Morrissey and his links to paedophiles? - thecolemanexperience

I post thousands of links in addition to doing a lot more on the site. If you think highlighting this one represents everything about the site then it's pointless to argue as you have made up your mind.

David's responses to this thread have left me and many others with a bad taste in our mouths. I have always dismissed Morrisseys' rants about you as being somewhat nutty - until now.

No wonder he wears %$#$-Morrissey-solo tshirts. No wonder you are banned from concerts. No wonder he hates you.

Your website has been referenced in news articles this past month from major sources, and here you are posting stuff YOU KNOW is absolute trash, vile defamatory trash... and your reasoning for it changes repeatedly as if you are scrambling to find ways to hold on to any sort of integrity you had left.

At least we all know how to get a hold of Morrisseys' lawyers. From a bystander perspective and a visitor to this site for over 17 years I wouldn't hesitate at this point to cooperate with them at this point as I feel, as do many others, that you have a personal vendetta against Morrissey and are simply providing this link as a way to damage his professional reputation. Sure he may not win, but perhaps he has more financial resources than you and can certainly cost you a lot of money in legal fees.
Whatever the losses are, in the past greater as I spent a lot on hardware and other stuff over the years.

I know what you are getting at, as I mentioned it's pretty much break even and as RB suggested, it's none of your business.

It's none of our business. Just do it responsibly...ethically.

Maybe you should go to the local Jr. College and take a course on philosophy and ethics.

Oh...I forgot this is the internet.

I've been in the bunker too long. Sorry. And yeah , I thought that pit bull had you by the ear. (RB)
I post thousands of links in addition to doing a lot more on the site. If you think highlighting this one represents everything about the site then it's pointless to argue as you have made up your mind.

And somewhat ironic, given the timing. TMZ and Yahoo interviews regarding death threat allegations and then bam! Pedophilia blog over a month old pops up out of nowhere and is featured prominently on the main page. And after 30+ pages of outrage all we get is deflection. Most users I have seen post in this thread, aside from the two obvious trolls, agree with me when I say that you David, have an agenda.
There is no agenda except to share information and interesting links, good, bad or ugly. What about all the other 'positive' articles that are posted? Are you just going to ignore those in your conclusion? People have criticized my choices in the past also.

And somewhat ironic, given the timing. TMZ and Yahoo interviews regarding death threat allegations and then bam! Pedophilia blog over a month old pops up out of nowhere and is featured prominently on the main page. And after 30+ pages of outrage all we get is deflection. Most users I have seen post in this thread, aside from the two obvious trolls, agree with me when I say that you David, have an agenda.
There is no agenda except to share information and interesting links, good, bad or ugly. What about all the other 'positive' articles that are posted? Are you just going to ignore those in your conclusion? People have criticized my choices in the past also.

David, you are an intelligent man. This is what people believe. I can assure you that no real fan seeks out Morrissey pedophelia articles on their own. Had you not posted this article yourself, on likely the worlds largest Morrissey fansite, almost no one would have known about it. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that the article is complete horseshit. So why post it? Journalistic integrity?
Whatever the losses are, in the past greater as I spent a lot on hardware and other stuff over the years.

I know what you are getting at, as I mentioned it's pretty much break even and as RB suggested, it's none of your business.

Where would you be without your Pitbulls? Last time, it was !Viva Hate! Today, Realitybites
What do your Pitbulls have in common?
They are trolls.
David, you are an intelligent man. This is what people believe. I can assure you that no real fan seeks out Morrissey pedophelia articles on their own. Had you not posted this article yourself, on likely the worlds largest Morrissey fansite, almost no one would have known about it. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that the article is complete horseshit. So why post it? Journalistic integrity?

don't be naive, the goodwill of morrissey's fan is burried deep in the past. all that matters now is something else...

i don't have to read posts to assure that the person who owns this site isn't interested in talks about morrissey, moral or ethics.

he takes an advantage of people's interest in scandals & obscurity. clicks and profit - are the things that matters to him, nothing else.

but if you ask, he's ready to discuss every matter, 'cause you're the consumer and he's seller. he depends on you.

trouble comes by knowing that this forum is techically superior to others :(

p.s. apologies
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

It's like that crazy guy or gal you see in the public ranting and raving about something. Ignore them and they'll eventually go away. Just like this nutter trying to link Moz to pedophilia. And it was the same with the Aids insinuations. Why give these nutters the opportunity to spread their lies and rumours to a wider audience? A little editorial judgment goes a long way.
I think the question we should be asking is how many more of these "interesting connection" shit websites posted will it take to make up for being kicked out of a show David travelled 5000 miles to attend? Morrissey has been a troll too. I thought David was beyond tit for tat, that's what the posting of this article is forcing me to come to grips with, that the administrator isn't objective.
I think the question we should be asking is how many more of these "interesting connection" shit websites posted will it take to make up for being kicked out of a show David travelled 5000 miles to attend? Morrissey has been a troll too. I thought David was beyond tit for tat, that's what the posting of this article is forcing me to come to grips with, that the administrator isn't objective.

It all just sucks. Ugh.
I know it's not a perfect analogy, but visiting this site is like visiting someones (Davids) home and so I think it's only logical to let him run it the way he wants to. I would say the same about the True-to-you site... I think many of us feel that site is pretty lame, and that Moz has used it to spout a few crazy things. But I love his music and am only mildly amused/distracted by his sometimes inflammatory statements. So I guess I'm suggesting we come here with a good deal less passion. David is obviously standing his ground and that's his decision. I hope it doesn't do as much damage as people predict. It's sad to lose Mr. Reynolds, and it's also sad that people are saying mean things to David, but it's his "house" and so he is free to make what most think is a bad call. I'm still thankful for the site overall. One disappointing post/decision won't ruin the whole thing.
I know it's not a perfect analogy, but visiting this site is like visiting someones (Davids) home and so I think it's only logical to let him run it the way he wants to. I would say the same about the True-to-you site... I think many of us feel that site is pretty lame, and that Moz has used it to spout a few crazy things. But I love his music and am only mildly amused/distracted by his sometimes inflammatory statements. So I guess I'm suggesting we come here with a good deal less passion. David is obviously standing his ground and that's his decision. I hope it doesn't do as much damage as people predict. It's sad to lose Mr. Reynolds, and it's also sad that people are saying mean things to David, but it's his "house" and so he is free to make what most think is a bad call. I'm still thankful for the site overall. One disappointing post/decision won't ruin the whole thing.

It's like we're visiting Morrissey's house and Morrissey is renting it from David who owns the house and David is f***ing with his tenant in an effort to show he's holding the cards.

Maybe I'm a bit naive, but if a site is in the public domain (and accessible by Googling "Morrissey"), even if its contents are considered ridiculous and vile, doesn't the fact that this site provides a vehicle for 650 odd comments condemning it, mean that Morrissey-Solo has enabled an emphatic collective personal judgement to be aired, without compromising the principles of freedom of speech?

De L
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Re: Article: Morrissey


Maybe I'm a bit naive, but if a site is in the public domain (and accessible by Googling "Morrissey"), even if its contents are considered ridiculous and vile, doesn't the fact that this site provides a vehicle for 650 odd comments condemning it, mean that Morrissey-Solo has enabled an emphatic collective personal judgement to be aired, without compromising the principles of freedom of speech?

De L

If people were to go through all the comments, yes, but I'm afraid no-one will take the trouble. And the damage caused by giving this filth a platform far outweighs our paltry posts, even if they number 600+ ...
Something along these lines may already have been posted...

From your own Terms of Service:

"You agree not to... upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is ... defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;"

You had every right to refuse to publish this post/link. It breached your Terms of Service. You had every opportunity to refuse to publish, as it was an anonymous submission requiring your approval. You chose to ignore/overrule your own Terms of Service and post anyway.

And to make available what exactly?

This parasite-riddled thought-turd squeezed from the cerebral anus of a diseased mind.

What anonymous click-bait wouldn't you post?

If I were you (and thankfully, I'm not), I'd seriously be considering seeking legal advice. I suspect you're going to need a little support.
It's like we're visiting Morrissey's house and Morrissey is renting it from David who owns the house and David is f***ing with his tenant in an effort to show he's holding the cards.

I appreciate your distinction, but either way, it's not our "house" and we are visitors. So I humbly submit that less passion and forgiveness for the occasional bad decision is in order.
David, it has been suggested off this site (some of us know each other IRL) that when you left Yahoo! Music as reported by TMZ to "pursue other opportunities" - basically you left your job and that this site is now your primary source of income and so you must do what you can to maintain or increase hits and traffic. Is this true?

Despite protestations to the contrary, the site is lucrative. As an aside, the Steyn case will bring all that to light when establishing the claim against Morrissey.
I appreciate your distinction, but either way, it's not our "house" and we are visitors. So I humbly submit that less passion and forgiveness for the occasional bad decision is in order.

Certainly forgiveness for the occasional bad decision, but just because you own the house doesn't mean you have the right to do whatever you want. If you own a movie theater you don't have the right to walk into a show and scream FIRE! inciting panic and making the circumstances needlessly dangerous. I think there's a responsibility for media outlets such as solo to cater to the lowest common denominator. THere are a lot of stupid people in the world with internet access who will only read the headline and perpetuate the nonsense. David says he offers all the Morrissey news (it still hasn't been established the blog is even "news") and lets the reader determine if it's true or not, but I think he has a responsibility to exercise some very basic filtering. As has been pointed out by many, magazines often look to solo to pull quotes and get a feel for the community. THey certainly would have the intelligence to discern the article is shit, but what about the Vietnamese fan girl who only knows 40% English reading the headline that Morrissey is a pedophile? Situations like that aren't helping the Morrissey "community" which I was under the impression Solo set out to serve. I could be wrong but I don't think I am on this one.
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Re: Article: Morrissey

If people were to go through all the comments, yes, but I'm afraid no-one will take the trouble. And the damage caused by giving this filth a platform far outweighs our paltry posts, even if they number 600+ ...

It's an interesting one - I can see how the credibility of this site is undermined by posting what seem scurrilous unsubstantiated rumours, but you seem to suggest that although 600+ posters can clearly see it's nonsense, damage will be caused by, say a journo from the Daily Torygraph, reading it and somehow not having the intelligence to come to the same conclusion, and therefore propagating it as having some underlying substance.

The other slightly uncomfortable thing re all this, is that even though the article IS clumsy, completely ridiculous and wrong, thecolemanexperience has in other blog posts included information (re Savile and others) which, with the benefit of hindsight, seems to contain a grain of truth.

I would give davidt the benefit of the doubt on this one - if only on the basis that I would defend his right to report whatever he wants, even if I dont like it - because I like censorship even less.

De L
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