TTY: San Francisco International Airport, part 2

great comment :thumb: i bet marred and agathaC agree with Moz, since they think he can do no wrong

Yeah saying I'm sick of people whingeing about everything Morrissey says or does makes me automatically defend and agree with everything Morrisey says or does.

Well done :)
Re: San Francisco International Airport, part 2

Reading this forum is like wading through a bucket faeces.
Re: San Francisco International Airport, part 2

I think there's an element of self destruction here, subconscious or otherwise. He could do nothing for the rest of his life and always be revered as a genius but he seems set on destroying his reputation.
Two big dates for the diary 9th and 10th in Argentina.

See Silly Steven opening his bigmouth with anti British rantings. The ice cream and popcorn have been ordered in. See Martin just stand to one side and take it bollock deep.

Get ready for the ride.

the comments are now all over the internet. one thing for sure: no more moz records unless he makes them himself chances of that happening being none and none.
after the recent book award, one can also predict no more literary endeavors.

what are the mozbots going to listen to and read?

another thing, wasnt his 'anal cleavage' that had been violated? you have to be a screaming huma pofi to create such drama over a stupid pat down.
Re: San Francisco International Airport, part 2

Reading this forum is like wading through a bucket faeces.

Jesus Christ it's Steven Solo ! Stop moaning, join in the debate or go find somewhere else. This is NOT

People take everything as literal on the internet. You can't do or say anything any more. Same for nights out in a pub where people are too busy staring at their phones to be bothered talking, and every move you make is photographed without your permission. Spontaneity is dead. The internet is a haven for people with personality disorders. Hence Moz can't say a word without being crucified, resurrected, and nailed all over again. The people wielding the hammers are usually smelly dysfunctional non-entities cowering like poisoned rats in the soft safe stuffing of their couch.

:thumb::thumb::thumb: thank you .
Morrissey on front of, it is about time SOMEONE addressed the issuebof weird pat downs. Does this make us safer for weirdos to check out private areas for weapons?

I think it'd be great if the story here had been that the security guards had fisted him. Maybe that can happen, some day.
I saw the tape, he does not know what sexual assault is. He has no grounds to press legal charges against the TSA, there's a special place in hell for frivolous lawsuits.

At the Fonda Theater in Los Angeles I paid $100 to see Morrissey, stood in line not dissimilar to an airport, then when the concert started after the stage rush push, the man behind me stuck his hand down my buttcrack and tried to tickle my anus. I am not suing Morrissey, Morrissey's fans, The Fonda... :straightface:

Be careful what you wish for Morrissey, God will show you sexual assault if you want to claim it.

I'm sure God would like to have at least one night with M. ;)
It seems to me that the only people who are NOT criticizing this latest episode of bonkersness are those who would never have criticized in any case, under any circumstances. If all that's there is the criticism of 'haters' on this site, perhaps those railing against them would care to pass comment on what Stereogum had to say ( - "Sexual assault is serious business, and if Morrissey experienced it, he’s right to be angry. But he’s not earning himself any extra goodwill by framing his outrage in such atrociously offensive terms." - are they 'haters' too? At what point do you accept the game's up, and everyone else disagrees? When those off the site begin to say it too? Or are those blinkers just too damn big?

Pointing out fact and overwhelming public opinion only makes a hater in the eyes of someone who never, ever wants to hear the truth, for fear of what it means for themselves.

Yes, But those at Stereogum post here all the time...anonymously. Hey who knows. ;)
he suffers more likely of borderline and sociopathy. i looked up the symptoms for sociopathy. they fit Morrissey to the teeth apart from a greater chance of weird sexual fetishes and violence.

Thanks for the profound character psychoanalysis. He is manic-depressive, borderline, whatever... Do you have a diploma in clinical psychiatry? He is just fine. The only thing that is wrong is that he lives in a wrong century. People were speaking their minds 100 years ago without this political correctness bs. What he is: perhaps an eccentric introvert, passive-aggressive, maybe? He doesn't fit into today's society mold, where everyone with any hint of above-average personality traits gets examined and immediately medicated. Living in a well-documented era where you no longer can keep your identity is not exactly fair to the free speaking and free thinking folk. Is it better to shut up and keep your opinions to yourself without the risk of being crucified or speak up and fall into the grave of self-destruction. I don't know. But he choses the latter, the more honest and more courageous. Wish there were more people like him.
View attachment 34804

"I'd rather be home taking care of business." Sounds like he is having a bang-up time sequestered in South America. Remains to be seen if he is simply homesick - or sick of the "day job."

yes, 'Remains to be seen' ...BUT that's never mattered here at Solo.

crucify first...ask questions latter. If that.

Next !

Benny-the-British-Butcher ������

:lbf: lot's of laughs ! as usual.


& Butchy boy, do remember ...

there's a soft voice singing in your head
who can this be?
I do believe it's ......

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Nobody else can see how terrible it is that a victim of sexual abuse needs to refer to the actions of Isis to call attention to his case?

He repeatedly and publicly denounced the abuse, even in a very famous TV show. The abuse was directly witnessed by the people who were with the victim, who supported him to denounce the deed. And the responsible took no action against the aggressor.

Instead, the victim is crucified by a comment he allegedly made. In short, it seems to be less severe a confirmed sexual abuse than a presumably expressed sentence of anger published on a website owned by another person.

The world is a big joke and people are crazy
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o FFS he was patted down for a second. what a big poff.
what sexual abuse?
didnt he tell larry king it was the anal cleavage? now hes lying saying it was the testicle as a way to promote 'the viciouls little book'?
Re: San Francisco International Airport, part 2

Reading this forum is like wading through a bucket faeces.

That's not faeces, ...that's their brains. ;)
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Thanks for the profound character psychoanalysis. He is manic-depressive, borderline, whatever... Do you have a diploma in clinical psychiatry? He is just fine. The only thing that is wrong is that he lives in a wrong century. People were speaking their minds 100 years ago without this political correctness bs. What he is: perhaps an eccentric introvert, passive-aggressive, maybe? He doesn't fit into today's society mold, where everyone with any hint of above-average personality traits gets examined and immediately medicated. Living in a well-documented era where you no longer can keep your identity is not exactly fair to the free speaking and free thinking folk. Is it better to shut up and keep your opinions to yourself without the risk of being crucified or speak up and fall into the grave of self-destruction. I don't know. But he choses the latter, the more honest and more courageous. Wish there were more people like him.

you wish there more racist twats????

But anyways I do feel its appropriate 4 morrissey 2 make a complaint, people just seem 2 put up with all kinds of harrasment and abuse these days when simply minding ones own buisness and travelling places ect!

Having your testicles and penis squeezed without any reason, notification or your consent by airport officials is totally - unacceptable, its absolutely disgraceful !!! :(

Do you have nothing better to do than write mindless drivel on solo, daily? 2 sad 4 you. :rolleyes:

yes how long ? So I can run to catch him!

...I'll be the 'human net' under his hilariously strange high wire act of baiting the simple minded !

the pleasure of course being ALL MINE.

BOOM ! ah, :)

The simple minded? What makes you think that? You know, I find Morrissey's humor funny, too. But these past couple of statements and posts are a little worrying, to say the least. My questions to Morrissey, if I could ask him anything at the moment, would be, "Why are you so hell bent on turning the world against you at the moment? How do you think this is helping you to move forward or possibly help you get a record contract? Are you just so used to feeling disrespected that it's come to this? Do you not care anymore so therefore you have nothing to lose by making these statements? Do you really think ISIS is something to joke about? How can you one week feel sad that no one will re-release your song for the victims of Paris, and then the next week use those who committed such atrocious acts in a 'Joke' on TTY?" Someone needs to really speak to him and question his actions instead of just letting it all go. I have tried to kindly see where his mind is and make excuses, but I can't understand it for the life of me. And, I'm not a simpleton, by the way.

Well, did it ever cross anybody's mind that "pushing people away" may be exactly what he wants? Deliberately pushing people away or alienating people IS a form of self-destructive behavior?

Maybe it is what he wants. I don't know. I'm the type of person who feels comfortable in the company of maybe one or two people. I push folks away quite a lot, but I'm not self destructive in any way. How do you know that is a form of self destruction, anyway? Are you a MD?

I feel sympathy for him possibly being misguided and looking for his way back on track, but at the end of the day I can't help but wonder if he's just plain mean. :(

I think you have been right with many of your posts about how he is not in touch with what is normal and has lead quite a misguided life for the most part. I don't think he's inherently mean; he could never have written such beautiful songs. I could be wrong, though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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