TTY: Sir Terry Wogan, RIP

Morrissey has expressed sadness at the death of British broadcaster and DJ Sir Terry Wogan:

Sir Terry Wogan, RIP -
31 January 2016

Time is not as it was. I only met Terry Wogan once, and he approached me (which makes all the difference), and was as genuine and charming as the entire world, today, is saying that he was. So very witty, yet never hurtful ... razor-sharp yet respectful - and, incredibly, one of the few radio DJs with no qualms about playing the Smiths or Morrissey. I am thankful to him.

31 January 2016.
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why are people so obsessed with who he pens a note about after their death? His music still sounds the same.
They do get quite upset when Morrissey doesn't behave the way they want him to. It's a circle jerk for sure :)

Here, a facial for you. Full on group bukkake. You must love it to keep kneeling before me and Benny. #BoganBitchez4BrummieBoy

why are people so obsessed with who he pens a note about after their death? His music still sounds the same.

there are also a million reasons to write or not sometimes even just depending if hes feeling like expressing or not that day. as much as he does express i dont think he express even half of his thoughts and still keeps his reasons to himself for his own actions. which is fair enough. i think theyre just bowie fanatics here that really want there two icons to be congruent which is fine but a strange motivation to me. ive never been on tty but if theyn allow postings, maybe its just an info site i dunno, but has anyone there asked the board the question. how did bowies death effect you if at all etc;. you could even bait the question so that those who mlike to talk will. "given your conflicted relationship with bowie did his death leave you feeling conflicted as well" because by making a statement and judgement thats obviously not really known to the asker he might feel a need to defend or explain/correct which gets him talking on the subject which can allow further questions comments to be expounded on. maybe hes just waiting to be asked. maybe given the public nature of there dispute he thought that mentioning him would only get tabloids to write childish drama which perhaps he felt didnt give his death dignity. if people thought about it for a second there are million reasons one might act or not in a certain way. who knows maybe its all just click bait to drum up activity
I keep seeing this when people die. What the hell does "godspeed" mean?

im not sure myself but ive heard the phrase mentioned in person a bunch of times. i always took it to mean that you flew to the arms of god in an instant i e death has you leave the earth in an instant. i dont really know as ive never seen it explained or its origins but i think this might be right
why are people so obsessed with who he pens a note about after their death? His music still sounds the same.

Who's obsessed? Haven't been on this site for 2 weeks, mate. Only popped by as I suspected Trollissey would use Wogan's passing to troll the Blackstar-Starman. Just close the laptop and go for a run. No idea why you join these threads when you claim "it's all abaaat the music, maaan!" Well, if it is: STFU on threads that are none of your business. It's you who's 'obsessed' with other people's interest in this topic. What's wrong with you? Yes, his music still sounds the same, leaden, lumpen dad-rock with world music flourishes, decades of the turgid stuff. But now we have 'Blackstar' and a new universe of musical possibilities. Expect the Beclowned Trollissey to try and absorb it's collage of early Roxy, Krautrock, robot jazz and urban folkloric genius but....don't expect anything other than more Dad Rock Smiths Tribute crap from the Stretford Pseud.

Why, may I ask? He didn't want to f**k you?

........LOL! comment........................LOLOLOLOL!


- - - Updated - - -

there are also a million reasons to write or not sometimes even just depending if hes feeling like expressing or not that day. as much as he does express i dont think he express even half of his thoughts and still keeps his reasons to himself for his own actions. which is fair enough. i think theyre just bowie fanatics here that really want there two icons to be congruent which is fine but a strange motivation to me. ive never been on tty but if theyn allow postings, maybe its just an info site i dunno, but has anyone there asked the board the question. how did bowies death effect you if at all etc;. you could even bait the question so that those who mlike to talk will. "given your conflicted relationship with bowie did his death leave you feeling conflicted as well" because by making a statement and judgement thats obviously not really known to the asker he might feel a need to defend or explain/correct which gets him talking on the subject which can allow further questions comments to be expounded on. maybe hes just waiting to be asked. maybe given the public nature of there dispute he thought that mentioning him would only get tabloids to write childish drama which perhaps he felt didnt give his death dignity. if people thought about it for a second there are million reasons one might act or not in a certain way. who knows maybe its all just click bait to drum up activity

Did you ghost-write 'Lisp of the Lulz'? LOL!

. So very witty, yet never hurtful ... razor-sharp yet respectful - Trollissey

In other words, the absolute antithesis of the Beclowned berk Trollissey. Strange how the vile troll Morrissey tries to jump on Terry's star power as it departs the planet when he was so disrespectful to him when he was, briefly, an 80s pop star sufficient to warrant an invite into Tel's televisual parlour, only to f*** it up by being a drama queen Diva bitch. I wonder why the rest of The Smiths didn't just punch his f***ing lights out. They should have sacked the f***er and got a real singer in. Actually, they couldn't do that because Johnny Marr was sadly also poisoned by the rectal slime oozing from Trollissey's dead soul zone such that he stiffed his schoolmates, The Drummer and The Bass Guitar for #cashmoney. No wonder it took Johnny so long to recover and find his Muse again.

We all knew this was coming, that Morrissey was biding his time in his bath of bitter gall bladder pus and slime and would 'eulogise' somebody/anybody just to try and show he is somehow 'above' mourning for Bowie. A total absolute plank, a wanker of the highest order. Expect a 180 degree reversal when the 'common people' have stopped #GrievingForBowie and then Morrissey will come out with some daft cover version or statement which, as with Lou and the rest, will be a naked attempt to steal Bowie's legacy and claim it as his own. Good luck with that one! The Stretford Pseud's breath smells of poo. If you still think he's 4Real, then...more fool you! f*** Morrissey! 3 Cheers for Steve Barnett. Wolvo-Brum alliance! Manchester? Culture? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Bollocks! Where's the Sabbaf dates for Brum on The End tour? Winter Solstice? Ozzy? You there, man? Sharon? Steve? LOLOLOLOLOL!

Mentioning Bowie and Elton in the same breath as Morrissey is a f***ing joke. He isn't even remotely in their league...never has been, never will be. But the fact that using Bowie's death solely as a means to add fervor to the Barnett trolling is pretty low.

Mentioning Morrissey in the same breath as Wogan is a f***ing joke. He isn't even remotely in Terry's league...never has been, never will be. But the fact that using Wogan's death solely as a means to add fervor to the Bowie trolling is pretty low.

What a lot of people here might not realise - especially if they aren't from the UK - is that Terry Wogan was hugely influential on Smiths-era Morrissey. Where do you think he got the whole 'waving a bunch of flowers around whilst singing' act from? It's clearly a homage to the great Sir Terry. RIP.
Was a general comment BB, not aimed at you. i just don't get it, if he doesn't post, he gets grief, if he did post, it would be dissected and people will find a way of giving him grief, so he can't win.
Was a general comment BB, not aimed at you. i just don't get it, if he doesn't post, he gets grief, if he did post, it would be dissected and people will find a way of giving him grief, so he can't win.

The reason he's getting such grief is he thinks he's being a smart-arse eulogising Wogan whilst ignoring Bowie. It's pre-meditated, calculated, chillingly cynical and has, once again proven he's an absolute tosser. Like #ProfitFromParis

The hilarious result of his #ObviousTrollIsObvious attempt to wind folk up is that he is being totally ignored as an irrelevant pain in the arse. Here's three round-ups of 'celebrity' reflections on the wonderful Terry Wogan's sad passing. Not ONE of them mentions the stupid f*** Morrissey's absurd wibblings. It's almost as if *somebody* has put a media hex on him. Is it BB? Or Wolvo Steve? Sharon? All of them? So many people are finally having their *lightbulb* moment about the Stretford Pseud. Morrissey didn't mention Bowie's passing because he knew that amidst the clamour he would be ignored at worst or just another C List celeb reminiscing at best. But to try and diss Bowie by this utterly insincere eulogy to Wogan, without apologising for his tv no-show just shows what a dickhead Trollissey is and always was. He has spent his entire Solo career as a Smith's Tribute Artist. At least Phil Oakey is honest enough to state that that's what the Human League now are, and everybody can relax and stop pretending they ever want to hear another new HL track or that the HL ever want to write one. Amazingly in his vaudeville Selfie-Tribute Years, the troll Morrissey struck gold twice in the form of Stephen Street and Alain Whyte who transcended his banal tribute warblings. Even plus size pub-rock geezer Martin Boorish managed to come up with some OK stuff, all in the slipstream of The Smiths, a band destroyed by the greed of Morrissey and Marr. So, enjoy yourselves with Ctrl-F as you search in vain for Trollissey's 'eulogy' to his own vanity being reported in the mainstream. He is now what he always was and will be: an irrelevant nobody. Couldn't happen to a nicer c***. The phones must be melting in Morrissey's PR bunker as his underlings frantically try to get some traction for their face-time-attention-whore client/boss.



Sir Terry Wogan: tributes to BBC broadcaster dead aged 77 - as they happened

All the reaction and tributes to the BBC TV and Radio presenter Terry Wogan, who has died of cancer aged 77, best known for his chat show Wogan, the Eurovision Song Contest and Children In Need.

Stars pay tribute to Sir Terry Wogan

Tributes pour in for ‘national treasure’ Sir Terry Wogan
I don't disagree with what you say. I go and see the human league on every tour they do as its a good night out, personally, however that's how I see Morrissey gigs - a good night out.
I have to say I'm relieved that Moz said something nice about Terry Wogan. When I saw that TTY headline I was worried that it would be some kind of attack on his knighhood or something, but Moz was very nice in his statement.
I keep seeing this when people die. What the hell does "godspeed" mean?

Godspeed means good luck on your journey. I think it basically means 'may your journey be short and safe'. It reminds me of the expression "May you be in heaven a full half-hour before the devil knows you're dead".

I think it was a nice phrase that Morrissey used, and would hint that Moz believes in some sort of life/existence after death.

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