That Tom cruise video..

Yes his views are a bit batty...but is it more batty to believe we are descended from aliens or that there are angels.?There truly are people who believe in angels and the bible in a very factual way.There are even people on this planet barmy enough to truly believe the world was made in seven days etc...:confused:

whatever Scientologist believe is one thing but fundamentally they believe in good and good deeds.

As far as I' aware tom Cruise has done no one any harm with his beliefs.

I used to live in a heavy Scientologist recruiting area and believe me they are not harmless. If Tom Cruise's celebrity is responsible for bringing a few more vulnerable people into the trap, he has done harm. It's a scam.
I used to live in a heavy Scientologist recruiting area and believe me they are not harmless. If Tom Cruise's celebrity is responsible for bringing a few more vulnerable people into the trap, he has done harm. It's a scam.

clearwater? or LA? i did too. i think thats why i feel very strong convictions about them. they take advantage.
clearwater? or LA? i did too. i think thats why i feel very strong convictions about them. they take advantage.

L.A. They had recruiters on the sidewalks literally studying the faces of each passerby looking for some sign of weakness or vulnerability. Whether or not you were accosted was determined entirely by your facial expression or your body language. People don't "discover" Scientology the way they might find Christianity. They are usually targeted and snagged. Clue number one something's not right.

I should add that I really like Tom Cruise as an actor. It actually grieves me a little to see what he's doing, not that I waste time worrying about it.
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L.A. They had recruiters on the sidewalks literally studying the faces of each passerby looking for some sign of weakness or vulnerability. Whether or not you were accosted was determined entirely by your facial expression or your body language. People don't "discover" Scientology the way they might find Christianity. They are usually targeted and snagged. Clue number one something's not right.

they did that in tampa. all over ybor city where they young and/or drinking were hanging about. THey are very sneaky about it too, with there "free personality test" and bullshit like that.
They even rented out a kiosk in the mall under that 'personality test' guise. they are merely trying to profile people that would be good to brainwash for their so called "religion".
scientology is pure evil. go to tampa or clearwater or LA and experience a few of the mindless "parishoners" for yourself if you don't believe us :(

When I found out Cruise was a huge scientologist and he started being aggressive about it i started personally boycotting him. the last movie i saw him do was the last samurai.
I think Tom Cruise should be more responsible. Going on TV and declaring that people shouldn't take medication for their mental illness is idiotic. I'm sure it makes people with these health problems feel even worse about it, maybe even ashamed. I don't know anything about his personal life, but Katie Holmes seems a little more, I don't know, brainwashed since meeting Tom.

It seems a little dangerous to me and I am upset that people are buying into what appears to be a cult.
omg, how creeeeepy! his laugh scares me. .....mommy! :eek:

as far as his movies go, Born on the Fourth of July was pretty damn good. and Jerry Maguire of course. "I LOVE BLACK PEOPLEEEEEEEE!"
This is a total coincidence, i leterally, was about to post a thread about this. It's absolutely BATSHIT!!! The man is out of his f***ing tree. They are most definitely a cult, although I maintain the biggest distinction between a cult and a religion is membership size. while Christianity is equally crazy, they're beliefs are mad, (See here: heres' an excerpt "In Church of Scientology doctrine, Helatrobus was an "interplanetary nation", now extinct, which existed trillions of years ago. ...The people of Helatrobus were responsible for implanting what Hubbard called the "Gorilla Goals", a series of implants created "between about 319 trillion years ago to about 256 trillion trillion years ago".. ..Helatrobans were motivated by a fear of free thetans and sought to restrain them by capturing and brainwashing thetans in order to weaken them" it goes on and on. I read Dianetics a few years back for laughs. Theres' a great book on Hubbard called "Bare Faced Messiah", the man was a total snake-oil salesman. If you think this stuff is interesting you should check out the Mormons, they are equally crazy.
Isn't John Travolta a Scientologist as well?and Kirsty Alley?I wouldn't have said they were nuts.

All Cruise's diatribe about modern medicine etc has to be taken with a pinch of salt because like a politician you don't have to agree or take any notice.If it's true that he banned Katie from making any noise during birth or stopped her from having any drugs then at the end of the day thats her stupid fault.She may be married to him but she doesn't have to listen to him on everything single thing.

I don't care if he is as mad as a march hare.He's a good actor and is damn good looking.:cool:
This is a total coincidence, i leterally, was about to post a thread about this. It's absolutely BATSHIT!!! The man is out of his f***ing tree. They are most definitely a cult, although I maintain the biggest distinction between a cult and a religion is membership size. while Christianity is equally crazy, they're beliefs are mad, (See here: heres' an excerpt "In Church of Scientology doctrine, Helatrobus was an "interplanetary nation", now extinct, which existed trillions of years ago. ...The people of Helatrobus were responsible for implanting what Hubbard called the "Gorilla Goals", a series of implants created "between about 319 trillion years ago to about 256 trillion trillion years ago".. ..Helatrobans were motivated by a fear of free thetans and sought to restrain them by capturing and brainwashing thetans in order to weaken them" it goes on and on. I read Dianetics a few years back for laughs. Theres' a great book on Hubbard called "Bare Faced Messiah", the man was a total snake-oil salesman. If you think this stuff is interesting you should check out the Mormons, they are equally crazy.

I was just about to post something like this with the word "batshit f***ing nuts" beat me to it.

Hubbard basically created this whole thing as a thumb in the eye to the IRS to show that he could make up a religion so he would not be required to pay taxes.
i used batshit earlier. we must all read the same blogs.
yeah but they've gotten carried away with it and really are causing ethical dilemmas, however small (as in small groups of people affected).
i used batshit earlier. we must all read the same blogs.
yeah but they've gotten carried away with it and really are causing ethical dilemmas, however small (as in small groups of people affected).

Heh - I get my news from

I would like to see at least one of them describe Scientology as batshit f***ing nuts.
Heh - I get my news from

I would like to see at least one of them describe Scientology as batshit f***ing nuts.

it was either gawker, defamer or thesuperficial where i saw "batshit"
dont you know i was tlaking about CELEBRITY NEWS? not REAL news LOL
I say "batshit crazy" often. Great minds...?

I have to admit, though, Tom was pretty frickin' hot in Interview with the Vampire.
I say "batshit crazy" often. Great minds...?

I have to admit, though, Tom was pretty frickin' hot in Interview with the Vampire.

how old were you when that came out, pre secondary sex characteristics i'm willing to bet :D:p:D lolol
I don't spose anyone caught Katie w/Diane Sawyer.
You only need to watch the first 3 min (top) to see she has become a fembot.
I think Tom gave her a limited vocabulary to use :sleeping:

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wow. this is SUCH a boring interview! I dont think Katie knows what Suri's first words were, she just went with 'mama' and i really doubt that was her first its hard to say "M" as a baby, hehehehe.
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