Earth Tremor - UK

I felt it last night in Edinburgh. We were in bed, and I started saying "quit f***ing around!" But my other was snoring away and it was still shaking, and I'm not Linda Blair so I thought it a bit odd.
It woke me here in London. An underground line passes near the house and I can hear the trains when it's quiet, but this shook the building, albeit briefly.
I woke up to hear the radiator at the top of the stairs vibrating loudly - this only makes a slight sound when someone is walking on the stairs - the bedroom door was closed - someone had to be outside the door, no other explanation for that noise... the other half said "Can you hear that??" :eek:
I jumped out of bed, grabbed the cosh from behind the bedside table - and with a heart beating like a Duracell Bunny, yanked the door open... nothing there...
I've only felt that 'intruder' feeling once before - in my old house when the Cat set the House Alarm off (I'd forgotten to shut him in the kitchen :o) - it's probably knocked a fortnight off my life expectancy.. :confused:
Oh thats weird, I felt my bed shake last night (no jokes! :p).
I thought it was my imagination...maybe it was. I think I live to far away to have felt anything?!
I was very nearly asleep when the quake hit. Once it was over, we snuggled down to go back to sleep. Until Stig said " I wonder where the epicentre was. If it was out at sea, there might be a tsunami in a bit." Then he just nodded off, leaving me to fret. Charming!:mad:

Mmmm, interesting. I smell a conspiracy.

Is it possible that the reason The Cat is posting maps and providing alibis is that it is she had formulated an elaborate ruse in order to divert suspicion to the true cause of this natural phenomena?

Could it be that in the act of "snuggling" with her mate the night before, as she so gingerly puts, was a "natural act" of a different sort completely; that this mysterious "orgasmic burst of energy" (that is yet to be pinpointed of its location) was sizemic enough to knock the jelly jars off the shelves of households everwhere in Northern England?

Well, all I can say is that I'm glad the "earth moved for you", dear but because of your shenanigans, children had to settle for butter on toast this morning.

The geological survey people have been notified. If by chance you spot some official-looking men on your doorstep, be sure to wear a nice bathrobe.

Outrageous. :p
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Mmmm, interesting. I smell a conspiracy.

Is it possible that the reason The Cat is posting maps and providing alibis is that it is she had formulated an elaborate ruse in order to divert suspicion to the true cause of this natural phenomena?

Could it be that in the act of "snuggling" with her mate the night before, as she so gingerly puts, was a "natural act" of a different sort completely; that this mysterious "orgasmic burst of energy" (that is yet to be pinpointed of its location) was sizemic enough to knock the jelly jars off the shelves of households everwhere in Northern England?

Well, all I can say is that I'm glad the "earth moved for you", dear but because of your shenanigans, children had to settle for butter on toast this morning.

The geological survey people have been notified. If by chance you spot some official-looking men on your doorstep, be sure to wear a nice bathrobe.

Outrageous. :p

Ah, you have me.....:o

Disclaimer: No actual jars of jam were harmed in the concoction of this elaborate ruse.
I felt it here in Birmingham. I was sleeping in a sofa bed at the time so I was basically on the floor so I felt it quite a bit.
I've been waiting for another one since the last one in 2002. I quite enjoy them. Of course if it was any worse I probably wouldn't enjoy it. :p
I felt it here in Birmingham. I was sleeping in a sofa bed at the time so I was basically on the floor so I felt it quite a bit.
I've been waiting for another one since the last one in 2002. I quite enjoy them. Of course if it was any worse I probably wouldn't enjoy it. :p

You'd enjoy living in California or Japan where the earthquakes are very common.

I was lucky not in Japan when the big quake hit the country in 1995.
My friends were very trumatised, very sorry for all the victims.
You'd enjoy living in California or Japan where the earthquakes are very common.

I was lucky not in Japan when the big quake hit the country in 1995.
My friends were very trumatised, very sorry for all the victims.

I'd like to live in Japan but the thought of major earthquakes puts me off quite a bit.

The tremors we have had in the UK are probably all I could handle.
I'm in California and haven't felt a good earth quake in a long time.

It's interesting to see and feel the land move up and down as you just stand there.
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