New book 'British Pop Dandies' by Stan Hawkins

I read the bit on pages 70 and 71 suggested on the main page.
...What is he talking about exactly? :crazy:
Yes, thank you.

I agree that the book is interesting and the subject matter is borderline revolutionary!

His assessment of the video "You Have Killed Me" was almost correct. He interpreted the video ending as foreboding to the ending Sid Vicious's "My Way" where Moz is contemplating shooting the audience, but to me, the audience just looked bored judging by the lackluster applause and Moz just does a humorous grimace.

I almost forgot what a cool video that was!
Thanks for the link. I'd be curious to read more of Hawkins' book.

The Morrissey excerpt wasn't too promising, though. Considering how much time he spends talking about the video for "You Have Killed Me", it's striking that Hawkins doesn't seem to be aware that the video is an homage to the Eurovision competition.

He also thinks the "you" in the song is the media. I disagree, although I guess nobody can say for sure it isn't.

Hawkins might have considered that Morrissey's videos often exist as showpieces independent of the music, a fact best illustrated in the use of the same footage for the "I Started Something" and "Stop Me" videos. He could have avoided head-scratchers like "the sequences of events the camera follows...are carefully regulated coded references to a melancholia that is in protest against patriarchy". I'd love to know what that means.
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