What do dreams mean?

I keep having scary dreams (nightmares I guess) in which I am killing one of my aquaintances. Last night I chased him and pushed him off a cliff, a few nights before I hung him in a wardrobe...I am genuinely scared, why am I having these dreams!

Love PTxx.
I do not wanna know what my dreams mean.

I've had some weird dreams before, like this one with a red dragon that made me Queen of the Mall.

and the there was one about Willy Wonka's...son...=|

I rarely have nightmares, and the only one I can remember vividly is the one I had after my grandma died. :(

I assume your dreams mean like, the exact opposite of you secretly hating him. Isn't that how it works? haha..
I keep having scary dreams (nightmares I guess) in which I am killing one of my aquaintances. Last night I chased him and pushed him off a cliff, a few nights before I hung him in a wardrobe...I am genuinely scared, why am I having these dreams!

Love PTxx.

I'm just guessing, but, it probably means you feel a bit of resentment towards him. He makes you feel a little bit inferior. Or jealous. And because you like him in real life, you don't express it, so it comes out in your dreams. I wouldn't worry about it, you don't control your dreams :)
I keep having scary dreams (nightmares I guess) in which I am killing one of my aquaintances. Last night I chased him and pushed him off a cliff, a few nights before I hung him in a wardrobe...I am genuinely scared, why am I having these dreams!

Love PTxx.

My little dream interpreted book says, "To dream of killing a defenseless man, prognosticates sorrow and failure in affairs". Eh, what's this book know anyway. It's from 1987 :p

Are you 'jealous' of your acquaintance in any way?
My little dream interpreted book says, "To dream of killing a defenseless man, prognosticates sorrow and failure in affairs". Eh, what's this book know anyway. It's from 1987 :p

Are you 'jealous' of your acquaintance in any way?

I am not jealous of this person, they have failed their exams and really seem quite foolish in life. I everyday they just annoy me but not intentionally, its their manner and obtrusiveness that pisses me off.

Love PTxx.
I am not jealous of this person, they have failed their exams and really seem quite foolish in life. I everyday they just annoy me but not intentionally, its their manner and obtrusiveness that pisses me off.

Love PTxx.

Ah hah, so he really irritates you. That makes sense. :) Altho the manner in which you kill him off in your dreams is pretty extreme. ;)
Ah hah, so he really irritates you. That makes sense. :) Altho the manner in which you kill him off in your dreams is pretty extreme. ;)

Ooh there has been worse ways, believe me...once I knelt on his neck in a prayign position until he suffocated. I was shaking and cold when I woke up.

Love PTxx.
I had recurrent dreams where my friend killed me, I suppose that is the opposite of yours. She smashed me over the head with my own guitar and I was lying in a pool of blood at the foot of my bed.
I had recurrent dreams where my friend killed me, I suppose that is the opposite of yours. She smashed me over the head with my own guitar and I was lying in a pool of blood at the foot of my bed.

My lord, that is creepy. I don't know if I would rather by the killer meaning I don't trust myself in everyday life or if was being killed meaning I wouldn't trust whoever did it in everyday life.

Love PTxx.
My dreams always have the same hidden message.........I would like to shag the Moz.:D
mine usually mean I've had a cheese butty before bedtime! :D


P.s. I can hardly ever remember owt I dream about ffs, note to self must get stronger cheese!
My crazy Solo dream

EVERYONE was there...we were inside the Hacienda night club and all the best tunes were just being blasted over the sound system. I kept thinking in my dream 'oh, I hope they play this song'. Then, whatever song I was thinking of came on. It was crazy, everyone was just partying and dancing like mad. I vividly remember a few faces such as Jukebox Jury, Skinner and Corrissey...also, everybody had shirts on with their user name printed so we could tell who everyone was. I can remember Jukebox Jury and me talking about the Salford bike ride and Skinner discussing and me discussing Hot Chocolate! Then, the night ended so we all went back to this massive hotel which had only one room which was filled with hundreds of king size beds...we all went to sleep!

Just thought I would let you know, hope one day it can come true. Honestly the feeling in the dream was amazing, like we were all pumped up on E...great to see everyone even though it was in a dream!

Love PTxx.
Re: My crazy Solo dream

EVERYONE was there...we were inside the Hacienda night club and all the best tunes were just being blasted over the sound system. I kept thinking in my dream 'oh, I hope they play this song'. Then, whatever song I was thinking of came on. It was crazy, everyone was just partying and dancing like mad. I vividly remember a few faces such as Jukebox Jury, Skinner and Corrissey...also, everybody had shirts on with their user name printed so we could tell who everyone was. I can remember Jukebox Jury and me talking about the Salford bike ride and Skinner discussing and me discussing Hot Chocolate! Then, the night ended so we all went back to this massive hotel which had only one room which was filled with hundreds of king size beds...we all went to sleep!

Just thought I would let you know, hope one day it can come true. Honestly the feeling in the dream was amazing, like we were all pumped up on E...great to see everyone even though it was in a dream!

Love PTxx.
Sounds like a good dream :)
Re: My crazy Solo dream

sounds a bit big bruvverish to me with that communal bedroom thingy eh?

hands up who snores the best? :D


Re: My crazy Solo dream

It was fantastic and yes EVERYONE was there, I could just sea this mass of people for miles and everyone was just loving it. I remember My Love Life getting played and I just felt like I was floating and flying whilst surveying what went on below...it was incredible!

Love PTxx.
Re: My crazy Solo dream

sounds a bit big bruvverish to me with that communal bedroom thingy eh?

hands up who snores the best? :D



That prize goes to ME, well after a few pints I sound pretty bad. I am avoiding BB at all costs. It was just crazy, the bedroom was miles long and people were just so happy, twas weird but great. Should arrange it sometime...nothing is impossible, even mile long bedrooms!

Love PTxx.
Re: My crazy Solo dream

sounds a bit big bruvverish to me with that communal bedroom thingy eh?

hands up who snores the best? :D


I snore badly according to hubby! Sorry if I kept you all up *nicks the duvet*
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