"Man-Slag". Written and performed by my thirteen year old daughter. I think she has rather confused feelings for this boy, lol! Here's the lyric:
"You're such a man-slag and a two-timing tart.
I'm writing about you and you're wasting my arm.
My friend says she loves you and I say that you're hot,
But you know you're not really breaking my heart.
You got a bj off the class slut;
She was a wannabe Vicky Pollard.
Every time you joke at me and turn me down,
I remember the time you wore my bra
Every day you flirt with me. You feel my arse -
I think it's kinda sweet.
Everyone else says that you're a pervert,
But I think you're kinda neat
Me and Abbie think that your favourite subject
Is definitely your penis.
We both think you're really obsessed
By your small and shrivelled penis."
And to think, at that age I was gazing at my Bay City Rollers posters and sighing romantically....