Has any Moz/Smiths song mirrored events in your own life?

I've found that Speedway, I Like You and I Want the One I can't have have all mirrored my life in many ways.
Particularly the rumours part in Speedway, and the twisted lies being actual truth.
That song in particular will always be special to me.
I've changed my plea to guilty has also been relevant to my life sometimes,
particularly the line
"One thing in life I have observed,
is that everybody has somebody,
But No, Not me."
I Like You has got to be the most relevant one to my life though.
Especially the line "Why'd you think I let you get away with all the things you say to me?"
Oh and "At Midnight I Can't get you out of my head" From Trouble Loves Me- definitely had that experience before.
Smiths song-wise I've found reel around the fountain, well I wonder and You Just Haven't earnt it yet baby (my all time favourite) have all kind of fit in with my life.
This is the thing that still truly amazes me about Moz how he touches so many people in different ways and how much we can all relate to his lyrics.
corr, what an awesome bloke eh.
anyway that's enough of my midnight ramblings I think for now.
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Yes, many Smiths songs and quite a few Morrissey ones.

Just like for so many other people - How Soon Is Now has always meant a lot for me... as did Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me, and I Know It's Over. I used to listen to I Know It's Over obsessively for some time. The opening lines got a really weird feel to them after my mother died. :( "If you're so clever/good-looking etc. why are you on your own tonight?" especially resonated because it sounds pretty much like what people are always asking me (which is really annoying): "How come you don't have a boyfriend?! Why is such a pretty girl alone?" blah blah blah... :rolleyes: (read: what is wrong with you?)

When I was working - doing a stupid job for little money and having to get up at 6 a.m. because my working hours were 7 to 3 p.m. (so I was always sleepy and drinking coffee, which was the only thing keeping me awake... that and the music in my discman/mps player :D ), the songs that especially had meaning were: A Rush A Push and The Land Is Ours ("there's too much caffeine in your bloodstream/and a lack of real spice in my life/I said,leave me alone, I'm all right...", parts of Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now ("In my life, why do I give valuable time/to people who don't care if I live or die?") and Still Ill ("And if you must go to work tomorrow, well if I were you I wouldn't bother, for there are brighter sides to life and I have seen them, but not vert often"). Still Ill and A Rush and A Push mean a lot to me for other reasons too - they sum up the whole feeling of apathy and disappointment that has overtaken many of my friends, and a lot of people in this country... you think that things will get better, but they don't, and you're left with this atmosphere of hopelessness... "we cannot cling to the old dreams anymore"... "people who uglier/weaker than you and I, they take what they want from life" (so many stupid, corrupt people are getting ahead by dishonesty and sycophancy)...but "a rush and the push and the land that we stand on is ours/it has been before, so it shall be again".

Many of the line in I'm Not Sorry describe me very well ("And I'm not sorry for the things I've done/And I'm not looking for just anyone"). The verse in Yes, I Am Blind :
"Love's young dream
I'm the one who shopped you
I'm the one who stopped you
'cause in my sorry way I love you
Love's young dream
are you sorry
for what you've done?
well, you're not the only one
and in my sorry way I love you"

and many other songs that touch on teenage experiences and teenage's lost loves etc...like a big part of Viva Hate...and of course, the lines in Half A Person "Sixteen, clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life", because they say that, whatever you become, no matter what kind of person you are now, you never quite shake off the memories of what it was like to be an insecure, shy teenager. It always stays with you, somewhere in the back of your mind. That was one of the first Smiths songs that really got me. Girl Afraid was another one - I remember I felt that it described very well the sad way that relationships that could be wonderful fail because of misunderstandings, because neither of you know what the other one thinks and feels.

And...well, there was a time when the chorus to Stop Me If You Think... mirrored my feelings... nevermind the rest of the song. "Nothing's changed, I still love you, only slightly less than I used to, my love". Well, whatever :rolleyes:
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:O those are the two smiths/morrissey songs that i've been listening to wwaaaay too much these days! i could even say theyre the catchiest songs...
some great posts on this,especially the one above by nightandday.loved that post. & what a nice change to see people not having a go at each other! for me,viva hate has helped me so much-this is the first album i listened to as i had just joined the army at 16 3/4 & had never been away from home.aaaargh.i was confined to barracks during training,got myself a penpal,from preston i think,who recommended viva hate.so off i went to the library & took it out.i listened to it for weeks until i managed to buy my own copy.i was totally taken aback at the lyrics.i had never listened to music so closely before & hav'nt since.viva hate for me,is my fave album.
What a silly question. Surely the majority of Morrissey/SMiths songs resonate in one's life otherwise one wouldn't be listening??

Especially when going through crisis/crisees/crisises stick on Vauxhall and I. I shudder. Used To Be A Sweet Boy is the ultimate one

As for the last LP these are the ones I relate to;

You Have Killed Me, The Father Who Must Be Killed, Life Is A Pigsty, I'll Never Be Anybody's Hero Now, On The Streets I Ran, To Me You A Work Of Art and At Last I Am Born.

Oh and Good Looking Man About Town too
Oh yes, the father who must be killed! That was creepy how some things matched! (I actually had a stepfather that I loathed and that ate in such a terrible way - but I didn't kill him after all)
Sadly, but truly, I would have to say the lyrics to "Asleep" resonate very strongly with me lately...("deep in the cell of my heart, i will feel so glad to go...")

Also "What She Said" (.."was sad, but after all the rejection she's had, to pretend to be happy could only be idiocy")

"Nowhere Fast" ("And when I'm lying in my bed, and I think about life and I think about death, and neither one particularly appeals to me")

"Never Had No One Ever" ("When you walk without ease, on these the very streets where you were raised") That line means alot to me, because i am always incredibly uneasy walking around in the town where i live, (where i was also raised) as there are certain people who i REALLY do not want to run into, and there's always the possibility of seeing them which is horrible.
(I had a really bad dream..") Except that mine has lasted 28 years, 11 months, and 7 days...so far.

"Every day is like Sunday" is really meaningful to me because I REALLY hate sundays (due to my christian upbringing, and inbuilt guilt about everything i do/ say/ think/ etc etc) and because I actually DO live in "the coastal town that they forgot to close down"..or one of them, anyway.

And, as in my sig, "You've got everything Now", ("Never had a job because i'm too shy") Although not technically true, i have had jobs, but can't handle being around other people for too long. Which makes having a stunningly successful and fulfilling career seem like a very remote possibility.

In fact, all the most melancholy Smiths/Moz songs seem to mirror my life right now. I am clearly depressed, incase you hadn't noticed.
And, as in my sig, "You've got everything Now", ("Never had a job because i'm too shy") Although not technically true, i have had jobs, but can't handle being around other people for too long. Which makes having a stunningly successful and fulfilling career seem like a very remote possibility.

In fact, all the most melancholy Smiths/Moz songs seem to mirror my life right now. I am clearly depressed, incase you hadn't noticed.

I relate very much to what you say there, particularly as I'm supposed to be starting a wonderful career right now but all I can do is think of the things I'd rather shoot myself than have to get up each day and put myself through. And I've just finished one job in which I didn't remotely fit in with any of the people, when I expressed opinions (such as hating the New Year and having no plans to celebrate) they looked at me like I was from another planet or something... sigh.

I think the song that mirrors my life unfortunately is I Know It's Over, those lyrics are just too close for comfort and some days I have to skip it if it comes up on random because I just can't bear to go through listening to it. It's everything- the lines about looking at other couples in complete detachment and knowing that they're not perfect by any means, but still, they have something there. Along with the self-destructive feelings and the idea of being buried alive/ smothered by the world you find yourself trapped in- self imposed or otherwise, and the real world or the one in your head. And my experience of relationships is just as Morrissey describes: desire- unrequited of course, followed by crushing disappointment. And then I feel like I have no real right to feel so upset when that person barely knew I existed and nothing actually did happen, so it was actually quite wonderful to hear those lines sharing that pain. "Love is natural and real, but not for such as you and I my love"- the motto of my life.

And Nowhere Fast about describes the lifeless town I live in, and I do live near the sea and a railway track so it all perectly fits into place. And I do yearn for the day when I feel like I'm finally living and feel something real, whether is a good or bad experience, just something.
Too many of them....but if i had to choose it would be: If the day came when i felt the natural emotion i"d get such a shock i"d probably jump to the ocean It is REALLY actual (it has been for years unfortunately).
In the government scheme designed to kill your dream - very much related to me
and the whole Speedway,
Friday mourning and
I"d love to
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Many of them, that's what it's about isn't it?

"When you cycled by, here began all my dreams, the saddest thing i've ever seen. And you never knew how much I really liked you, cos I never even told you. Oh, and I meant to.." - I'm sure many people can relate to this.

"Such a little thing, a fumbling politeness... but the difference saved me" - sometimes when you hate the world something so little can restore your faith just for a little while..
There are many, but one i'm certain everyone relates to is the insufferable dj who insists on constantly playing meaningless drivel.
Many of them, that's what it's about isn't it?

"When you cycled by, here began all my dreams, the saddest thing i've ever seen. And you never knew how much I really liked you, cos I never even told you. Oh, and I meant to.." - I'm sure many people can relate to this.

Which song is that?
This was about my first relationship

SCARY how accurate it is!

My eyes have seen the glory of the sacred wunderkind
You took me behind a dis-used railway line
And said "i know a place where we can go
Where we are not known"
And you gave me something that i won't forget too soon
But i can't believe you'd ever care
And this is why you will never care
These things take time
I know that i'm
The most inept
That ever stepped

I'm spellbound, but a woman divides
And the hills are alive with celibate cries
But you know where you came from, you know where
You're going and you know where you belong
You said i was ill, and you were not wrong
But i can't believe you'd ever care
And this is why you will never care
These things take time
I know that i'm
The most inept
That ever stepped

Oh, the alcoholic afternoons
When we sat in your room
They meant more to me
Than any, than any living thing on earth
They had more worth
Than any living thing on earth
On earth, on earth, oh ...

Vivid and in your prime
You will leave me behind
You will leave me behind
Panic says everything I'd been trying to say.

And then of course, most of the others :)
at the moment Playing Easy To Get
So don't waste time
Trying to get to know me
I'm yours, I'm yours
And don't waste time with snappy conversation
I'm yours
Everyone knows
I'm yours

;) ^
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