I met Morrissey tonight

This is beyond random, but were you and your boyfriend at Disneyland on February 28th? I was a bit drunk but I yelled out "Morrissey, Morrissey, Morrissey!!" 'cause I saw a young couple + 1 wearing black and a Morrissey shirt.


Haha, YES! I know I was at Disneyland and all, but that really made my day.
He was so unbelievably beautiful, his eyes. His skin. I felt on the verge of total calm and about to faint.

He was at the Cat & Fiddle with Jesse and the three other men all wearing sport coats and looking dapper. I asked him if he saw signs. He does not. :( But when he signed not_here_not_i's arm, he kept looking up at me which was beyond amazing so the jury's out on the whole sign thing.

We spotted him entering the bar as we were leaving. Before leaving I had promised this random dude we met from Brixton to give him a ride to Silverlake. So I saw not_here_not_i off to a tattoo parlor and went back to pick up the Brixton boy who was sitting right next to MOrrissey and his crew. Beyond awkward. Brixton announced he had scored some blow and wanted to get loaded his last night in LA and asked me if I could give him a ride to Venice Beach instead. After a less-than-intriguing conversation about how I am schizophrenic and single less than 10 feet away from Morrissey, I decided to bail. I was beyond shy. Other people did approach him though. One thing that kept me from saying goodbye or touching him, a handshake, ANYTHING, was that Brixton told me while I was gone a girl approached and was ridiculously flirty. When she left all the guys made fun of her, guy talk. ANother woman who was having her wedding reception that night begged him to do karaoke and he declined. People are retardedly bold. Even my PROTECT MORRISSEY instincts went into high gear when we first saw him. Not_me_not_i was facing him and asking him to sign her and I totally busted in between and said "JESSE! HI" and shook his hand. :rolleyes: But Morrissey I didn't touch. I got a stupid hug from the Brixton boy who scored blow and asked me to give him a ride to the beach, but didn;t even touch my supposed soulmate? I just walked away, defeated.

He was so beautiful. LIke I'm kinda speechless to describe how appealing he is, so calm and alive, a sparkle in his eyes. Not dull like most people. And he's shorter than I thought. His final words to me was that my dog needed to pooh. I had my dog with me.

Lovely and sad for me, but still lovely. :o

That is a nice story im pleased for you. At first I was amazed Moz still goes there its a a bit silly as its well known that he has been in there.
That said it is a lovely pub, I was in there most nights when I was in LA, nothing to do with moz it was just central and the staff a guy from essex and the mexican bus boys were a good company.
Its funny that Moz is back in LA he seems always to go there when the press get nasty "Im off, taxi to sunset".
Also a brixton lad doing what they do best, getting high.
Im off to San Fran soon, cant wait what other good english pubs are there in LA. I went to one in Santa Monica I cant remember the name.
I didnt much like LA bars though maybe a I was unlucky.
Brooklyn has wonderful bars.
cant beat the British boozer, though it can beat you
Either the planets have aligned or imploded. Congrats, CG :thumb:
Ummmm, Morrissey looked at him over his shoulder for a second, he was kinda busy talking to people. WHen he was paying attention to not_me_not_i, he was fully with her. So other than a quick glance and telling me he needed to pooh, which all the guys laughed at (I thought they were laughing at me because I have low self esteem) he didn't really pay any attention to Barney nor Barney him.

I suppose go away? I dunno. I can rationalize all day but I sort of don't want to. He's a beautiful, kind gentleman who is doing his thing, not what I was pretending was his thing.

Yeah, I kinda got that a little bit. :p It was girls busting up to him and interupting him and being bold and aggressive. The night was full of weirdos. The bride was literally begging him to sing karaoke and as she left she looked at me and had tears in her eyes like Morrissey just turned down the most reasonable request in the world. It was bizarre. On her way to him she was on a flippin' mission, balls to the wall, I had to take my feet off the table (I thought she was a waitress coming over to tell me I was being rude to the furniture) so she could get past, she had no remorse getting to her goal which was to get MOrrissey to stand up and sing Roy Orbison songs into a karaoke machine for her wedding. :squiffy: I mean it was a table of five men in suit coats drinking wine and discussing something and she begs, it was kinda sad. THen unrelated to Morrissey, before he showed up, another woman was petting Barney. He has this melty face and is adorable and all, but I'm quietly talking to my friend and she's babytalking "Barney. You so cute. YOU SO CUTE!!!" I stop my conversation and pay attention to her and say to Barney, "Hey Barn, if you keep this cuteness up maybe she'll buy you a drink?" To which she continues. "Oh yes Barney I want to put you in my purse. If there was inter-species breeding I would take you home tonight!" :squiffy: Really? WTF? Bizarre crowd.

It has to be said that, CG, that the whole constellation of coincidences, comments and characters suits you. Who else has the hawk-eyed observation skills and, perhaps later, the ability to interpret the sign-nificence of it all? Magic. :)

Like poor gonetothedogs who's been summarily dismissed to the doghouse *houuwl*, :tears: I wondered if you mentioned anything about the latest press flashpoint. For example, when he said the dog needed to poo, you could have pretended to mishear this as 'the dog needs kung po', thus sequeing into a conversation! Which could be more relevant that you think - another sign if you will, because:

"Kung Pao, or rather (Kung-Bao), was a government official, "Guardian to the Heir Apparent!." Kung-Bau was his title, Ding was his family name!. Kung-Bau Chicken with peanuts, or as it is known in most Chinese restaurants, Kung-Pao or Kung-Po, Chicken is a very hot spicy chicken dish served with peanuts!." - http://foodaq.com/html/Ethnic-Cuisine/215477.html

I hope that on balance you're glad about the experience. You did good. :thumb:
It has to be said that, CG, that the whole constellation of coincidences, comments and characters suits you. Who else has the hawk-eyed observation skills and, perhaps later, the ability to interpret the sign-nificence of it all? Magic. :)

Like poor gonetothedogs who's been summarily dismissed to the doghouse *houuwl*, :tears: I wondered if you mentioned anything about the latest press flashpoint. For example, when he said the dog needed to poo, you could have pretended to mishear this as 'the dog needs kung po', thus sequeing into a conversation! Which could be more relevant that you think - another sign if you will, because:

"Kung Pao, or rather (Kung-Bao), was a government official, "Guardian to the Heir Apparent!." Kung-Bau was his title, Ding was his family name!. Kung-Bau Chicken with peanuts, or as it is known in most Chinese restaurants, Kung-Pao or Kung-Po, Chicken is a very hot spicy chicken dish served with peanuts!." - http://foodaq.com/html/Ethnic-Cuisine/215477.html

I hope that on balance you're glad about the experience. You did good. :thumb:

:rolleyes: She'll have a field day with that one
Thanks everyone. I'm sure you'll all meet him someday too.
Great account it sounds like a night out in a Jack Kerouac novel with weird and wonderful characters. I'm intrigued to know who he was sitting with or maybe you don't want to tell.
(from Frink thread)

A lot of you have already read this, but for those that haven't:

Part 2

We walked down the corridor to go out, and just as we passed the large gate at the very front, Morrissey and three men walked past us to go in. At first it didn't register consciously, but it must have registered unconsciously, because I stopped, turned, looked, and freaked out. It was HIM. OH MY GOD. They were walking slowly by. I said, "Morrissey?" He was facing down the corridor, so I saw him in silhouette with his head tilted slightly downwards. His eyebrows lifted and he paused. I asked "Do you have a minute?" He stopped and turned toward us and gave a half smile. He was standing in the perfect location for the light to hit him and he glowed. It was so surreal. He was stunning. His quiff and hair is mostly grey. He wasn't wearing his flat cap, and he was at the most predictable of locations, so he must have been ok with fans tonight. He was wearing beat up jeans, brown shoes, a dark grey blazer. I couldn't tell you the color of his shirt. He was wearing a very large silver ring with a large rectangular black stone on his right ring finger. He looked fantastic. I said to him "We were just discussing how it would be my life's fulfillment if you would sign me." He said, "Then by all means, let me sign you." I pulled my sharpie out of my pocket and said, "I've been carrying this around for this very purpose. I actually have a few tattoos I'd like to you write if you have time." He shrugged as if to indicate he didn't mind. Gustavo, his new keyboardist, caught a glimpse of the top of my T-shirt and commented that I was wearing a Morrissey T-shirt. Urgh. Gustavo seemed to think it was pretty cool, Moz was kind of like, "Oooh." CG was off talking to Jesse. I held out my left wrist and asked him to sign. First he ran his thumb and forefinger from the elbow down to the wrist and asked "this way" and then ran on the other side of my arm from wrist to elbow "or like this?" I told him that I had previously wanted that, but was starting a new job and needed it to just go across my wrist. He outlined what I said across my wrist, then complained "There's not much space for me to work with" but went ahead and started writing. He didn't notice my ring with his name on it. He was concentrating very hard. He wrote pretty neatly for him. I think he asked me what I did, and I think told him I was a veterinarian, and that he already had my business card. I think he, rather bizarrely, said "You do a very good job." He has no way of knowing as far as I can tell. (Was this his foresite??) After he was done with my wrist, I said, "Next, you have a choice of lyrics - either 'I'm here and here I'll stay' or 'I'm here I will not move.'" He said, "Those are terrible lyrics!" I said, "Really? You think they're terrible?" He said "yes." (I don't care, I still love them.) I didn’t get a chance to ask him which lyrics he liked. Some random girl borrowed my sharpie and had him sign an empty bottle of midol of all things. Jesse was getting antsy (CG says it was Jesse, I couldn't tell) and said "We need to get going, we're meeting someone here." I said to Moz, "Can I hug you?" He said, "But of course." *aaaah heaven* I hugged him and told him he smelled great and looked fantastic. He made non committal noises. Then I joked "you know how we go on about how wonderful you smell." He said, "Yes but you're all mad." I replied, “yes, yes we are.” Then, of course, I told him, "I love you." Jesse was insistent that they get going, so off they went into the patio.

Things I wish I’d said: “Welcome back to our police state.” “I missed you.” “How’s your mum?” “Did that cat really sit on your head?” “Are you working on a new album?” But the time was so short and my brain wasn’t working so…I also had a zip drive of the lyrics book in my pocket which I had meant to give him but didn’t. The worst part was that I was so stunned it was like my senses weren't working at all - i remember the whiff of his cologne, staring at his beat up jeans, Gustavo smiling, but all the rest of it is a blur.

I was pretty stunned afterward. I stood on the sidewalk with CG and said, "Oh my god - did that really just happen? Did that really happen?" I wandered around aimlessly a bit so much so that a security guard in the next doorway was laughing at me a bit (good-naturedly). We asked him where a tattoo parlor was, and he pointed us down the street. We went down that direction, but the parlor was closed. We walked backed past the Cat and Fiddle - CG said she had to go tell Rob that it was going to be a bit longer as we had to find another tattoo parlor. So we walked back into the patio area and were standing leaning on the low fence to talk to Rob who was still sitting at his table inside the fence. Morrissey and his posse were sitting at the front corner table right next to Rob! Rob seemed clueless, but so was CG! She was yakking at him about the tattoo parlor and Morrissey and I had to say to her quietly, "he's just to your left". She glanced over and gave a startled look that he was right there. I was starting to feel awkward because I didn't mean to keep bothering Morrissey, it wasn't really my fault that they sat next to our new friend, but I quickly went away as soon as arrangements had been made. I'm wondering now if Morrissey hadn't called ahead and requested the reserved labels so that he could have the patio to himself.

CG and I went walking until we found an open tattoo parlor. I kept having spasms of "omg omg omg omg". The first person I emailed about meeting Moz was...Alain Whyte. Don't ask me why. Then I called Lottie (whose phone was off). We found a tattoo parlor and I proclaimed to the guy who said they were closed (open doors and lights on...but one guy did have his bicycle helmet on and the girl had her bags on her shoulders) that "It's an emergency" and thrust my wrist into his face. "I need to have this tattooed now." He agreed, and 20 minutes later, it was done. I was playing HSIN because the tattoo artist had said he didn't know who Morrissey was - he at first thought a friend had written on me and was wondering why I wanted it tattooed on - so I played HSIN and of course then he recognized it. Want to talk about adrenaline? I didn't feel the tattoo. At all. Not a single needle poke of it. It was utterly painless. Pretty good high, huh?

I talked to Toni on the way home - I had to tell someone and Lottie wasn't answering and I don't have anyone else's number. I also got a speeding ticket on the way home because I was too excited to pay attention to driving, but I got home safe.
It was frickin' AWESOME. And now maybe I'll go to school in Sac since I don't need to wander around LA anymore looking for Morrissey. He was incredibly sweet and accomodating; a genuinely nice man. And incredibly handsome. I’d love the chance to actually hang out with him without Jesse pulling him away. He said in the Guardian article that he still has cats – I wonder where they live – my veterinary service offer still stands.

Another great story, dailyalice!

The details about appearance added to the description of the encounter. It's interesting that he's hanging round with Gustavo and Jesse; it hints strongly that something might be in the works? :guitar:

Congratulations on your swell tattoo, and the hug. You were brave with your ready-wit patter, but then a dumb priest never got a parish, as my mother drummed into us, to little avail ultimately, either on the priest or parish front. He did say we're all mad, did he? Harumph! This makes me more reluctant to comment that CrystalGeezer could consider his comment to her as her very own personal Zen koan about what kind of signs to bother with, weighing them up for practicality. Mind now, 'your dog needs to poo' :D

Anyhow, what I think he meant, in his answer about your job, dailyalice, is that anyone who chooses to devote themselves to the care of animals does a very good job. :thumb:

The Cat n' Fiddle run a lovely website that hosts pictures of the venue - http://www.thecatandfiddle.com/nite.html - to help us all feel like we've been there, and an impressive piece on back-history - http://www.thecatandfiddle.com/cathistory.html . :cool:
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