Mel Gibson, Morrissey and Tom Jones pic in Los Angeles

Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

Why? So you can prove how awesome you were at covering your bases? Also I'd ask that you corroborate the story of the day I "stalked" Morrissey with the girl I was with, but she's dead. You might recall that you and your friends shit all over her memorium thread in the name of free speech. Suck it.

Unfortunate for you, somebody wrote a memorium blog for her, which described that she went to Los Angeles as soon as she heard that Morrissey was in town and sat at the Cats & Fiddle until he got there. You were both pretty nasty towards others to get your way, but that's what Morrissey fans are like. The kind of stuff you learned from Morrissey or the reason why you were attracted to him.

For those who think that Morrissey is Catholic or whatever, he made fun of God and Jesus Christ so I doubt that he has any business with Christianity other than to ridicule it. Many artists wear the cross who do that. Morrissey had "Morrissey" written on a cross and he made fun of psalm 23, which is the lowest of the lowest anybody can get. He sold both at concerts. The t-shirt that said "Moz is my shepherd" at his most recent concerts in the U.S.A. Mel Gibson had his "anti-semitic" rant apparently on the guy who runs the William Morris Agency, which provides interesting information, because if you look at the list of artists who are signed to this agency you get an idea why there is so much symbolism of a certain kind in movies, ads and music videos. It is the same guy whose party Morrissey had his picture taken at with Russell Brand. Morrissey's publist describes herself as an orthodox Jew. How she can work as a publicist for him while he makes fun of psalm 23 and still claim that she is an orthodox Jew makes yoou wonder however. I wouldn't work for him as publicist while he does this kind of stuff.
Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

Unfortunate for you, somebody wrote a memorium blog for her, which described that she went to Los Angeles as soon as she heard that Morrissey was in town and sat at the Cats & Fiddle until he got there. You were both pretty nasty towards others to get your way, but that's what Morrissey fans are like. The kind of stuff you learned from Morrissey or the reason why you were attracted to him.

For those who think that Morrissey is Catholic or whatever, he made fun of God and Jesus Christ so I doubt that he has any business with Christianity other than to ridicule it. Many artists wear the cross who do that. Morrissey had "Morrissey" written on a cross and he made fun of psalm 23, which is the lowest of the lowest anybody can get. He sold both at concerts. The t-shirt that said "Moz is my shepherd" at his most recent concerts in the U.S.A. Mel Gibson had his "anti-semitic" rant apparently on the guy who runs the William Morris Agency, which provides interesting information, because if you look at the list of artists who are signed to this agency you get an idea why there is so much symbolism of a certain kind in movies, ads and music videos. It is the same guy whose party Morrissey had his picture taken at with Russell Brand. Morrissey's publist describes herself as an orthodox Jew. How she can work as a publicist for him while he makes fun of psalm 23 and still claim that she is an orthodox Jew makes yoou wonder however. I wouldn't work for him as publicist while he does this kind of stuff.

pffft, who cares?

Don't, you're making me blush :o

No, technically it isn't, the Jews fall under the Caucasian umbrella but it is a specific nationality; an ethnic culture of people and when a word like "Jew boy" is used it is done so with racist motives. It is a derogatory term.

Im just stating facts. You don't really know wether M's motives were definately rascism and I also never claimed he was definately not rascist either.

Split hairs all you want, dipshit.

Well, call it splitting hairs if you like I just think it would be the best day ever for you if it all came out he was rascist, you'd love it you'd have a field day.

No, Spencer did not "call him" a racist. I never said he did. Did I? If so, show me where I said that Spencer called him a racist.

What I did say was that Spencer would disagree with the sentiment that Morrissey is not a racist. I then supported that claim by posting an interview clip -not a rumor, unsubstantiated- with a former friend and bandmate of Spencer's who claimed to be an eyewitness to Morrissey insulting Spencer in a racist way -albeit via fax, like the pussy that Morrissey is- and this individual also bore testimony to the adverse effect it had on Spencer. And this is not the only piece of information on this incident available publicly. Just the most direct.

Anyone could disagree that he wasn't being rascist by 'Jew Boy' but it doesn't mean they are right though.

Sure, that's it. You're miles ahead of me intellectually. You're the star of the show. Let us all now bow to the vast wit that is Carly.

Im not trying to be witty, sadly you do try and fail. You're the person who posts here that thinks there intellectually superior to 'everyone'. You're just as a shitty person you think Morrissey is, you would walk past someone dying just to patronise someone and pick on faults.
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Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

Morrissey had "Morrissey" written on a cross and he made fun of psalm 23, which is the lowest of the lowest anybody can get.

I'm pretty sure there are a million things someone could do that would be lower than that.

Personally, I think ridiculing irrational beliefs should be commended, so good on you, Moz.
Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

Unfortunate for you, somebody wrote a memorium blog for her, which described that she went to Los Angeles as soon as she heard that Morrissey was in town and sat at the Cats & Fiddle until he got there. You were both pretty nasty towards others to get your way, but that's what Morrissey fans are like. The kind of stuff you learned from Morrissey or the reason why you were attracted to him.

For those who think that Morrissey is Catholic or whatever, he made fun of God and Jesus Christ so I doubt that he has any business with Christianity other than to ridicule it. Many artists wear the cross who do that. Morrissey had "Morrissey" written on a cross and he made fun of psalm 23, which is the lowest of the lowest anybody can get. He sold both at concerts. The t-shirt that said "Moz is my shepherd" at his most recent concerts in the U.S.A. Mel Gibson had his "anti-semitic" rant apparently on the guy who runs the William Morris Agency, which provides interesting information, because if you look at the list of artists who are signed to this agency you get an idea why there is so much symbolism of a certain kind in movies, ads and music videos. It is the same guy whose party Morrissey had his picture taken at with Russell Brand. Morrissey's publist describes herself as an orthodox Jew. How she can work as a publicist for him while he makes fun of psalm 23 and still claim that she is an orthodox Jew makes yoou wonder however. I wouldn't work for him as publicist while he does this kind of stuff.
Morrissey also said at one of his concerts that he didn't care if he went to Hell. There was a photo of Morrissey in the bleeding heart pose. Morrissey is no longer a Christian or a Roman Catholic.

I believe the only member of The Smiths who still says they are a Roman Catholic is Andy Rourke, but sadly he does not live a good Christian life, so he is not a good example of how a Christian should be.
Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

Unfortunate for you, somebody wrote a memorium blog for her, which described that she went to Los Angeles as soon as she heard that Morrissey was in town and sat at the Cats & Fiddle until he got there.

Well, Anonymous, that's not what happened. Maybe she was there all day while I was at work, but we were there the time it takes to have dinner. I couldn't get out of there fast enough tbh because she was weird. :p
Don't, you're making me blush

That's not me, it's the syphilis.

Im just stating facts. You don't really know wether M's motives were definately rascism and I also never claimed he was definately not rascist either.

At least I "definately" know how to spell...

Well, call it splitting hairs if you like I just think it would be the best day ever for you if it all came out he was rascist, you'd love it you'd have a field day.

I don't need him to "come out" as racist any more than I need him to "come out" as a cock lover. I can form my own conclusions based on context and testimony and circumstantial indicators. Unlike blithering idiots like you, I don't need everything spelled out for me. Literally.

Anyone could disagree that he wasn't being rascist by 'Jew Boy' but it doesn't mean they are right though.

Sure... it was a term of endearment.

Im not trying to be witty, sadly you do try and fail. You're the person who posts here that thinks there intellectually superior to 'everyone'. You're just as a shitty person you think Morrissey is, you would walk past someone dying just to patronise someone and pick on faults.

I can't even comprehend what you said in that sentence; that's how poor your writing is. You must be proud...
Cornelius Blaze is the best! I find that photo of Tom Jones a bit creepy.
For Christs sake Carly, get real. If you use the term 'Jew Boy' you are a racist twat. Would you use it?
Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

Morrissey also said at one of his concerts that he didn't care if he went to Hell. There was a photo of Morrissey in the bleeding heart pose. Morrissey is no longer a Christian or a Roman Catholic.

I believe the only member of The Smiths who still says they are a Roman Catholic is Andy Rourke, but sadly he does not live a good Christian life, so he is not a good example of how a Christian should be.

To Hell with him, then, right!

- - - Updated - - -

For Christs sake Carly, get real. If you use the term 'Jew Boy' you are a racist twat. Would you use it?

I think Carly may be what is commonly referred to as an ignoramus.
Judaism is a religion, not a race. It is a religion known for being tolerant of other religions. So, if you have a problem with Jews, you have a problem with their religious beliefs, not their ethnicity.

For Christs sake Carly, get real. If you use the term 'Jew Boy' you are a racist twat. Would you use it?
Re: Mel Gibson, Morrissey, Tom Jones

I remember in the late 90s, people used to talk about how Moz would hang out at the Cat & Fiddle. But how did they know he was going to be there? He must have frequented the place a lot for fans to go there looking for him. He also purportedly went to a strip club with David Lee Roth.

Well, Anonymous, that's not what happened. Maybe she was there all day while I was at work, but we were there the time it takes to have dinner. I couldn't get out of there fast enough tbh because she was weird. :p
That's not me, it's the syphilis.


At least I "definately" know how to spell...


I don't need him to "come out" as racist any more than I need him to "come out" as a cock lover. I can form my own conclusions based on context and testimony and circumstantial indicators. Unlike blithering idiots like you, I don't need everything spelled out for me. Literally.

But it wasn't about you not already being convinced...

Sure... it was a term of endearment.

Yes finally, thats what i thought it was!

I can't even comprehend what you said in that sentence; that's how poor your writing is. You must be proud...

Oh you understood exactly what i said :)
For Christs sake Carly, get real. If you use the term 'Jew Boy' you are a racist twat. Would you use it?
Wether i would use it or not, i still don't think it's strictly rascist... go ahead and call me ingnoramus.

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