Philly and A.C. Rescheduled

Thankfully, no. Hopefully, they'll get the hint and clean their acts up? I'm asking the impossible though.

I dont think Jabba would've fit into my camera lens, unless I was taking an aerial view. Her little friend "the Ewok" was so f***ing annoying. I wished security would've booted them both out, before the show. Course, in Jabba's case, that would've required a mighty BIG forklift.
Thankfully, no. Hopefully, they'll get the hint and clean their acts up? I'm asking the impossible though.

I dont think Jabba would've fit into my camera lens, unless I was taking an aerial view. Her little friend "the Ewok" was so f***ing annoying. I wished security would've booted them both out, before the show. Course, in Jabba's case, that would've required a mighty BIG forklift.

thanks! glad you can make it back to Philly for the show :) I dont have pit for that show though, you lucky thing. I got 5 rows back from the pit. but im not complainin!

I just got lucky with that purchase. If I can help you escape into the pit will glady do it. I have no clue what this venue is like of course. Anyone know how well they search you coming in??? Is a camera in my boots ok or do I need another hiding palce?
I just got lucky with that purchase. If I can help you escape into the pit will glady do it. I have no clue what this venue is like of course. Anyone know how well they search you coming in??? Is a camera in my boots ok or do I need another hiding palce?

I've never been there, so I'm not sure at all. yeah i'm totally gonna try to sneak into the pit. i'm hoping there will be a huge rush. if thats the case, with me being only 5 rows back, it shouldn't be too hard. im hoping. we'll see! :)
I just got lucky with that purchase. If I can help you escape into the pit will glady do it. I have no clue what this venue is like of course. Anyone know how well they search you coming in??? Is a camera in my boots ok or do I need another hiding palce?

I always quick slip it in my underwear right before I am about to be searched that way I know I'll get the camera in. I know they won't search my crotch and if they do, that's fine cause I'll make some money from sueing them:D
I got 5 rows back from the pit. but im not complainin!

I'm seven rows back, dead center, and I'm over the moon!

As for AC, I'll be lining up early.

Thank You, Morrissey - my friends were so tired of my dark, fatal mood...
I've never been there, so I'm not sure at all. yeah i'm totally gonna try to sneak into the pit. i'm hoping there will be a huge rush. if thats the case, with me being only 5 rows back, it shouldn't be too hard. im hoping. we'll see! :)

We'll have to meet up then
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