Morrissey and his links to paedophiles? - thecolemanexperience

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Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

What is this even doing on the site?
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

And people wonder why he's come to hate this site so vehemently.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

Seems like a pretty shifty article to me.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

Wow, today the "SoLow" comment actually fits. What complete trash.

p.s. My comment is here but I posted it because this actually showed up on the front page! DavidT, this is a blemish on your reputation, and I've always been sympathetic to you.
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Yeah, I'm all for posting discussion worthy items good and not so good. However, it should stop well short of character assassination.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

Wow, that site is several dozen rungs below the whole "Diana-Morrissey phenomenon" tinfoil hat bullshit-fest. Horrible.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

This is just disgraceful. Why this sort of thing is allowed, I'll never know.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

p.s. My comment is here but I posted it because this actually showed up on the front page! DavidT, this is a blemish on your reputation, and I've always been sympathetic to you.

Wait, this is on the main page?!

I've never taken issue with whether news that makes the main page is positive or negative, but this isn't news. It's not even an article! It's a link to the search results for "Morrissey" on a pedophilia-obsessed crazy person's blog.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

I can't f***ing believe this is on the main page. Absolutely nothing about this article can remotely be considered "news".

Cliff Richard may currently be under investigation for child sex crimes, but his tenuous connection to Morrissey is hardly evidence that Morrissey himself is a sex offender, as this article insinuates. It's full of homophobic, unsubstantiated speculation. It's one thing to acknowledge that Morrissey seems to admire some shady characters (Richard, the Krays) but it's something else entirely to imply that he's a child molester based on no compelling, legitimate evidence.

As Chickpea observed, this blog post is nothing more than an outlet to indulge an absurd conspiracy theory. The fact that it got promoted to news on the main page is appalling. Where's the news here?
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Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

I promoted the item not as news but as something of interest but I know the mention of the topic upsets some people. A site is making some links, in light of the recent Cliff Richard connection. Make what you want out of it or ignore it, I am glad you can easily dismiss it.

I can't f***ing believe this is on the main page. Absolutely nothing about this article can remotely be considered "news".

Cliff Richard may currently be under investigation for child sex crimes, but his tenuous connection to Morrissey is hardly evidence that Morrissey himself is a sex offender, as this article insinuates. It's full of homophobic, unsubstantiated speculation. It's one thing to acknowledge that Morrissey seems to admire some shady characters (Richard, the Krays) but it's something else entirely to imply that he's a child molester based on no compelling, legitimate evidence.

As Chickpea observed, this blog post is nothing more than an outlet to indulge an absurd conspiracy theory. The fact that it got promoted to news on the news page is appalling. Where's the news here?
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

I've been coming to this site daily since 1997. Through all the strangeness over the years, I've always been on DavidT's side of things. That started to finally change when I saw how he handled the recent lawsuit... running to be on camera and acting as if there could possibly be any truth to it... as if any sane person would think that Morrissey would really want him hurt. This post was the last straw. Goodbye.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

I promoted the item not as news but as something of interest but I know the mention of the topic upsets some people. A site is making some links, in light of the recent Cliff Richard connection. Make what you want out of it or ignore it, I am glad you can easily dismiss it.

Bad call.
DAVID T links to paedophiles!!!!!!

David T.
Hate, hate and more hate. You are vile for allowing some pathetic blog which is filled with nothing but a stab in his heart.
I hope you get the same. The person who posted it, could remove it but hasn't. Attention seeker or the owner.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

Yes, of course, I'm so blind!!! Cliff and Moz are both human, another connection!!!
David did you even read the article? Go read it. Are you going to post a link to my Symbolic Thread on the mainpage next because I mention Morrissey's name? There's nothing here?

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