Morrissey "Autobiography" - translation requests rejected, counter to previous information

Information regarding Morrissey's Autobiography

11 April 2014

Morrissey has rejected the many and varied requests to have his Autobiography translated into several languages. As per his wishes, the book will remain a UK Penguin Classic, and will not be printed in the countries listed on this site some months ago.

Very Nigel Farage of Morrissey :D
'White trash' and 'chav' are habituses. (I know you have no f***ing clue what that concept means. It will take far more than a quick Wiki read to grasp it. So don't try to 'pass' as if you understand it.) It's all about culture, not money. Language, mannerisms, tastes of a particular class. I was raised in an upper middle class home. I was indoctrinated into an upper middle class habitus. I could be homeless and I will still have that habitus. You were raised in a trailer then a foster home. You have a lower class habitus. You could win the lottery tomorrow and you will still have a white trash (lower class) habitus. Think of the show The Beverly Hillbillies. You can post a pic of me crawling in a dumpster and I would still retain more class than you in a pic in front of the Louvre. You can't buy a habitus you have to earn it. It is like religion, indoctrinate early. Of course there are those who are good at passing. But most can't.

You are so disgustingly & unjustifiably arrogant and ignorant. If you have a class type at all, it is surely one you share with sidewalk spit & fresh dog shit on a hot day.
You are so disgustingly & unjustifiably arrogant and ignorant. If you have a class type at all, it is surely one you share with sidewalk spit & fresh dog shit on a hot day.

Nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in that sidewalk doo doo.
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Nanny nanny boo boo stick you head in that sidewalk doo doo.

Is this an example of that class you were talking about? No wonder Steve Croce was drawn to're just another child with an arm to break.
'White trash' and 'chav' are habituses. (I know you have no f***ing clue what thatt concept means. It will take far more than a quick Wiki read to grasp it. So don't try to 'pass' as if you understand it.) It's all about culture, not money. Language, mannerisms, tastes of a particular class. I was raised in an upper middle class home. I was indoctrinated into an upper middle class habitus. I could be homeless and I will still have that habitus. You were raised in a trailer then a foster home. You have a lower class habitus. You could win the lottery tomorrow and you will still have a white trash (lower class) habitus. Think of the show The Beverly Hillbillies. You can post a pic of me crawling in a dumpster and I would still retain more class than you in a pic in front of the Louvre. You can't buy a habitus you have to earn it. It is like religion, indoctrinate early. Of course there are those who are good at passing. But most can't.

Look at Katie. She looks posh, no matter the setting. She has an upper class habitus. :lbf:

Is this posh enough?


You may have been raised in such a way but like you say you're to earn a habitus and same goes for class you have less class than anyone here, not matter how much 'training' you've had.
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Deserve? No they don't. They can learn English--his native tongue. He owes them nothing. Next you are going to want his songs translated and sung in twenty different languages.

Like brilliant lyrics and poetry and literature, Autobiography would lose much of its charm and greatness if translated. It wouldn't be the same book. Period.

His ethnic fans don't DESERVE it??? Seriously? They can learn English??! You have your head so far up your ass Jen.
If you are as smart as you claim to be, you'd know that there are translations of many other books and classics..

I could go on, but there's no point in having a discussion with a brick wall.
'White trash' and 'chav' are habituses. (I know you have no f***ing clue what that concept means. It will take far more than a quick Wiki read to grasp it. So don't try to 'pass' as if you understand it.) It's all about culture, not money. Language, mannerisms, tastes of a particular class. I was raised in an upper middle class home. I was indoctrinated into an upper middle class habitus. I could be homeless and I will still have that habitus. You were raised in a trailer then a foster home. You have a lower class habitus. You could win the lottery tomorrow and you will still have a white trash (lower class) habitus. Think of the show The Beverly Hillbillies. You can post a pic of me crawling in a dumpster and I would still retain more class than you in a pic in front of the Louvre. You can't buy a habitus you have to earn it. It is like religion, indoctrinate early. Of course there are those who are good at passing. But most can't.

Look at Katie. She looks posh, no matter the setting. She has an upper class habitus. :lbf:

Is this posh enough?


Haha, your psyche really is f***ed up. You have a lot of issues. And by issues I don't mean issues of Pretentious Atheist Debater Weekly. I mean issues in your head which cause you to write such atrocious scripture here on these boards.

You are wack.
Biography is different from autobiography. Many bios are written by 'adequate' writers. Especially celebrity bios like the one you mentioned. Of course this is not often the case. Many biographies are skillfully and artistically crafted by brilliant wordsmiths. But an autobiography, especially one written by a person who is a lyricist by trade, is different. It is an work of art. Every Briticism and cheeky phrase has its place and purpose. How does one translate Morrisseyisms? Can that even be done?

My Lady excuse me but i must disagree with you.I am a Greek fan.And from my language you use at least 300 words,par example.philosophy,mathematics.kosmos etc.You have read works of Aristotelis or Hraklitos in ancient Greek?My point is that we dont talk about Shakespeare even if i adore MOZ.Thank you for your time.
Haha, your psyche really is f***ed up. You have a lot of issues. And by issues I don't mean issues of Pretentious Atheist Debater Weekly. I mean issues in your head which cause you to write such atrocious scripture here on these boards.

You are wack.

I love the top quality leather sofa looks like a really good hide that does.

Chester Field
Haha, your psyche really is f***ed up. You have a lot of issues. And by issues I don't mean issues of Pretentious Atheist Debater Weekly. I mean issues in your head which cause you to write such atrocious scripture here on these boards.

You are wack.

Re: Would you let Moz shit on you?

I would. If I was drunk enough.

No qualms

Btw I'm quite drunk

I've sobered up and still would let him.

Not on my face I don't think. Maybe on my chest or feet.

Is it gay if a woman rims a man?

I didn't even do it for that long.

I called you fat as you keep posting pics of clavicles and trying to shame me for being thin. It isn't working. You could not pay me enough to be your size. You are fat. And not f.i.t. You are disgusting--a real chub scout, without the scout part. Why do you think everyone is repulsed by your sex talk? Because you are the most unsexy person they have come across online. You are like a horny dog that humps pillows. You are vile. No one wanks to see your selfies. No one ever responds positively to you posting them. And yet, you continue to post them. Why? For attention? To make people ill? Makes no sense. We know what you look like. We don't need reminded every freaking week.

You are in denial if you think fat is good for you, or society. Curves are one thing. You have rolls. You have no shape, thus you are forced to wear mom jeans, sweatpants, and over-sized t-shirts. If you lost weight your boobies would shrink. You said if you had the money you would have a reduction. Boobs are fat. Go on a diet, girl! Shrink those puppies the all-natural way. Then get the excess skin trimmed later. Carrying those boulders around can't be doing your back any favors. And that rub-rash between your legs you get after walking around all day... no wonder you had to sit down and take a post-on-Solo break, when you were at the fattest place on earth. Fat is not fun.

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You're not clever, just fat.

'White trash' and 'chav' are habituses. (I know you have no f***ing clue what that concept means. It will take far more than a quick Wiki read to grasp it. So don't try to 'pass' as if you understand it.) It's all about culture, not money. Language, mannerisms, tastes of a particular class. I was raised in an upper middle class home. I was indoctrinated into an upper middle class habitus. I could be homeless and I will still have that habitus. You were raised in a trailer then a foster home. You have a lower class habitus. You could win the lottery tomorrow and you will still have a white trash (lower class) habitus. Think of the show The Beverly Hillbillies. You can post a pic of me crawling in a dumpster and I would still retain more class than you in a pic in front of the Louvre. You can't buy a habitus you have to earn it. It is like religion, indoctrinate early. Of course there are those who are good at passing. But most can't.

Look at Katie. She looks posh, no matter the setting. She has an upper class habitus. :lbf:

Is this posh enough?

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I don't care if I said that I'd let Moz shit on me or I've rimmed my boyfriend. Even a reactionary snivelling little shit like you can see it's all a joke. I couldn't give a gnats ballsack if I'm not coming across as a prudish, uptight high society dame. I come here to share my Morrissey love and my dark, misanthropic humour.

Now trot along so you can scan through the boards and dig up some more of my posts you efficient little busy body you. Well done. X
My Lady excuse me but i must disagree with you.I am a Greek fan.And from my language you use at least 300 words,par example.philosophy,mathematics.kosmos etc.You have read works of Aristotelis or Hraklitos in ancient Greek?My point is that we dont talk about Shakespeare even if i adore MOZ.Thank you for your time.

Huh? :confused:
His ethnic fans don't DESERVE it??? Seriously? They can learn English??! You have your head so far up your ass Jen.
If you are as smart as you claim to be, you'd know that there are translations of many other books and classics..

I could go on, but there's no point in having a discussion with a brick wall.

I was arguing form Moz's hypothetical position. Don't you think his reasoning is similar to the one I presented? Yes, I am speculating. But what other reason would he have for not wanting it translated? Yes, Penguin Classics are translated. Usually after the authors are long dead and can't object. The publishing house has nothing to lose by translating the books and everything to gain. It isn't personal for them. It's business.
An upper middle class habitus would never breed someone with the need to claim association to that habitus.

What planet are you from? Ever hear of the concept, conspicuous consumption? Oh yeah, the wealthy want you to know they are wealthy. And they do like to talk about class. Just don't talk about money. That would be rude.
Just looked at the photo of Moz sitting by Steve Cochran’s Hollywood Star in the related post, and realized that the star is directly outside of Capitol Records and was posted in December. Had anyone pieced together that this could have been a secret True To You clue in advance of the announcement that Moz had signed with Capitol?

Nice work.
You may have been raised in such a way but like you say you're to earn a habitus and same goes for class you have less class than anyone here, not matter how much 'training' you've had.

Well, that is a stretch. But you are entitled to your opinion.

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You definitely have folders labeled with posters' names on your desktop. And too much free time. See my siggy V V V.
Re: No translations of autobiography. Not impressed at all!

Readily available? How poetic. It would be a book rewritten by someone else. It would not longer be HIS Autobiography but a biography of sorts. Translator bias/interpretation can't be avoided. Look how many of us read the same English version and interpreted THAT differently. Imagine going from English to Japanese. Many English words have no counterpart in Japanese. Ever try reading eastern philosophy in English? Try getting your head around the concept of 'no self' after being raised in the west where everything is about the self.

You have lived in the racist state of AZ for too long. Besides that and more to the point you're incredibly ignorant for an intellectual. How many of the ideas you parrot in English were written in other languages? You read Aristotle in Greek? And of course all of your criticisms of religion are totally invalid if you haven't studied the original texts. Thanks for showing your own special brand of ignorance.

No but you might. White Trash think they belong to a class higher than their own because of a false sense of sophistication based on material possession. They feel entitled that they possess something and often brag about that thing, whether it be a flat screen from Wal Mart, a raised truck they can't afford the payments of, or an intellectualism gleaned off reading most of some Slate articles. White Trash people often decorate using card tables, plastic patio furniture and Marlboro shopping baskets stolen from the local drug store. THIS is an example of an AD HOMINEM attack.
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The peacock reference was a simple observation of what you often do. You try to make other people look stupid. You do it every day. It is your modus operandi.

"most of some" is brilliant.
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