Morrissey Central "Vera Lynn" (August 28, 2020)




kevin cummins

(As seen recently in the condolences thread).
The British government of the time and continuing governments being complete pussys. While they were importing half the commonwealth, they were shipping out whites by the thousands.
Only in your head. But again, you wriggle around to avoid answering the question. It's getting to be a bit of a habit isn't it, Alf?
And trying to claim that @Uncleskinny and I are one is soo f***ing predictable and usually the last resort of the mentally enfeebled. Now why don't you stop making a suppurating c*** of yourself and go and stick your head in the gas oven, you pruritic prolapse?
Impotent, infertile waste of space. You should maybe choke yourself on Chambers 21st Century rather than seek to impress the dweebs on solo with your lack of genuine wonder it takes you so long to need Google, apparently. Actual laugh in your general, sad, pretentious, direction.
c*** right there...
You screwed up there. Didn't you know about all the kids being shipped out in the 50's and 60's?
The UK government actually sponsored mass white flight to NZ, Oz etc while importing masses of blacks and Asians into Britain. Millions of whites left while the others flowed in.

It was a plan after WW2.
Impotent, infertile waste of space. You should maybe choke yourself on Chambers 21st Century rather than seek to impress the dweebs on solo with your lack of genuine wonder it takes you so long to need Google, apparently. Actual laugh in your general, sad, pretentious, direction.
c*** right there...
You took a good ten minutes to response to my last comment and it was still shit. You really are the proverbial waste of oxygen, aren't you? Now, why don't you console yourself by calling me a c*** again? Or perhaps you could strain really hard and writing something imaginative?
...nah, just go with calling me a c*** - don't overdo it.
The UK government actually sponsored mass white flight to NZ, Oz etc while importing masses of blacks and Asians into Britain. Millions of whites left while the others flowed in.

It was a plan after WW2.
Hmm, no, not really. But it's fascinating to watch racists impose a racist interpretation on everything they see.
Look what happened to the Roman Empire.

It fell.

So are we now. We're falling and the alien hoards are running riot over the ruins of everything we've created.

That was the title of a book. It didn't 'fall' power shifted the way it always does. England 'fell' in 1066 but here you are oblivious to it.
That was the title of a book. It didn't 'fall' power shifted the way it always does. England 'fell' in 1066 but here you are oblivious to it.

Modern Britain is falling every single day, due to the insanity of the left. We are cutting our own throats in almost every aspect of social, cultural and political life.
Just heard that Johnny Marr's brat of a son Nile has been slagging Morrissey by promoting a "Morrissey is a Racist" t-shirt.

Total twat.

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