Opening blast


Hi do you think that they intended the opening of the "National front disco" to sound like a double barreled shotgun blast? you know the loud "DUN DUN", its more violent and obvious on the Beethoven Was Deaf live version.

The question I am puzzling over is who is Morrissey aiming this audio shotgun at? The immigrants to literally blast them out of the country with a shockwave of noise? or those against immigration, its a difficult riddle to be sure but worth thinking about with this election coming up.

Its also worth noting that the first line of the song is , "David, the wind blows bits of your life away", this may be the wind actually blowing chunks of David's body away as he has just been obliterated by the shotgun blast, but we don't know if David is an immigrant or a local man.
Hi do you think that they intended the opening of the "National front disco" to sound like a double barreled shotgun blast? you know the loud "DUN DUN", its more violent and obvious on the Beethoven Was Deaf live version.

The question I am puzzling over is who is Morrissey aiming this audio shotgun at? The immigrants to literally blast them out of the country with a shockwave of noise? or those against immigration, its a difficult riddle to be sure but worth thinking about with this election coming up.

Its also worth noting that the first line of the song is , "David, the wind blows bits of your life away", this may be the wind actually blowing chunks of David's body away as he has just been obliterated by the shotgun blast, but we don't know if David is an immigrant or a local man.

Oh dear God, please help him/her. How unright can you be.
It's just a musical variation.
Much better exemplified in There is a light that never goes out. Normally used for a pause in the middle of a song, to catch your breath to sing the chorus, or at the end of the song to let you know it's really over. (Oh, how I hate it when a band can't finish a song on stage and drag out the last four bars into a self-indulgent four minute thrash).
But here (TIALTNGO) at the beginning, to wake up the brain so you can sing along from the start. :)

It's better to let the song blow you away and not worry too much about shotguns, Dreamchild. Too great anxiety and you might forget the words.
Hi do you think that they intended the opening of the "National front disco" to sound like a double barreled shotgun blast? you know the loud "DUN DUN", its more violent and obvious on the Beethoven Was Deaf live version.

The question I am puzzling over is who is Morrissey aiming this audio shotgun at? The immigrants to literally blast them out of the country with a shockwave of noise? or those against immigration, its a difficult riddle to be sure but worth thinking about with this election coming up.

Its also worth noting that the first line of the song is , "David, the wind blows bits of your life away", this may be the wind actually blowing chunks of David's body away as he has just been obliterated by the shotgun blast, but we don't know if David is an immigrant or a local man.


Its actually a prediction on David Cameron's rise to ascendancy and the Tories policy on immigration. So you'll have to address Mr Cameron. The "gunshots" evoke imagery of past glorious British 'triumphs' and defeates such as Rorke's Drift, Siege of Khartoum, Trafalgar and Agincourt (where there were no guns but thats not the point.)

Other scholars believe the lyric is about David Bowie giving fascist salutes coked off his noddle in Berlin 1976.

Only Morrissey actually knows but he's not telling.
Oh dear God, please help him/her. How unright can you be.

I think its a very interesting interpretation,as dreamchilds interpretations tend to be.Im now listening to the song and it does sound uncannily like a shotgun blast.But who is the mysterious David?
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I think its a very interesting interpretation,as dreamchilds interpretations tend to be.Im now listening to the song and it does sound uncannily like a shotgun blast.But who is the mysterious David?

David - most likely a cipher in the same vein as "billy onions" or "The Clitheroe Kid" etc. Also my Christian name so it adds a personal touch.
....Never thought of it as a double shotgun blast myself before....just thought it was sub-heavy metal-ish guitar Wankery pankery...

I do like the song ( for the same reason Name is mentioned....),

But it always reminds me of a family of "Neo Facists" who lived next door to me in the 70's-80's....They were seriously screwed up in their Heads, and also the "beliefs" they held about "Nazi"-ism and the NF, etc...( most of them total lies and Holocaust denial stuff they had learned from other NF followers with seedy self-printed booklets....which amazed me, because most of the brood couldn't even READ.....Just imagine THEIR bedtime stories, from Mamma Nazi.....).
Even stranger ( to me, anyway...) they borrowed my "CLASH" 1st album .....and played it....LOTS, but STILL didn't understand the whole "Rock against Racism" thing that was going on in the UK at the time..
...And I never even got the album back......
It's just a musical variation. Much better exemplified in There is a light that never goes out.

The opening of 'There is a Light' always reminds me of the opening of 'There She Goes Again' by 'The Velvet Underground', which is itself based on 'Hitch Hike' by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas.

Wonder which one inspired Morrissey/Marr? I imagine they were fans of both.
I really can't hear it at all??
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