Has any Moz/Smiths song mirrored events in your own life?

There's at least a few lines in every Smiths and Morrissey song that I can relate to. I feel like (for the most part) that his words are words I could never get to come out of myself, and it's an odd feeling to hear them exactly how I'd make them sound if I could.

I think the song I could mostly relate to, and is an EXACT reflection of my life is "unlovable".
How Soon Is Now?, every time I go out, of course! :D
"The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores" is MY lyric! He just wrote it for me / about me! How does he know me and my life? Incredible.
every single thing morrissey writes connects to my life in some way. it's his honesty....and his charm..and the fact that he was as stuck and lost in life, relationships with people...as i am at this present time in my life as a teenager...that i think allows me to relate to everything he says...i think there's a line in international playboys about that....it does ring truee ooooh ;)

You've taken the words right out of my mouth! I really couldn't agree more with you. ;)
Ah, where to start? His songs, that's the story of my life.... Miserable lie reminds me so much of my first boyfriend.

I know I need hardly say
How much I love your casual way
Oh, but please put your tongue away
A little higher and we're well away
The dark nights are drawing in
And your humour is as black as them
I look at yours, you laugh at mine
And "love" is just a miserable lie
You have destroyed my flower-like life
Not once - twice
You have corrupt my innocent mind
Not once - twice
I know the wind-swept mystical air
It means : I'd like to see your underwear
I recognise that mystical air
It means : I'd like to seize your underwear

Heh, I was such an innocent flower, and well... I'd rather not talk about it.
Sadly, besides that miserable adventure, my life has been full of nights I couldn't bear. "I'd love to", "let me kiss you", "my love life", "unloveable", "well I wonder"... It hurts just to think about it. But I guess listening to Morrissey eases the pain, it makes you feel that you're not alone.
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