Morrissey Central "Sensational shows in Dublin, but the music industry world won’t listen" (July 18, 2023)

Sensational shows in Dublin, but the music industry world won’t listen


Uncredited image: J.D. Writer/Felton.
Yaaaaawn and yaaaaawn, it gets so so boring with these posts:sleeping::sleeping:

On the upside: at least on here are the right sources credited :thumb:
😂 Didn’t someone here predict that this photo would end up on central?! Fair play to the fan I’m sure he’s happy but central is so predictable. Well . Boringly predictable. Someone wears a Mozza t shirt? You’re on Central. Someone sees a mozza poster lying on the floor covered in piss at a bus station? Photo ends up on Central. It’s like a 5 year olds scrap book
If only the energy he puts into “impressing” record labels was redirected into engaging with fans.
If all it takes to make it onto Central is a Morrissey t-shirt and a pretty face, I’m a shoe-in to be on there tomorrow.
Sensational shows in Dublin, but the music industry world won’t listen.

Maybe they were all planning to go to Nottingham.
Got my refund for Nottingham this morning, it will fund the hotel and alcohol tonight.
Morrissey, stop being so needy for record label attention. It's tragic.

You want your new music released? Do it yourself. There is no other option now. Rightly or wrongly, the labels won't touch you.
Morrissey, stop being so needy for record label attention. It's tragic.

You want your new music released? Do it yourself. There is no other option now. Rightly or wrongly, the labels won't touch you.
I’m actually pretty impressed/surprised that neither of the albums have leaked yet.
That Donnie must run a tight ship.
Maybe Moz was shitfaced when he recorded them, sobered up and realised they weren't very good.
I’ve done some pretty silly things when drunk, but if Morrissey booked two weeks in a studio, hired musicians and a producer, and knocked out an album or two - all while pissed - he would be what the tattooed/football/LAD fraternity would call “a legend, mate”.
Come on now, don't make Morrissey take ownership of his lack of fan communication skills.

Nottingham was cancelled just was, alright?
Well, the circumstances were unforeseen, so that makes it ok….
I’m actually pretty impressed/surprised that neither of the albums have leaked yet.
That Donnie must run a tight ship.
Hopefully Josh Klinhoffer is due an upgrade on his phone soon...! (He has the album on there).

It is a mental situation all things considered regarding the timeline of Bonfire of Teenagers. I nearly bit the bullet and checked out the live tracks but I like the thought of holding off til the record is eventually out there - looks as if it won't be for a long while yet sadly.
Well, the circumstances were unforeseen, so that makes it ok….
Morrissey has zero self awareness.

He demands record label attention and explanations why they won't offer him a deal.

Yet when he lets his fans down at short notice by cancelling gigs, he believes no explanation is required.

What goes around comes around.

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