Kirk Douglas - post by Morrissey on

An anonymous person posted the link:

Kirk Douglas -
22 February 2013

Kirk Douglas

Excuse my happiness. Yesterday I decided to take a stroll and I found myself walking alongside Kirk Douglas. It generally takes me 4 seconds to feel disturbingly ridiculous, but yesterday I broke my own record. Overcome by an indescribably modest humility, I suddenly felt like the fat half of a pair of bow-legged twins. I froze, my eyes welled-up, my feet sank into imaginary mud. Only Kirk Douglas could reduce me to such an irrational fear of breathing, but here it was. It was one of those very silly moments where we act on the second instinct whilst ignoring the first instinct, and of course, the second instinct always warns us to "do nothing." Too incurably demented to tap his shoulder and pledge eternal thanks and servitude, I stood and I watched as my hero walked away.

I am not alone in knowing how constantly robbed Kirk Douglas was of that voodoo doll known as the 'Oscar'. Yes, he was given obligatory recognition once the best years of his career had wound down, but his magnetic force and colossal onscreen assurance in Two weeks in another town, Lonely are the brave and The bad and the beautiful still stand as the best screen acting yet produced, in years when the Oscars, as usual, were awarded instead to the blandly servile. If you haven't yet seen the above three films then your life is nothing. In his prime, Kirk Douglas was far too sexually disagreeable, and represented the soul of the world far too accurately. It was a self-realization that cannot be manufactured - or even found for a second time, because its poetry is built on a very particular time and space - one that doesn't return. In fact, Kirk Douglas sometimes didn't act at all - he simply observed and played with those around him (the hardest trick of all.) If male desire is tension, then Kirk Douglas had this more than any other screen star - yes, King Kong included.

Last night I went to bed exhausted. But I couldn't sleep.

Los Angeles
22 February 2013

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Oh Anon, believe me, it is.:lbf: Even more so than an anon contradicting me, clearly without understanding my post. But yours was a harmless well-meaning post (well, apart from contradicting me, which is very naughty), so it's ok.

For future ref though, when I say something is bizarre, it's bizzaro.
As in the comics? Possibly...

Oh btw, I'm thinking about this dude:

Hehehe, I met Monsieur Jean Rochefort and got his autopraphes!
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It's interesting ( no , not the irony overload from Skylarker/Viva! :p ) ...

Oh, are their posts meant to be ironic? Funny. I always thought that they were just pretentious, run of the mill, shite?
I'm thinking it's pre-meds FTW!

Hehehe, I met Monsieur Jean Rochefort and got his autopraphes!

:eek: you lucky, lucky kitten!

I think it's best if I don't meet him though, I'd probably start :tears:. I act funny when I'm around very likeable old people. (funny peculiar, not funny ha ha.)
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I'm very scared.

Life can't be this perfect. House is clean, fresh buns for lunch, just discovered Morrissey Radio on my Sonos system, So-Low proves that it can be an honest sharing among Morrissey lovers, and the the one person in this world that I would like to meet reveals a side of himself that makes me love him more.

I want to cry.

It is sweet that he has his own Morrisseys. :o :sweet:
Maybe Morrissey can appreciate how some of us feel when we meet him?

Morrissey: "I'm just a person. I'm only a person." Pitiful Me (x5): "No you're not!" [On both knees... as I often find myself.] Morrissey: "Oh well then!"

Que sera sera...
Kirk Douglas is 94! And Catherine Zeta Jones cooks him welsh food. I read that once. :p I should see those movies. I'll put them on our stay at home list. The last time I watched a "Morrissey Recommends..." movie it kinda blew my mind a bit too much.
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Re: Kirk Douglas---from TTY

Everyone take note.

I don't claim to know what this crazy motherf***er has up his sleeve, but it's something big.

Great Art is on the horizon. I can feel it in my bones.

Who? David Lynch or Morrissey? :lbf:

Kirk Douglas is 96, actually ;) Thank you, Mr. Douglas! (Too many of our WWII vets have gone, so thank the ones we have still with us)
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So what you're telling me that the blog on Morrissey's World is true? But somehow some blue rose haxxorz r posting his writings up on to trick us?

(yes this is sarcasm, an "asm" slightly less powerful than an orgasm)

So will the blue rose/Morrissey's World creator/c*** offer up an apology to all of his idiot followers and for every time he marred this board with his hoaxes now?

We are waiting.

The car is either a '46 or '47 Plymouth. My dad can ID cars by their taillights and bumpers. Apparently those two years were very similar. :cool:
I can't wait for the next installment of "Tales From the Quiff"! Well, Dear Abby has died and nature abhors a maybe next time he'll enlighten us with "How To Get Wine Stains Out of a Persian Rug" or other helpful "Hints From Morrissey". Gotta love it!
Looks to me like Kirk is a guy who follows...his first instinct.:p
Oh, are their posts meant to be ironic? Funny. I always thought that they were just pretentious, run of the mill, shite?

It is always a bit laughable when simpletons like you confuse intelligence for pretentiousness. You poor, poor mental midget.
...Meanwhile, the mystery of that Sunny note, buried (on second instinct?) only to be found much much later I assume, by most people, is still intact, and Kirk is not helping us one bit here... :confused:

Personally I think Morrissey wrote that for Burt Lancaster.
Re: Kirk Douglas---from TTY

22 February 2013
Kirk Douglas

Kirk Douglas

Excuse my happiness. Yesterday I decided to take a stroll and I found myself walking alongside Kirk Douglas. It generally takes me 4 seconds to feel disturbingly ridiculous, but yesterday I broke my own record. Overcome by an indescribably modest humility, I suddenly felt like the fat half of a pair of bow-legged twins. I froze, my eyes welled-up, my feet sank into imaginary mud. Only Kirk Douglas could reduce me to such an irrational fear of breathing, but here it was. It was one of those very silly moments where we act on the second instinct whilst ignoring the first instinct, and of course, the second instinct always warns us to "do nothing." Too incurably demented to tap his shoulder and pledge eternal thanks and servitude, I stood and I watched as my hero walked away.
I am not alone in knowing how constantly robbed Kirk Douglas was of that voodoo doll known as the 'Oscar'. Yes, he was given obligatory recognition once the best years of his career had wound down, but his magnetic force and colossal onscreen assurance in Two weeks in another town, Lonely are the brave and The bad and the beautiful still stand as the best screen acting yet produced, in years when the Oscars, as usual, were awarded instead to the blandly servile. If you haven't yet seen the above three films then your life is nothing. In his prime, Kirk Douglas was far too sexually disagreeable, and represented the soul of the world far too accurately. It was a self-realization that cannot be manufactured - or even found for a second time, because its poetry is built on a very particular time and space - one that doesn't return. In fact, Kirk Douglas sometimes didn't act at all - he simply observed and played with those around him (the hardest trick of all.) If male desire is tension, then Kirk Douglas had this more than any other screen star - yes, King Kong included.

Last night I went to bed exhausted. But I couldn't sleep.

Los Angeles
22 February 2013
Thanks morrissey 4 this! :)
Another wonderfull and fascinating read!
He just has just a wonderfull way with words its just so Irrisistable and makes u smile! :)
Imagine what the auto biogr0phy is gunna be like!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Im CONVINCED if morrissey ever wrote a fictinal novel, which would apeall even more 2 the masses than mearly his fans, it would be a world wide best selling phenomena !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Were still waiting 4 patti smiths fictinal novel at the moment!

Happy days 2 come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

But yea as many other posters have pointed out here, morrissey has indeed of late been posting lots of posts on the internet , well ok its on and not on but we can forgive him that!

But be warned, once you start posting on internet forums ect it can become very addictive!!! believe me!
On the last forum I was on, I use 2 post every single nite thru 2 the very early hours of the morning half pissed on cider!!! posting some of the most incredible stuff! , the likes of which, no had ever seen before!
For 4 years and years this tragedy continued!!!!!!!!!!!
But I just couldent stop posting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
But not any more!, I havent posted there in years!

Well I must dash need 2 have something 2 eat, a nice bowl of freshly home made organic vegatable soup!, the ones I make are delicious!!!!
I will be back later!

Ps I note our little friend - BrunmmieBoy has made a welcomed re-appearance from hybernation ! LOL
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I'm glad Moz is taking a break from touring to be honest. It can't be much of a life to be touring relentlessly like he does. Yes I think he gets a lot out of seeing and connecting with his fans but it must become incredibley wearing to a degree. Take as long as you need Moz. You're fans will always be here for you no less. It's just lovely to hear from you and to hear your words direct and not through some probing journalist bringing up the same old topics again and again. This is the real you right here right now, and it's so refreshing and honest of you to let us into your world, the real world that you live in. Take as long as you need.
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