The Drivel Thread

I notice I have the same look in my eye as this Golden Retriever drawing.
Yeah it's funny because I've never been raped yet hearing some guy who just got out of jail asking where the women at (while funny that he completely discounted you as a woman) immediately set off the icky alarm in me.
I went to bed, and looked up to see that there was a spider on the ceiling by the wall. I stood up on the bed to see what type of spider it was, and couldn’t identify it. I laid back down and told it that I was trying to stay calm and that I hoped it appreciated it. I thought that surely it saw me and wanted to avoid me, so I tried to sleep but couldn’t. After about ten minutes, I looked up and it had crawled overhead, and then it started to climb down a thread toward me on the bed. I stood on the bed holding the laptop under it to corral it away from my bed and it climbed back up to the ceiling. I decided to kill it because I did not want to take the chance that it would sneak into my bed. I went to get a flat slab to slam against the ceiling. I used my watercolour paper block. Why did it crawl above me and then climb down toward me I wonder. Did it think I would want to cuddle with it?
"A symbol of where mad, mad lovers
Must PAUSE and draw the line kill"
There’s a stain on my paper block, and the ceiling, but it was a quick kill. So much for sleeping tonight. I am not Brigitte Bardot who is fond of spiders I read. I have scars on my leg from the brown recluse. That was a volcanic rainbow of pus that went on for a few months in Toronto. I eventually caught it and identified it using a library book’s description and illustration. Years later I saw one crawling in long dried grass in a field in Port Moody, British Columbia, Canada. I left the area quickly. No, I have never met a spider I felt attracted to. I did see a video in which a woman and a spider had a great rapport, but it’s not on my bucket list. Maybe if Morrissey tames a spider and cajoles me to bond with it I’ll try. I wonder why that spider decided to crawl above my bed and then rappel down toward it. Why? I didn’t torture it. I just killed it. A spider in my bed…no.
I suppose I’ve made you sick of me Morrissey…nah not you. “People see no worth in you. Oh, but I do."
My left foot is smarting. When I stood on the bed holding my laptop under the spider to shoo it away from my bed, I felt a sudden onset of pain in that left foot, and it’s gradually getting more painful. I’m limping around. I guess I sprained it. I wonder how long this will go on. It feels like a cramp, but it isn’t one. I don’t know what it’s like to have sprained anything because it’s never happened before. I’m guessing that’s what is happening with this left foot. Ow.
I had some bad news today. I've been having a bit trouble with my sight for a short while. I've been to the opticians this morning, been diagnosed as being colour blind. The news came right out of the purple!
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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