"Unhappy Birthday" - one woman show by Amy Lamé

Amy writes:

I am currently creating my new one woman show, Unhappy Birthday, which has a very strong Morrissey and Smiths theme. I am currently developing it at Battersea Arts Centre and the Contact Theatre, Manchester and trying to raise funds to produce the show. I'll be doing several "work in progress" shows in London, Manchester and Edinburgh over the coming months, then touring the UK, US and beyond later this year and next year.

I'd like to invite you to one of the work in progress shows, too...there's one in London the beginning of July and Manchester the end of July, so let me know if you fancy it.

Here is the link to my crowdfunding page- there's a synopsis of the show, info on me and my director, a little teaser video and quite a few photos- take a peek!


Welcome to my Unhappy Birthday party. Gather in the bar, where my invited guests- you, the audience members- are offered makeovers in the iconic style of my favourite pop star- Morrissey- complete with quiff, hearing aid, gladioli and plasters. Have a drink, revel in your fabulous look... Then take your place at my party table!

My invited guest of honour is Morrissey, the iconic Smiths frontman and cult global superstar: a pop icon for the excluded, oppressed, bookish, fat, spectacle wearers, LGBTQ, outsiders and others of the world.The show takes place around, in and on a table set for my ultimate birthday party. A place is set for Morrissey at the table...he's running late...will he arrive clutching a bunch of flowers and a bottle of plonk? Will he bother to turn up at all? In the meantime I prepare a vegetarian buffet and entertain my guests, which may or may not involve a ukulele rendition of "You're the One for Me Fatty", a pop quiz with Moz-e-Oke round, balloon sculpted portraits, a game of Smiths musical chairs, and the creation of Eau de Moz, a special scent inspired by the smell of the great man himself

The show explores issues around the cult of celebrity and obsessive pop fandom, fat and body fascism, victimhood, and litigation culture. A personal narrative which blurs the lines between fiction and reality. It is interactive and multi-media with use of sound, film, social networking, live music, pop quiz show, lots of snacks...AND YOU!
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Er "She co-produced and hosted the seminal performance installation "The World's First Homosexual Stephen Patrick Morrissey Convention" "

STEPHEN? Oh Amy! How can you expect anyone on this site to care when you can't even spell his name! (listen to Ouija Board - S-T-E-V-E-N)
Is this the same Amy Lame who starred on the reality show 'Celeb Air'?!!
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