'It is better to speak' quote by Audre Lorde - M. Central update

It is better to speak - Morrissey Central
April 20, 2018


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Why do you keep referring to illegal immigrants as simply immigrants? There is a difference...

Section 15 of the For Britain manifesto, bullet point 1: "No welfare for benefits for immigrants for a period of five years". Illegal immigrants aren't specified. The whole manifesto is anti-immigrant, legal or illegal.
Section 15 of the For Britain manifesto, bullet point 1: "No welfare for benefits for immigrants for a period of five years". Illegal immigrants aren't specified. The whole manifesto is anti-immigrant, legal or illegal.
Being anti-immigration in a country that has had mass immigration for years to its detriment does not make you racist or fascist.
But they are still very far from being a far right party.

Why? Because they don't use overtly racist terminology? The BNP also didn't use overtly racist terminology, nor does Pegida, nor did the EDL, nor does the Front National in France, but they were/are all still far right.

The far-right, especially in 21st century Britain, doesn't use overtly racist language, as the Nazis and Italian Fascists ensured that overtly racist political parties would never gain mainstream political approval. You either have no understanding of the far-right operates, are willfully ignorant of racism, or you can't read between the lines.
Not always the case. Sometimes he choose the colour of the skin of non-famous people to reaffirm he's not racist. Like the two little black boys wearing the t-shirt 'be kind to Morrissey or I'll kill you.' However, having a strong view about immigrants is a kind of racism. Then again, which kind of immigrants does he hates? The rich and middle class people coming from abroad to work and live here or the working class ones? Or all of them? People who hates immigrants should keep in mind their own nationals going to work and live abroad though.
I do agree with him about the horror of halal meat though. It shouldn't be aloud in ANY civilised country. It's barbaric! And so bullfighting and eating dogs in China, and many other actions against animals.
Why? Because they don't use overtly racist terminology? The BNP also didn't use overtly racist terminology, nor does Pegida, nor did the EDL, nor does the Front National in France, but they were/are all still far right.

The far-right, especially in 21st century Britain, doesn't use overtly racist language, as the Nazis and Italian Fascists ensured that overtly racist political parties would never gain mainstream political approval. You either have no understanding of the far-right operates, are willfully ignorant of racism, or you can't read between the lines.
So For Britain are liars with a secretive agenda? You could say that about any political party on this planet. You just want to believe racism and fascism exists where it doesn't. You simply can't handle Moz having a different viewpoint to yours. Live with it.
Why not go ahead and make the law illegal.:crazy:

Increase foreign aid AND illegal immigrants. Hike pay for govt workers which is a
and bureaucrats who do nothing and already a sort of pseudo dole. Because that is where you
loons reside, you all couldn't produce an ant hill:rofl:

I take it you want Moz to pay for all this while you sit back and figure out more ways not work.:crazy:

Nutjob central.:straightface:

Morrissey doesn't even vote or live in the UK, and I expect that he pays a paltry tax, so Morrissey shouldn't even be telling us to vote for anyway, seeing as he has migrated here, there and everywhere.
So For Britain are liars with a secretive agenda? You could say that about any political party on this planet. You just want to believe racism and fascism exists where it doesn't. You simply can't handle Moz having a different viewpoint to yours. Live with it.

Morrissey can believe what he wants. It's just that, unlike you, Morrissey and all the other bootlickers, I have a sense of morality and I can never, ever endorse a racist party, support someone who endorses racist parties, or people who are willfully ignorant of racism. Racism is a cancer, and racists are scum.
Morrissey doesn't even vote or live in the UK, and I expect that he pays a paltry tax, so Morrissey shouldn't even be telling us to vote for anyway, seeing as he has migrated here, there and everywhere.
He's a global superstar for God's sake, he travels the world. But it's obvious where his heart lies.
Morrissey can believe what he wants. It's just that, unlike you, Morrissey and all the other bootlickers, I have a sense of morality and I can never, ever endorse a racist party, support someone who endorses racist parties, or people who are willfully ignorant of racism. Racism is a cancer, and racists are scum.
If Karl Marx were around nowadays he would abhor Islam. Would that make him a right wing racist scum too?
Morrissey can believe what he wants. It's just that, unlike you, Morrissey and all the other bootlickers, I have a sense of morality and I can never, ever endorse a racist party, support someone who endorses racist parties, or people who are willfully ignorant of racism. Racism is a cancer, and racists are scum.
If Karl Marx were around nowadays he would abhor Islam. Would that make him a right wing racist scum too?

Maybe so, but not for the same reasons you, For Britain or Morrissey do. Karl Marx criticised all religions because he saw them as being a tool of the ruling classes to control the proletariat, who Marx felt were alienated by modern life, so needed some outlet to make them feel like their existence had a meaning, and he saw religion as an "illusory happiness". However, he also saw some positives in organised religion, in that it helped reduce some of the suffering and alienation people experienced.

Contrast that with the far-right criticism of Islam and you'll see that it is vastly different to Marx's. For Britain's, Morrissey's, yours etc is based on dog-whistle politics. Marx's is structural functionalist argument about religion, not one based on race-baiting and sowing discord, while providing no solutions to improving the lives of people.
Maybe so, but not for the same reasons you, For Britain or Morrissey do. Karl Marx criticised all religions because he saw them as being a tool of the ruling classes to control the proletariat, who Marx felt were alienated by modern life, so needed some outlet to make them feel like their existence had a meaning, and he saw religion as an "illusory happiness". However, he also saw some positives in organised religion, in that it helped reduce some of the suffering and alienation people experienced.

Contrast that with the far-right criticism of Islam and you'll see that it is vastly different to Marx's. For Britain's, Morrissey's, yours etc is based on dog-whistle politics. Marx's is structural functionalist argument about religion, not one based on race-baiting and sowing discord, while providing no solutions to improving the lives of people.
I'm not talking about the far right's criticism of Islam - I'm talking about Morrissey's. Many, many ordinary working class people out there agree with him. The modern left's alliance with a crazy religion is everything Marx would be against if he were living in Britain today.
I'm not talking about the far right's criticism of Islam - I'm talking about Morrissey's. Many, many ordinary working class people out there agree with him. The modern left's alliance with a crazy religion is everything Marx would be against if he were living in Britain today.

The "modern left" doesn't have an alliance with Islam whatsoever. That's just something dreamed up in the heads of right-wingers, who are annoyed that the left aren't f***ing raving racists.

Again, your analysis and use of Marx to support right wing arguments is categorically wrong. Marx saw positives and negatives for religion, but he didn't resort to dog-whistles and empty slogans. His criticism of religion, the class system, the economy, liberal politics and western society as a whole is based on actual analysis, a study of history, and the providing of solutions to the problems he saw. For Britain's, like the BNP's before it, is one of creating division, with no actual solutions of how to overcome the issues society faces. Marx may criticise religion if he were alive today, but he would also say that the nationalism and right wing politics of For Britain is just as, if not more, alienating as religion, as nationalism leads to conflict between different groups of the proletariat, at the behest of the ruling class, and is also an illusory happiness and opiate utilised by the ruling classes to keep us docile.
The "modern left" doesn't have an alliance with Islam whatsoever. That's just something dreamed up in the heads of right-wingers, who are annoyed that the left aren't f***ing raving racists.

Again, your analysis and use of Marx to support right wing arguments is categorically wrong. Marx saw positives and negatives for religion, but he didn't resort to dog-whistles and empty slogans. His criticism of religion, the class system, the economy, liberal politics and western society as a whole is based on actual analysis, a study of history, and the providing of solutions to the problems he saw. For Britain's, like the BNP's before it, is one of creating division, with no actual solutions of how to overcome the issues society faces. Marx may criticise religion if he were alive today, but he would also say that the nationalism and right wing politics of For Britain is just as, if not more, alienating as religion, as nationalism leads to conflict between different groups of the proletariat, at the behest of the ruling class, and is also an illusory happiness and opiate utilised by the ruling classes to keep us docile.
But then again Marx always was full of bullshit, wasn't he?
And by the way, the modern left are the biggest apologists of Islam anywhere. They will hear not one single word against these people. I'm surprised they don't all convert.
But then again Marx always was full of bullshit, wasn't he?
And by the way, the modern left are the biggest apologists of Islam anywhere. They will hear not one single word against these people. I'm surprised they don't all convert.

You do know that the "modern left" isn't one big homogeneous entity, don't you? Many leftists will criticise religion as being ultimately not in our best interests, it's just that we don't feel the need to resort to racism and reactionary politics to criticize religion.
But then again Marx always was full of bullshit, wasn't he?
And by the way, the modern left are the biggest apologists of Islam anywhere. They will hear not one single word against these people. I'm surprised they don't all convert.

Also, I knew you didn't know the first f***ing thing about Marxism. You were just pulling a Morrissey, trying to use a leftist to support your arguments to make them seem more rational.
Also, I knew you didn't know the first f***ing thing about Marxism. You were just pulling a Morrissey, trying to use a leftist to support your arguments to make them seem more rational.
I know all about Marxism. And you were needlessly spewing standard Marxist facts in my face in every single post like a brainwashed automaton. At uni they must have hot-iron branded that nonsense onto your brain. Get an opinion that's your own. It would be liberating for you. Me, I form my opinions from the evidence I see around me.
You do know that the "modern left" isn't one big homogeneous entity, don't you? Many leftists will criticise religion as being ultimately not in our best interests, it's just that we don't feel the need to resort to racism and reactionary politics to criticize religion.
Now you're being pedantic.
Morrissey doesn't even vote or live in the UK, and I expect that he pays a paltry tax, so Morrissey shouldn't even be telling us to vote for anyway, seeing as he has migrated here, there and everywhere.

Nobody knows where Moz lives, he may be over in Manchester this very minute.
One London sellout pays more taxes than the lot of you loonie commie/Muslims on this site put together LOL:crazy:
You dudes spend taxes, none of you pay anything, Jesus.:mad:

Moz should have no rights but illegal criminals should vote and given money and tribute. LOL From MOZ London tax money!!

Religion makes more sense that Marx. The proleteriat are supposed to be workers, none of you
wouldnt know a real job if it bit you.:rofl:
Now you're being pedantic.
Scientology makes more sense than Marx.
"The engine of history" LOLLLLLL like a ghost engine that is hidden in a faraway planet like that 2001 movie.

He took the rantings of one nut, Hegel, added some loser stuff and out came Marxism. The more they try to revise, the more of a clusterfook it becomes.

Besides Marx would have put al the lumpen here to work without notice probably digging ditches, especially
the group here who wants 'right to now work but given much money":clap:

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