Ian Curtis's headstone stolen

Not to mention Komodo dragons.

There's a great one on the BBC of a pride of lions taking down a fully grown elephant. Sick but you can't help but watch.

I've always been impressed by the Komodo dragons. There's a great clip on YouTube of one throwing up his lunch. It even has that 'face' you have before you're going to hurl...:p
Ha ha.
Bastard, how dare someone steal it before I had the chance to take it myself! It'd be a nice addition to my collection-a shoelace, kitchen table, dried saliva. This is my desperate life. Last night I had a dream he was dead, but came to one of my lectures and signed a piece of paper. I then ran up to the front to touch it, upon which I had an orgasm or a fit, I don't know which it was. I then couldn't get up off the floor and was drooling at the mouth.

My summoning charm worked like, well, a charm! :D
Whoever did it is a MAJOR asshole.
I've just read this now, AMAZING! I bet its returned.
" Police officers suspect it may have been taken by a fan of the singer."

wow,nothing gets by the brilliant minds of the police.
ian curtis' memorial stone stolen...

Ian Curtis memorial stone stolen

The memorial stone dedicated to former Joy Division frontman Ian Curtis has been stolen from a Cheshire cemetery.

Curtis was 23 when he hanged himself in the kitchen of his Macclesfield home in May 1980, shortly before the band were due to go on tour in the US.

Cheshire Police said the memorial stone was taken from where he is buried in Macclesfield Cemetery.

Officers are appealing for anyone with information on its whereabouts to contact them.

Detectives said the kerbstone, which has the inscription "Ian Curtis 18 - 5 - 80" and the words "Love Will Tear Us Apart" was taken sometime between Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

"Unusual theft"

A police spokesman said: "There is no CCTV in the area and there are no apparent leads as to who is responsible for the theft.

"This is a very unusual theft and I am confident that someone locally will have knowledge about who is responsible or where the memorial stone is at present."

"We are agog that someone's gone to the trouble of taking it out. We are stunned." - Tony Barker, Macclesfield Borough Council

Tony Barker, spokesman for Macclesfield Borough Council, which runs the site, said: "It would usually have flowers behind it and mementos to Ian Curtis's life.

"It wasn't concreted in but tarmacked up to it.

"This has never happened before and we are agog that someone's gone to the trouble of taking it out. We are stunned."

Bill North, the council's services manager, added: "I'm shocked this has happened.

"Someone's gone to a great deal of trouble to remove the memorial stone and I hope our appeal will help return it as soon as possible."

Although the band reformed as New Order after Curtis's death in 1980, there has been an upsurge of interest in its work.

An acclaimed biopic about Curtis, called Control, was released in 2007 and a film documentary, called Joy Division, was released earlier this year.

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