whats your favourite way to listen to morrissey

I guess I'm the only one but my favorite way to listen to Morrissey is with my ears.
M-pod while drifting off to sleep in a darkened room...just me and Him under the eiderdown...
At the Star & Garter, full on and very loud along with good company and good alcohol.
And tonight is the night for that to happen :)

Jukebox Jury
while i agree that many stupid ppl have degrees
i have yet to meet any that got a 3.85 @ ucla
there is a difference dear
not that i would i expect the likes of you to understand that though :eek:
after all, then you might not be as repugnant as you are
and then you would no longer really be you

you're a druggy, or at least you want everyone to think you are, so how can we believe anything you say ;)
Lets not forget that one of the biggest idiot f***s in history George W. Bush has a degree from Yale..... :rolleyes:

Most University Professors are bitter hippie Liberals who hate America and themselves, anyway...... they'll never succed in brainwashing me like they do most people.......poor Robby :(

I worked my way through college selling term papers to rich, stupid frat boys like GW Bush, which is probably how he got his degree. Who knows: one of them could be president someday! Thank me later. :rolleyes:

p.s. lots of stupid people have college degrees, that doesnt mean anything. History isnt a real degree anyway. neither is my degree, Communications

You're right, communications isn't at all challenging; just show up and push a lot of buttons and then you graduate. After a year, I changed majors - to History. When signing my transfer papers, The Dean of Arts and Sciences told me that they have "vocational school" type majors like Communications so they can keep the traditional liberal arts afloat because "nowadays everyone would rather watch TV than read a book, so enrollment in traditional disciplines is dropping but we still need to fund them. Our culture is dying." So, thanks for helping to keep our culture afloat! :D
the 3.5/6 barrier remains a barrier to most who cheat, lie or steal their way into & through a real good uni
like i'm guessing a loser like you 'dann' would have to

ps: its always great to see the envy of your type
please never change

Envy of what? You? ha-ha!

It's always been my dream that once I graduate college I'll be able to fulfill my ambition of becoming a photobucket whore :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You're the one who seems to be jealous of my sweet tight little body.......don't be jealous, work for it....I do! you don't have to settle for being a fat middle-aged photobucket whore...... maybe one day you'll be slim enough to be able to dance around at Moz shows......I wish you luck !:p
i was being serious, i really do smile, and agree with you*

* most of the time

well, sir, that's very civil, of you. your endorsement is appreciated.
actually, i just find it pointless to be arguing with a complete stranger over the interweb, who has the brain capacity of an m&m.
..........speechless.......... LOL!!!!!!!!!!

In the nude and having multiple orgasms!!!

Sorry, someone had to say it.
I mean the tone of some of these threads........really?
dude, i've seen pics of u
u aint got no sweet tight bod
u look like a sick thin twig
we both know this :o

if i ever give a sh*t about what you thought
i'd shoot myself

OK........ it's official people!!!! Robby is a bitch-ass liar.

I've never ever posted a single picture of me anywhere on the net and now he claims that's he's seen me :rolleyes:

You need to lay off the crack Robby, it's not good for you..... not a healthy way of loosing all those extra EXTRA pounds you're carryng........ :cool:
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On vinyl with headphones you can hear everything, every crack, crackle, and chord and that's my favorite. On cd with headphones is good too, you can hear the mix the way it was meant to be heard (2nd fav). On home stereo w/ six speakers is my third choice. Everything sounds like crap in the car no matter what, but it's still fun to drive to.
Oh no... no no. It totally puts me off and my bf can't abide Morrissey, one particular time I recall, Morrissey sang "I have lived in the arse of the world" and it put me into a fit of giggles, cause my bf went "what did he say?"


I was just kidding. I can listen to Moz during sex but I usually like to have the tv on so I can watch the game and have sex at the same time. Life is all about maximizing your time.
dude, seriously. does your whole life consist of surfing the web looking for and saving a MILLION stupid pictures just so you can insult people with visuals??

Firefox + adblock = surfing happiness.

Using wildcards you can block out so many images.
I don't see a single image from Robby in this thread or in many others.
:mad: :(

Definitely with earphones as I’m attempting to go to sleep. Or sitting in the sun in the garden… or when I’m painting my giant picture of Venice that I like to pretend I’ll finish one day. Or walking into town, ignoring the world.. . ooh, and definitely on public transport so you don’t have to hear other people’s inane conversations… mm, I listen to my ipod far too much! Tis my life-support machine I think

what a nice post, morrissey is great to listen to during nearly anything :). he makes me so happy.

I have a new habit of plugging in my headphones to my new record player next to my bed and falling asleep to moz on vinyl - very nice.

i've also been listening to b-sides on ipod like I'm playing easy to get, i know very well how i got my name, edges no longer parallel, etc., while falling asleep. so relaxing.
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