tell us about the last Film you saw


Went to go see it last night. It was funny, but, oh, so romantic! I adored Drew Barrymore and Justin Long's performance as a couple who struggles to keep their long-distance relationship together.
I just saw Hereafter. :tears: So good.

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I just saw Hereafter. :tears: So good.


That sounds very interesting, CG, and the review on imdb is excellent -

It's compared there to the style of older French films. I saw one of these made in 1959 today, Hiroshima Mon Amour, the first feature film by Alain Resnais which supposedly was seminal, as they say, to what came after - . Regardless of the setting and backdrop of the bomb, what came into my mind was Elizabeth Smart's By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept, because of how poetic and passionate it also was. :thumb:
That sounds very interesting, CG, and the review on imdb is excellent -

It's compared there to the style of older French films. I saw one of these made in 1959 today, Hiroshima Mon Amour, the first feature film by Alain Resnais which supposedly was seminal, as they say, to what came after - . Regardless of the setting and backdrop of the bomb, what came into my mind was Elizabeth Smart's By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept, because of how poetic and passionate it also was. :thumb:

Hiroshima Mon Amour looks fascinating, I'd love to see that. I also have not seen By Grand Central Station yet. I'd like to. *Goes off to netflix...*
I just meant the book, I don't think it was made into a film, but a documentary about Smart was made - Elizabeth Smart: On The Side of The Angels - that sounds worth catching if spotted - :)

Hiroshima Mon Amour is made into a film directed by Alain Resnais.
Pity I missed a symposium in Japan 2007.

Leading actress Emmanuelle Riva who took some photos when they're shooting the film in Hiroshima, her book was published in Japan in 2007.
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Cold Fish (dir. Shion Sono 2010)

I didn't know about Sono until recently because I missed his 4 hour epic Love Exposure which was shown in ICA last year.

This is based on actual murder cases happened in near Tokyo in 1993, but in the film the couple was running a tropical fish shop.
The acual couple was in dog breeding business, they have been given capital punishment verdict at the supreme court in 2009. The accomplice served 3 year sentence, released from prison in 2005.
If Tarantino watched this film he'd be very jealous with Sono who is able to deliver real message using violence.
This film isn't for faint-hearted, don't watch if you don't like gory films.
Sono is finishing his first Hollywood film 'The Lord of Chaos', a real talent to watch out for.
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I watched another French picture yesterday at a film-club, made last year by Jacques Audiard and much compared to Godfather II, called A Prophet. Unsparing and brilliantly acted, it's extremely well-observed and sensitive in its exploration of the struggles of the disenfranchised -
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I watched another French picture yesterday at a film-club, made last year by Jacques Audiard who made Godfather II, called A Prophet. Unsparing and brilliantly acted, it's extremely well-observed and sensitive in its exploration of the struggles of the disenfranchised -

I'm a huge fan of Audiard, if you enjoyed Un Prophete, I recommend you to watch:
See How They Fall
Self-made Hero
Read My Lips
The Beat Skipped My Heart

Audiard did not contribute Godfather II because he started as a script writer in 1974.
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^^ can't go wrong with a classic!:thumb:

You are correct. I started out with a different movie I hadn't seen in five years. I ended up not liking it and putting in the Lost Boys instead. It was great.

Last night I watched Bringing Up Baby for the first time. It was very funny and cute. I loved it.
The Notebook....meh didn't like the plot, it was too simply
Grown of the most funniest American films ever and its hard to make me laugh with American wit
I just watched Jailhouse Rock. Really liked it. Elvis had one of the greatest quiffs of all time in that picture.
Watched the Re-make of Assault on precinct 13 last night on UK TV.
Bloody adverts destroyed ANY chance of getting "into" it, and one of the female leads looked like a bad-drag Madonna.
The snow scenes made me feel very cold, but , ultimately I just didn't give a flying Feck who lived or died....( although I did jump a bit when Gabriel Byrne ( I think...) VERY unexpectedly shot someone...).
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