Bowie refusal -

Bowie refusal
6 February 2013

Bowie refusal

David Bowie has ordered EMI UK not to run the proposed artwork for Morrissey's April 8th issue of the re-mastered The Last of the Famous International Playboys single and CD. The sleeve featured a previously unseen private photograph of Bowie and Morrissey taken by Linder Sterling in New York in 1992. Although Bowie has no legal rights to the photograph, most of his back catalogue is presently licensed to EMI.
Bowie releases an elegant, age-appropriate rumination on the passage of time, without fanfare, without expections, and many are moved by it's simplicity and sincerity.

Beautifully put. That song brought tears to my eyes. Tears of happiness and sadness simultaneously.
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Very good decision, Mr. Bowie! Why should he allow Morrissey to use his photograph when Morrissey is calling him "David Showie", a "Has-Been" and lots of more hateful things?
Great article title.

Just in case anyone outside the UK is wondering why Bowie and Morrissey have been compared to male giraffes fighting its because of this clip from the current David Attenborough BBC series "Africa" which aired three or four weeks back.

Coming soon to a cable channel near you. Forever.
Better, Bowie?

To Brummie Boy: I don't agree with you but I enjoyed reading your reply because it was somewhat thoughful even if was not correct. And my problem is really that I just don't care that much for Bowie now but there is no way whatsoever that any serious artist would try and manipulate a cover in the way that you are describing is possible. Because it's just impossible ! But when you talk about a cover, well, a cover is a different thing totally. A cover is a cover. It is a moment in time and presents a glorious series of songs and stories. I am a big fan of some excellent covers that entice you to open, to open slowly and see, so to speak. The biggest dissapointment with your post is something that you probably already know and that is that Morrissey is not a laughing stock at all. Morrissey IS the establishment and Morrissey IS a musical legend. Morrissey still has a career and he is still entertaining and is current and is loud and is still very special. Bowie is a legend too but perhaps in the eyes of a much older generation it appears to me. And I appreciate that he could also be your legend, however, really, if you just stop to think about it now for a moment, then Bowie is actually a spent force as far as music and entertainment is concerned now. You are entitled to your opinion - and rightly so - but you are just comparing chalk with cheese. With Bowie being the chalk and Bowie is already out of the game on the sidelines.

To Johnny Barleycorn - Come on. Quentin Crisp was a lovely guy ! Morrissey is a great guy too ! But both are totally different.
Quentin was a entertainer and literary legend and a good story teller. Morrissey is a muscial legend. You are entitled to your opinion but the only similarity between the two of them appears to be that a) Quentin died in Manchester and Morrissey lives in Manchester and b) both have (had) very strong views on the royals........and certainly spoke about it many times. Mr Pratt (yes it was Quentin) stated: "I always thought Diana was such trash and got what she deserved. She was Lady Diana before she was Princess Diana so she knew the racket. She knew that royal marriages have nothing to do with love. You marry a man and you stand beside him on public occasions and you wave and for that you never have a financial worry until the day you die." Following her death a couple of years later, he commented that it was perhaps her "fast and shallow" lifestyle that led to her death: "She could have been Queen of England – and she was swanning about Paris with Arabs. What disgraceful behaviour! Going about saying she wanted to be the queen of hearts. The vulgarity of it is so overpowering." Well that's that then.

And Bowie: do you not think that Bowie is now slightly mad ? And is that because of Bowie Inc ? It's certainly been like that for some years now, hasn't it, if you think about it for more than 15 minutes? And Morrissey as a construct ? In the positivist tradition, Boring (1923) described intelligence as whatever the intelligence test measures. As a reaction to such operational definitions, Cronbach and Meehl (1955) emphasized the necessity of viewing constructs like intelligence as hypothetical constructs. They asserted that there is no adequate criterion for the operational definition of constructs like abilities and personality. Thus, according to Cronbach and Meehl (1955), a useful construct of intelligence or personality should imply more than simply test scores. Instead these constructs should predict a wide range of behaviors.

Finally "the only thing more ridiculous is the idea Bowie would wish to be in anyway associated with such a fool " this is your opinion but there are no fools. The only reason Bowie objected to the photograph - one taken by the excellent artist and photographer Linder - is, in my opinion, down to $ dollars $. And we are back to Bowie Inc. It's quite funny really because this story started life about the song and the cover, which has been blocked, but the song is about Bowie and he is a playboy and he is behaving like one now, which is quite funny.
Bowie is about to release his first album in ten years, just when everyone thought he'd thrown in the towel. All things Bowie has a currency at present. The cynic in me suspects that Moz may be trying to capitalize on this.
Bowie is making love with his ego because Ziggy fell from the earth long ago. Now, everyone knows that the B in Bowie stands for "Bitch". I'd rather see Marc Bolan on cover, any-sway(that way). The B in Bolan stands for "Bewitching"!

Oh well, come to think of it, I'd rather just see Morrissey gracing the sleeve more than anything (or body).
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