is that I have absolutely no qualm with your point that Morrissey deserves personal space, and on the whole I agree with you! However, I find it quite worrying that you so freely insinuate that somebody is a pedophile and that you feel Morrissey's personal space deserves more attention than your implication. Sad, sad, sad.

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