Exam results

I get my physics modular results soon... but that's pretty insignificant compared to all of yours :p

Sweet and Tender Hooligan, I'm sure you've done fine, and you've probably done a lot better than you think you have, or that's how it usually is for me.
ahh right sorry :p I have painful memories of GCSE science particularly the physics modules; energy and electricity :cool: But it turns out it wasn't so bad, so good luck :)

I HATE physics, but then I actually cried in my biology module and didn't revise for my chemistry, and I got an A and an A* in biology and 2 A*s in chemistry, so there you go, no matter how badly you think you did, you probably did a hell of a lot better, I'm living proof! :o
I HATE physics, but then I actually cried in my biology module and didn't revise for my chemistry, and I got an A and an A* in biology and 2 A*s in chemistry, so there you go, no matter how badly you think you did, you probably did a hell of a lot better, I'm living proof! :o

Exactly. It's never as bad as you thought it was :) I'm all for cram revision, I did an a-level coursework essay the night before and got full marks, but I really do advise against cram revising/coursework doing as I doubt such a technique has got me far in the rest of my a-levels :( but hey it's not the end of the world :)
I buggered it up, I don't have proof yet, that comes today, but I have, but it's fine, who needs exams.....
Of course you'll do well, Lucette!:D You're at least a head above the usual bilge!:p Don't worry!
:angry: :gun: The SQA are EVIL!!!!!!

I got a C and 2 D's i need 4 Bs to get in to uni:o:(:tears:

I was gonna type a fairly long response to this but then I remembered that you are from Scotland and so me yabbering on about AS's and A2's really isn't very useful :o are you gonna go through Clearing?
I have no idea what i am going to do now. I really should have planned ahead but i never have a plan B.

Depends how hell-bent on Uni you are really - I'm sure that you could find somewhere to give you an offer, it might just take a bit more looking. Best of luck anyway. What subjects did you do for your Highers?
English, art, re and philosophy. I applied for two uni's i might still get into the other but i would have to move house for it and i'm not sure.

Well, I hope you do, I'm sure Halls aren't that bad ;)
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