Johnny with Girls Aloud

You know what the more people bash them the more I like them
In fact I'm just gonna go add them to the Music part of my Facebook!
Yes I'm that serious.
Steady now.

It's bad pop music. Dreadful, banal, and vacant.

No it's not.
Sounds of the underground is epic.
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
no, 2112 by rush is epic. that is a fairly well crafted forgettable pop song.
some of you are such musical snobs....chill out a bit, it's not like he's joined Hitler's backing band.

Not at all. Fair enough, Marr's a canny businessman and he knows how to boost his income, but who he works with has become so indiscriminate that it's unfair to expect Smiths fans to automatically embrace every artist who writes him a cheque.
No it's not.
Sounds of the underground is epic.

Agree. No Good Advice is my personal fav.
"I'm already wasted
I don't need some other life
Cold and complicated
I don't need no Sunday trips
Tea and sympathising
I don't need no special fix
To anaesthetise me"

Girls Aloud make some of the best pop music records around.

Well done,Johnny !

(the Pet Shop Boys also co wrote/produced another track on the new album)
HA HA: I got GIRLS ALOUD on the front page of a Morrissey site !!!!

(how come I can't put "smilies" on in Firefox ?)
some of you are such musical snobs....chill out a bit, it's not like he's joined Hitler's backing band.

i'm far from a musical snob but Girls Aloud are horribly manufactured and have nothing special about them whatsoever. Their voices are completely bland.

Because I'm female people automatically assume it's because I'm jealous. I'm not. I just find it depressing that in order to make it big in the music world these days, women feel the need to either strip off or dress like complete slappers.

n.b. I'm well aware that there are lasses in music who do not take their clothes off, but most of the ones who are in the public eye do so.

Where is Patti Smith when you need her. That is what you call talent.
i'm far from a musical snob but Girls Aloud are horribly manufactured and have nothing special about them whatsoever. Their voices are completely bland.

Because I'm female people automatically assume it's because I'm jealous. I'm not. I just find it depressing that in order to make it big in the music world these days, women feel the need to either strip off or dress like complete slappers.

n.b. I'm well aware that there are lasses in music who do not take their clothes off, but most of the ones who are in the public eye do so.

Where is Patti Smith when you need her. That is what you call talent.

Bravo! Could not of put it better myself. I thought Johnny was an 'artist'.....not anymore.....sell out
with the mute button on - i REALLY like Girls Aloud. :horny:

Oh Johnny what have you done?
Re: Johnny withy Girls Aloud

I'm a massive fan of Johnny's. He is a musician. What he plays on anybody elses records does not take away any of his credibility as a musician or taint his legacy with the Smiths. If anything, it just adds to his reputation as a versatile and adaptable guitarist. I have no doubt that Johnny would have emerged as a super guitarist regardless of the Smiths because he was already making the right connections prior to '82 and was set on being in a band - he is a knowledgeable, skilled musician who clicks very easily in any band situation and he would have hustled his way into any band that he thought were going anywhere. He has also guested with Pet Shop Boys, Stex, Banderas, M-People and Crowded House to name but a few - a real mixed bag who have nothing in common with each other so I don't see how Girls Aloud should be set aside as any different. Personally, I don't like Girls Aloud, but then again, I don't really like M-People either, but I never stopped to think that Johnny was losing his edge. I just thought it must be great that everybody wants you to play on their tracks because your so good. The fact that other bands are still asking him to guest 20-odd years after the Smiths says everything. He just wants to play guitar:)
As explained in an 'other music' thread, I've known about their existence for years but only recently heard their songs and was pretty flipping impressed.
The last three or four singles have been fantastic things. Strong melodies, great singing, and some of the words are pretty good too.

The sad fact is that the quality of these songs is way above much recent Moz fare like Father Must Be Killed and That's How People Grow Up, but just try telling that to an NME-reading indie snob!
Top marks to Mr J Maher (of Wythenshawe) for getting involved.
The sad fact is that the quality of these songs is way above much recent Moz fare like Father Must Be Killed and That's How People Grow Up,

Sad but so true.

Maurice E , i recommend No Good Advice and Biology.

Viva Girls Aloud !!!
1)Their voices are completely bland.

2) in order to make it big in the music world these days, women feel the need to either strip off or dress like complete slappers.

1) Yes,their voices aren't great but that's not the point:they make great pop records!

Oh,and their cover of Teenage Dirtbag is rather special.

Don't you just love naughty girls?

the bigger my horn gets the more you quote me
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